Ahmad Faudzi Musib, Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda, Gisa Jähnichen, Xiao Mei (2023). ETHICS OF SOUND QUALITY IN ONLINE TEACHING, LEARNING AND CONFERENCING: PERSPECTIVES GAINED DURING THE COVID PANDEMIC, IASA Journal 53: 50-59. (original) (raw)
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Challenges and Constraints of Using Audio in Online Music Education
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Auditory Display - ICAD 2017, 2017
Several online music courses have been developed lately by educational companies. In addition, many universities have been offering music online degree programs. Since these courses and programs are taught through distance education, many ICTs are used such as: recorded video, online software, social networks, and audio. Although audio is widely used in the online courses and degree programs that aim to teach applied music, only a few research reports have been published recently about this subject. This paper intends to clarify-through a literature review-some questions concerning this use and also aims to provide a discussion regarding the challenges and constraints of using audio in online applied music lessons. It is also hoped that the discussions made in this paper may lead to the development of research in the area of online music education as well as in the specific field of sound in learning.
An Academic Live Streaming Multimedia for Video and Audio Workshop
This work creates unlimited privileges for academic users to access videos and audio contents for educational, entertainment, advertisement and other purposes. It allows users to become fully absorbed in its multimedia content by utilizing a variety of multimedia elements such as audio and video elements and its technologies. It creates a support for user reaction, it also provides statistical support to track the period when users listened to an audio or video content. It also provides a functionality for representing speech from audio or video content in text.
Sonification for Everyone Everywhere – Evaluating the Webaudioxml Sonification Toolkit for Browsers
Creating an effective sonification is a challenging task that requires skills and knowledge on an expertise level in several disciplines. This study contributes with WebAudioXML Sonification Toolkit (WAST) that aims at reaching new groups who have not yet considered themselves to be part of the ICAD community. We have designed, built, and evaluated the toolkit by analysing ten student projects using it and conclude that WAST did meet our expectations and that it lead to students taking a deep approach to learning and successfully contributed to reaching the learning outcomes. The result indicates that WAST is both easy-to-use, highly accessible, extensively flexible and offers possibilities to share the sonification in any device’s web browser simply through a web link, and without installations. We also suggest that a sonification toolkit would become an even more creative environment with virtual instruments and mixing features typically found in Digital Audio Workstations.
Teaching a practical audio degree during a pandemic
Journal of The Audio Engineering Society, 2021
The Australian College of the Arts moved an intensely hands-on practical audio production course to online delivery during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Great effort went into ensuring the highest quality in student experience. Furthermore, innovative ways were found to give students hands-on experience even in remote settings. This paper discusses the process and techniques used, as well as the (positive) results than came of this change. Thus, informing the development of a new online audio production course which offered greater access and opportunity for students.
Pixel-Bit. Revista de Medios y Educación., 2019
En la sociedad actual resulta indispensable proporcionar una capacitación adecuada a los futuros docentes para que puedan desarrollar metodologías innovadoras, donde las TIC y los recursos didácticos digitales desempeñan un papel clave y permiten que los conocimientos y habilidades del alumno tengan un desarrollo exitoso. Esta investigación se aborda desde una metodología cuantitativa, mediante el uso de un cuestionario creado ad hoc sobre aprendizaje y la evaluación de la herramienta Audacity para la creación de recursos didácticos digitales en el Grado de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Córdoba. Los resultados muestran una valoración positiva de la experiencia vivida, así como de la herramienta estudiada. In present society it is essential to provide the necessary training to future teachers so they can accomplish innovative teaching and learning methodologies, where ICT and digital learning resources play a key role that will enable the student’s knowledge and skills to be successfully developed. This research is approached from a quantitative methodology, by using a questionnaire created ad hoc about the learning and the assessment of the Audacity software tool for creating digital didactic resources, in the Early Childhood Education Degree from the University of Cordoba. The results obtained show a positive assessment of the tool studied and its subsequent use for audiovisual productions.
The WWW & OVER Project: Real-Time Distance Education and the Role of the Street Singer
This paper describes the state of the "WWW & Over" project to design techniques for the remote control of hypermedia teaching materials. It reviews the main features of the new version of the prototype for distance teaching, where teacher and students interact at a distance in real time on teaching materials created by the teacher. Also described are the first experiments in real distance-teaching processes during a university course, the results of which show that transmitting the video image of the teacher-which is normally regarded as crucial for recreation of the "real" classroom-is not, in face, indispensable. It was found instead that the teacher's voice and its coordination with his/her actions is essential for the success of a distance lesson. Since the project has applicative purposes in environments consisting of low-cost and low-performance networks, this finding on the one hand encourages experimentation with the techniques adopted by "WWW & Over," while on the other, it rules out the use of numerous systems based on audio/video streaming in view of the substantial delay that arises between the real event and its perception by users. (Contains 11 references.) (Author/AEF) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.
Audio as medium for content distribution (providing access to knowledge)
Open Ed, 2010
Reaching and educating the masses to the benefit of all of mankind is the ultimate goal and through the use of this technology facility/tool many can be reached in their own language, in their own community, in their own time and at their own pace. Making this content available to those who will benefit from the information, is vital. These people who want to consume the content are not necessarily that interested in the qualification, they need the information. Making the content available in an auditory format may also help those who may not be as literate as others. The uses of audio/ recorded lessons have a number of uses and should not just be seen as a medium for content distribution to distant communities. Recording lectures makes it possible for a lecturer to present lectures to a vast number of students, while just presenting the lecture once.