EU geopolitical positioning in multipolar world and its impact on the strategic determination of the Republic of Serbia (original) (raw)

Russia's position in the multipolar world and Serbia's strategic options

Srpska politička misao

By relying on realistic theories of international relations, using the methods of content analysis, synthesis and comparison, it is possible to monitor and prove the phenomenon of establishing a balance of power in contemporary international relations. One of the key factors in that process is certainly the Russian Federation. The aspiration to redefine the post-Cold War international order and to shape a new one - multipolar and polycentric, is noticeable in Russia's strategies, as well as in the appearances of officials and concrete actions. Undoubtedly, Russia is positioning itself as one of the independent poles in the changing structure of the world political system, which is why it is necessary to consider the strategic options of the Republic of Serbia in that context. The paper consists of five parts. The introductory part is dedicated to the presentation of the framework - methodological and theoretical, as well as key concepts. The second part explains the structure of...

Geopolitic determinants of the foreign policy positioning of Serbia at the beginning of the 21st century

Medjunarodni problemi, 2017

The foreign policy positioning of the state is a process influenced by at least three indicators: the geographical position, the structure of the world political system (character of the current international relations) and historical experiences. All three of these indicators are related to the phenomenon of spatial (geographical) distribution of the power of key actors of international politics, at the regional or global level, today or in the past. Therefore, we can consider them as geopolitical determinants, In this article, we will present and analyze the geopolitical determinants that are related to all three indicators. The article consists of five parts. The first introductory part is dedicated to explaining what foreign political positioning means and what foreign policy is. The second part deals with geopolitical determinants that affect the country's foreign policy. The third part is devoted to the analysis of geopolitical determinants related to three indicators of t...

Characteristics of the geopolitical environment of the Republic of Serbia: Security and defense aspects

Vojno delo

ладни рат је донео преобликовање безбедносне архитектуре и биполарност је уступила место доминацији Сједињених Америчких Држава и њеном претежном утицају на свеукупност међународних односа. Међутим, теоретичари међународних односа све су гласнији у својим ставовима о наступајућем мултиполаризму који у међународну арену уводи "играче" који озбиљно прете да уздрмају досадашњи доминантан положај Сједињених Америчких Држава. У таквој констелацији снага, (гео)политички положај слабих држава и држава у транзицији, попут Републике Србије, умногоме је детерминисан интересима великих сила.

Cvijic's perception of geographical position of Serbia

Glasnik srpskog geografskog dru?tva, 2008

Jovan Cvijic was a great geographer from the first half of 20th century. In this article, we considered the issue of position and role that Serbia has at Balkan Peninsula, in the context of Cvijic's theory about 'characteristics of integration and permeation', as well as about the opposite 'characteristics of isolation and separation'. This theory has become important in recent time through its relation with the 'center-periphery' theory. The aim of this article is to compare Cvijic's images of the position of Serbia at the first half of 20th century with present situation.

The geopolitical framework of the Serbian strategic culture

Vojno delo

Starting with the definition of the concept of strategic culture and its substantive extension and improvement, the paper examines the links between the geopolitical framework or the geopolitical determination of the state and its strategic culture, in this case - the Serbian state and the Serbian people. By observing the creation of the Serbian identity and the Serbian strategic culture from a historical perspective through the prism of the key geopolitical processes of "long duration" in the Balkans, we further study the specifics of the Serbian identity and the Serbian strategic culture in its contemporary major variants. The second part of the paper then examines the contemporary geopolitical processes in the Balkans and the position in which Serbia and the Serbian people are placed, as well as the perspectives to which they can lead. The final part of the paper, taking all this into account, looks at Serbian possibilities in contemporary geopolitical circumstances to ...

Serbian people under imperial pressure: The position in a geopolitical knot


In this paper, the author is analyzing the geopolitical position of Serbia and Serbian lands while following the historical course of events that changed the realpolitik state of affairs in this area. In the first part of the paper, the author starts with the analysis of geographical characteristics of Serbian state, political and economic environment of Serbia as semi-periphery in relation to the center, as well as the strategic potentials of the territory, waters and aerial space of this region. Leaning on the analyzed characteristics the work further turns its attention towards the geopolitical standing of Serbia and the Serbian people while being focused on a few geopolitical aspects to disassemble the imperial pressures throughout the centuries of Serbian crucifixion as clear as possible.


Politika nacionalne bezbednosti, 2021

In this paper, we deal with the essential question of whether and in what way the current National security strategy of the Republic of Serbia properly valorizes the geopolitical identity of Serbia and the complex geopolitical position of the Serbian people in the Balkans. We define geopolitical identity as the identification of geopolitical selfawareness and continuity in the time and space of a nation, as a relatively objectifying identity-geographical property of a national or religious group which is related to its specific spatial, cultural-civilizational, religious-confessional and political-state form of existence. Thus, the Serbian geopolitical identity is tellurocratic and is the result of historical forced processes of ethno-spatial repression from the Adriatic coast, unification, conversion to Catholicism, Montenegrinization etc. Apart from the characteristics of a territorially locked country, we would like to point out that Serbia has an island position being surrounded by the member states of one alliance and thus isolated within its territorial space. Serbia is surrounded by NATO member countries and as a result, it faces pressures and has difficulty communicating with potential partners, etc. and if relations deteriorate, it will face military, economic, energy and traffic isolation and sanctions. The specificity of the position of the Balkans and thus of Serbia and Serbian countries, creates a geopolitical magnetism that attracts global and regional powers. The parallel and intertwined interests of these forces create a geopolitical knot in this area as a very important geopolitical feature. These are strategic movements and wedges from several different directions. Russia is trying to coordinate the northeast-southwest direction towards the Mediterranean and warm seas. The German factor has been projecting the direction of movement northwest-southeast for decades. The Islamic factor follows the southeast-northwest direction towards the heart of Europe. The United States is expanding its influence in the southwest-northeast direction and is trying to control most other directions, especially those that extend from the circles of their allies. Finally, China is emerging as a new factor projecting the direction of movement to the west, including the Balkans (China + 17 Initiative), which further complicates Serbia's geopolitical position. Therefore, Serbia and Serbian countries are in a dynamic zone that’s geopolitical, geostrategic and geoenergetic characteristics are the key to preserving the global position of the world’s great powers.