د میلیتوس او تیماګوراس The Greek myth of Meletus and Timagoras - Pashto (original) (raw)
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The Characters of Theophrastus, A Translation from Greek into Arabic
National Center for Translation, 2013
The Characters (οἱ Ἤθηκοι Χαρακτῆρες ) by Theophrastus (Θεόφραστος), Aristotle’s student and successor as the head of the Lyceum (τὸ Λύκειον), is a small book that has nevertheless had a significant impact across the ages. It is the first to analyze characters using an approach that comes so close to psychoanalysis, and shows a character’s behavior in the light of the moral flaw it is branded with. It also shows its relation with society and how far people accept or repel such a character. The book is so condensed that the reader would suspect the writer may have withheld information or further details. In fact, what Theophrastus provides makes readers eager for more as they are amused by its true-to-life portrayal. This book inspired Menander (Μένα;νδρος) as a number of researchers contend that the Greek dramatist drew heavily on " The Characters" in portraying his comic characters, especially as he was a friend and student of Theophrastus. " The Characters" describes the behavior of thirty characters each with a moral flaw that Theophrastus brilliantly analyzes, revealing the distinctive features of their actions. His style is lucid but also requires great effort to understand its subtle purpose and implications. The hardest problem readers may encounter is the close resemblance between the features of one character flaw and another. Three flaws overlap to the extent that some readers fail to accurately distinguish between them: the frugal (ὁ Μικρολόγος), the niggardly (ὁ Ανελεύθερος), and the miserly (ὁ Αἰσχρπκέρδης). In our Arab cultural heritage, the three shades are classified under miserliness, but Theophrastus contradistinguishes them with rare skill, describing the traits that make each one different from the other two. Further, the Greek words for the three character flaws help the reader perceive the subtle differences between them. Similarly, the behavior of three characters is marked by hypocrisy, namely; the hypocrite (ὁ Εἴρων), the flatterer (ὁ Κόλαξ), and the sycophant (ὁ Ἄρεσκος). Another trio is characterized by pride and conceit: the boastful (ὁ Μικροφιλότιμος), the conceited (ὁ ἀλαζών), and the arrogant (ὁ "Υπερήφανος). The behavior of six other characters can be described as rough, insolent, and obscene. These are the impertinent (ὁ Αὐθάδης), the unrefined (ὁ Ἄγρικος), the low (ὁ Απονενοημένος), the loathsome (ὁ Βδελυρός), the repugnant (ὁ Δυσχερής), and the impudent (ὁ Ἀηδής). Also, there are five characters whose behavior exhibits dullness and degradation: the crude (ὁ Ἄκαιρος), the prying (ὁ Περίεργος), the shameless (ὁ Ἀναίσχυντος), the insensitive (ὁ Ἀναίσθητος), and the opsimath (ὁ Ὀψιμαθής). Chattering, gossip, and lying mark the behavior of five other characters: the querulous (ὁ Μεμψίμοιρος), the prattler (ὁ Ἀδολέσχος), the loquacious (ὁ Λαλός), the backbiter (ὁ Κακόλογος), and the fabricator (ὁ Λογοποιός). The behavior of three characters comes under cowardice and suspicion: the pessimist (ὁ Δεισιδαίμων), the skeptical (ὁ Ἀπιστος), and the coward (ὁ Δείλος). There are two characters whose behavior is characterized by aberrance and domineeringness: the authoritarian (ὁ Ὀλιγαρχικός) and the accomplice, or the person who is associated with wicked people (ὁ Φιλοπόνηρος). يعد كتاب " طبائع الشخصيات" للفيلسوف ثيوفراسطوس، تلميذ أرسطو وخليفته في رئاسة مدرسة الليقيون، من الكتب الصغيرة التي كان لها أثر كبير عبر العصور. وهو أول كتاب في التحليل النفسي، يعرض من خلاله سلوك بعض الشخصيات المرذولة في المجتمع، ومدى تقبل المجتمع أو رفضه لمثل هذه الشخصيات .ويقدم ثيوفراسطوس في هذا الكتاب سلوك مجموعة من الشخصيات المعيبة في المجتمع التي عايشها في أثينا في تلك الحقبة الزمنية. وقد اعتمد ميناندروس – شاعر الكوميديا اليونانية الحديثة وتلميذ ثيوفراسطوس- بشكل كبير على ما ذكره ثيوفراسطوس في تصوير شخصياته الهزلية . وفي كتاب " طبائع الشخصيات" يقدم لنا ثيوفراسطوس السمات السلوكية لثلاثين شخصية من الشخصيات المعيبة الأخلاقية والتي يحللها ثيوفراسطوس ببراعة فائقة، ويكشف عن السمات السلوكية المميزة لكل شخصية منها على حدة . ويتميز أسلوبه بالوضوح، على الرغم من أنه يحتاج لجهد كبير لفهم ما يرمي إليه من تلك الشخصيات التي رسمها من واقع الحياة في القرن الخامس قبل الميلاد . ويعد هذا العمل أول دراسة في التحليل النفسي لطبيعة البشر، كما يعد ثمرة هامة من ثمار ذلك التطور الفكري والعقلي، الذي طرأ على فكر البشر وعلى نظرتهم للحياة، ومصدراً مهماً للمعلومات عن الحياة السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية خلال تلك الفترة، فضلاً عن أنه يقدم لنا صورة متكاملة لمظاهر السلوك الاجتماعي والعلاقات الأسرية بين الأفراد ومن أصعب المشكلات التي تواجهنا في هذا العمل هو وجود تشابه كبير وتقارب في المعنى بين عدد من شخصياته. فهناك ثلاثة شخصيات متقاربة في المعنى إلى حد كبير مما يصعب على القراء التمييز بينها بدقة، مثل: "الشحيح"(mikrologos)، "والمقتر" (aneleutheros)، "والبخيل"(aischerokerdês) . ففي تراثنا الثقافي العربي يتم تصنيف الشخصيات الثلاثة تحت سمة البخل، ولكن ثيوفراستوس استطاع التمييز بينها بمهارة نادرة ، وقدم وصفا يجعل كل منها يختلف عن الأخرى. هذا بالإضافة إلى أن القارئ اليوناني يستطيع التمييز بينها بيسر وسهولة وإدراك الفروق الدقيقة بينهما. وبالمثل، فهناك ثلاثة شخصيات يتسم سلوكها بالنفاق، وهي: المرائي (eirôn)، والمداهن (kolax)، والمتزلف (areskos) ؛ وهناك ثلاثة شخصيات يتسم سلوكها بالأنانية والخيلاء، وهي: المتباهي (mikrophilotimos)، والمختال (alazôn)، والمتكبر (hyperêphanos)؛ وهناك ستة شخصيات يمكن تتسم بالغلظة والفحش، وهي: الوقح (authadês)، والجلف(agroikos)، والخسيس (aponenoêmenos)، والمنفر (bdelyros)، والبغيض (duscherês)، والمقزز (aêdês)) ؛ هناك أيضا خمسة شخصيات يتسم سلوكها بالبلادة وانعدام الذوق، وهي: عديم الكياسة (akairos)، والفضولي (periergos)، وعديم الخجل (anaischyntos)، ومتبلد الحس (anaisthêtos)، وطالب العلم بعد فوات الأوان (opsimathês) ؛ وعن الثرثرة والنميمة والكذب يقدم لنا خمسة شخصيات، وهي: النمام (adoleschos)، والثرثار (lalos)، والمغتاب (kakologos)، ومختلق الأكاذيب (logopoios) ، والمتذمر (mempsimoiros)؛ وهناك ثلاثة شخصيات يأتي سلوكها في إطار الجبن والشك، وهي: المتطير (deisidaimôn)، والمرتاب (apistos)، والجبان(deilos) ؛ وهناك نوعان من الشخصيات التي تتميز بالضلال والاستبداد، وهي: المتسلط (oligarchikos) ، وصديق الأوغاد (philoponêros).
سیمیوس(Semiosis) وهكو بهرههمهێنهرێ دهلالهتا تێكستێ ئهدهبیێ ئافراندى
Humanities Journal of University of Zakho
ئهڤ ڤهكۆلینه ههولدانهكه ژ بۆ دیاركرناچهوانیا كاركرنا سیمیۆس (Semiosis)ێ ژ بۆ بهرههمئینانا دهلالهتان دناڤ تێكستێن ئهدهبیێن ئافراندیدا،چونكى ئهڤ چهنده،ئانكو شلۆڤهكرنا نیشانێن تێكستێن ئهدهبیێن ئافراندى لدویڤ كاركرنا (سیمیۆس)ێ،دێ ڤهكۆلهر شێت زێدهتر دناڤ كویراتیا دهلالهتا ڤهشارتیا تێكستیدا چیته خار و ئهوێ دهلالهتا ڤهشارتى دیاركهت.سهرهڕاى ئهڤێ گرنگیا(سیمیۆس) ژ بۆ بهرههمئینانا دهلالهلهتا نیشانان بخوهڤه دبینیت بهلێ تاكو نهۆ چ ڤهكۆلین یان نامهیێن ئهكادیمیێن تایبهت ب ئهڤى بابهتیڤه دناڤ رهخنا ئهدهبیا كوردیدا بهرچاڤ نهكهتینه.مه د ئهڤێ ڤهكۆلینا بناڤونیشانێ(سیمیۆس -Semiosis- وهكو بهرههمهێنهرێ دهلالهتا تێكستێ ئهدهبیێ ئافراندى:پڕاكتیزهكرن لسهر هۆزانا-باران- یا محهمهد عهلى یاسین تاها)، بابهتێ(سیمیۆس)ى ژلایێ پێكهات و ماهییهتێڤه بهرجهستهكریه و تێگهه و پێناسا(سیمیۆس)ى كریه،دیسان مه جهێ(سیمیۆس)ى و رهگهزێن پێكهینهر و چهوانیا كاركرنا سیمیۆسێ دناڤ پێكهاتا زانستێ(سیمیۆلۆژ)یدا دیاركرنه،پشتى هینگێ مه (سیمیۆس)ێ ئهڤان ههرد...
المنافی فی مصر عصر سلاطین الممالیک دمیاط نموذجًا 648- 923ه/ 1250- 1517م
During the Mamlukids' era, the exile punishment was imposed without a juridical verdict, but by the Sultans' decrees, or through the de facto ruler in the state. This exile was enforced for several reason mostly political, which reflects the nature of Muamluk rule, who rely on fights and competition for power. This paper will not examine the exile as punishment and its reasons, but rather will illustrate the degrees of exile punishment, and the cities utilized by the Mamluk sultans as a place of exile, weather these cities were in Egypt or Syria or Hejaz, within the Mamluk sultanate. At the same time, it will focus mainly on Egyptian cities, especially Damietta. This will not be a mere description but rather an attempt to answer the most significant question, i.e. what are the variances between these cities in their function as exile places? Was the exile punishment was merely deportation?. If so the case, why the exile was mainly towards Egyptian cities as a place of exile? Key words: exile-Damietta-prison-Alexandriabanished princes-restriction-freedom of movement.
گۆڤاری توێژەر لە زانكۆی سۆران, 2017
This Research labeled (Identity of Native Speaker between Myth and Science “conceptual Misunderstanding of English Scientific Term of – SCIENCE – for Grade One”).The research attempt to analysis the importance of Native Speaker concept in language, especially in Kurdish language. According to the Applied Linguistics particularly Language Identity connotation, the research endeavor to represent the value of Native Speaker and Identity of Native Speaker. Core idea of this research it’s an important of Mather Language concept, witch is a First Language (L1) of Native Speaker, and we’re believes that (L1) isn’t just a basis for survive languages, but also it’s a basis for facilitation the learning process and mentality development of Native Speaker. So the learning process of Native Speaker in his Mather Language make his learning process faster and easer, also keep him away from conceptual Misunderstanding of scientific term in both natural and human Sciences. According to this construal the research divided to main two chapters, in the first chapter we venture to represent and evaluation for “Identity of Native Speaker between Myth and Science”. In the second chapter “Native Speaker as an Identity” attempt practically to illustrate the basic construal to understanding the two concepts “Identity and Language Identity” and in this chapter represent a unique analysis to quantity and quality of losing Identity of Native Speaker and his negative dimensions for Native Speaker and his learning process, and Mather Language. As a practical method in this research we took all the English Scientific Term in the “SCIENCE” book for Grade One, witch learnt in English language/Foreign Language in KRG, and we attempt to analysis them according to Semantic Frame theory in Cognitive Semantics in the Cognitive Linguistics. In this practical section according to our theory and methodology we make a critical reading to the book, and show the positive and negative side of it, also we make an evaluation for the cause of conceptual misunderstanding in the book, and represent all this evaluation in analyzing comparative nine tables.
Asāsiyyātu Tarbiyyat Al-ʻulūm Al-Laduniyyah Fī Al-Tafsīr
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an
Laduni science is an extraordinary event that can be said to be beyond human behavior and this can be proof that Allah knows everything. In addition, it is also a reminder for us that even though humans have intelligence, they still cannot reveal all the secrets of God Almighty. Actually there is no definite theory to arrive at knowledge of laduni science, because it depends entirely on who will provide knowledge about the science. In contrast to science which is included in the category of exact knowledge, it is largely determined by one's perseverance. The more diligent and diligent in learning, the smarter and gain a lot of knowledge. And we will discuss in this article the basics of laduni science education in the interpretation of the Qur'an. Among them are verses and hadiths that discuss laduni science and comments by Sufis about laduni education.
Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2021
The research employed a research and development method modified from Borg and Gall, consisting of needs assessment, design, and development. The research objectives were to portray the material of teaching Arabic written in class ten at Islamic senior high school and design a model of enrichment material graded and used independently for the students who graduated from public junior high schools. The study showed that the students who graduated from public junior high school and continued study to Islamic senior high school must be assisted by an enrichment material for their independent study because the existing material did not match their previous knowledge. In this research, a model of teaching material was designed based on three characteristics; first, readability is the main character of supporting teaching material. Secondly, grammar and daily culture made it easier to grab meaning and were thirdly graded and comprehensive. The teaching material was accompanied by audio ma...
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Lisanan Arabiya: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2021
As it is known that micro-teaching at the Islamic University of Jember is carried out through "youtube" during the Covid-19 pandemic, but the learning process cannot be separated from challenges and problems. A qualitative descriptive approach was used in this study. Collecting data by observation, interviews, and documentation. and data analysis used by Mills and Huberman three methods, namely data reduction, presentation, and inference. This study aims to describe the application of micro-teaching practices to improve speaking skills in Arabic education study programs during the pandemic. The results showed that the practice of micro-teaching at the Islamic University of Jember was carried out through "youtube" during the Covid 19 pandemic. The challenge is that qualified teacher candidates must be able to adapt to all circumstances so that education continues, while one of the obstacles is that some students find it difficult to the learning process because t...