Medico-legal evaluation of deaths due to decapitation (original) (raw)

An Autopsy Evaluation of Complete Decapitation Injuries

Complete Decapitations are not uncommon in routine Forensic Autopsies. In this study Complete Decapitations were found in 0.67% of Autopsies of which 96.15% [n-25] were Homicidal and 3.85% [n-1] due to Suicide. Only in 26.92% [n-07] of cases Decapitations were done during the process of death and in 73.08% [n-19] of Decapitations were done Postmortem. The Majority of the Victims belonged to 3rd [n-11] and the 4th [n-10] Decade. The Male to Female Ratio was 2:1. In 21[84%] cases the Head was recovered from the River/riverside Bush, away from the place of residence and in 04 [16%] cases the Head was recovered along with the Torso around the Place of Residence. Major number of cases [n-24] were due to Gang related violence and in 2 cases Love and Sex dominated the incident. In 92.31% [n-24] of cases the C2-3 was involved and in two cases other cervical vertebra were involved. The Thyroid was least affected [n-5] and major number of Decapitations [n-15] were carried out above the Thyroid cartilage and in 6 cases below the thyroid Cartilage. A decapitation was the Proximate Cause of Death in 07 cases, though associated with other nonfatal or near fatal injuries. Decapitations demonstrated extreme degree of violence and Mutilation. It is also a result of high degree of Offensive, Defensive and aggression. Public Display of Head in Complete Decapitation is a method to impose a sense of Fear, it is a mean to Propaganda and Intimidation. Keywords: Complete Decapitations; Homicide; Exsanguinations; Conceal; Postmortem.

Decapitation and Dismemberment of the Corpse: A Matricide Case

Journal of forensic …, 2010

Dismemberment of a corpse has always been viewed by society to be a more hideous crime than the homicide itself. In this study, we present a case of a 57-year-old woman who was decapitated and her right arm and both hands were dismembered. It was determined that the victim was murdered and dismembered by her 33-year-old daughter, who had been receiving treatment for schizophrenia for 15 years. On the victim's head and back there were 71 incised and stab wounds in total. They were superficial, except the five stab wounds which were connected to the right chest cavity and which incapacitated the victim. Although there is not a regulation for the act of dismembering the corpse in the Turkish Penal Code, since this type of case is rare, the crime scene and the autopsy findings were evaluated together with other pertinent data available in the literature.

Patterns in Forensic Decapitations A Review of the Literature and Case Report

Separation of the head from the body can occur for a variety of reasons and in various locations across the neck. This study presents a review of the literature to identify the patterns of decapitations in forensic cases in relation to manner of death, age, and anatomical location (n = 88). The most common manner of death was suicide, followed by homicide and then accident. Ages ranged from 32 weeks prenatal to 85 years. Decapitation is reported at higher rates for individuals between 19 and 65. The majority of decapitations occurred at the midneck (second to fifth cervical vertebrae), followed by the upper neck and then the lower neck. This pattern holds true for all manners of death; however, in homicides, the percentage occurring at the midneck decreases. The findings of this study indicate some patterns in terms of manner of death, age, and location of decapitation, which could aid the medicolegal community in interpreting neck trauma. A case study is also briefly presented to illustrate findings.

Suicidal Hanging Resulting in Complete Decapitation??Forensic, Radiological, and Anthropological Studies: A Case Report

Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2007

The authors report a case of complete posthanging decapitation. The decapitated corpse lay against a pillar of a road bridge. The head had rolled 5 m from the trunk. The bridge was 7.2 m above the road level. The rope was 3.6 m long, its lower end was 3.6 m from the ground and its diameter was 10 mm. The noose used was a slip knot. Plain X-rays of the skull and cervical spine were obtained. The skull X-rays showed air in the meningeal spaces, in both lateral and third ventricles. The severance plane of the cervical spine was between the third and the fourth cervical vertebrae. No other cervical vertebral injuries were noted. At autopsy, the brain was macroscopically unremarkable except for air in the meningeal veins. The decapitation injuries of the head and the torso corresponded perfectly, without apparent loss of substance. The severance plane was confirmed. Dry bone study was carried out. Except for fractures of the extremities of the spinous processes of the second and third cervical vertebrae, no other bone injury of the spine was seen. The cervical vertebrae displayed numerous osteoarthritic lesions. The traditional hangman's fracture was not found. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of complete posthanging decapitation with a severance plane between the third and fourth cervical vertebrae.

Study of autopsy based suicidal hanging

Bangladesh Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2015

Introduction: Hanging is one of the most commonly used methods for suicide in most countries. Commission of suicide by hanging is increasing in the people of Bangladesh. Suicidal hanging is detrimental to social health. Appropriate measures to prevent it are essential. Objectives: To find out the demography, cause and nature of suicidal hanging. Study design: It is a cross sectional type of descriptive study. Setting: Data was collected on predesigned proformas from postmortem reports recorded by the students of DFM and MD in Forensic Medicine at Dhaka medical college during their course. Subject: Autopsy performed on the cases of suicidal hanging at Dhaka Medical College Morgue from September, 2011 to June, 2013. Result: Out of 100 cases, eighty two (82%) were female and the most commonest (50%) age group were from 11-20 years. In 18(18%) cases Dopatta were the commonest material used for hanging. Quarrel with husband 12(12%) were the predominant cause to destroy life. In ninety (9...

A Study on Neck Injuries in Deaths Due to Hanging on Basis of Epidemiological Factors

Asian Journal of Medical Research, 2019

Background: Most of the hanging cases are consider as suicidal until the homicidal and accidental are prove, because both homicidal and accidental hanging are rare. In these cases a watchful forensic examination plays an important role to determine the ante mortem character of the lesion and to exclude causes of hanging other than suicidal hanging. Aim: This study done to know the internal and external assessment findings among hanging cases. Subjects and Methods: Hanging deaths with external neck injuries along with ligature mark were included in this study. In this study a total of 60 cases of deaths due to hanging, was subjected to medico legal autopsy. Results: Most of the cases were observed in the age group of 21-40 years i.e., 41 (69.4%) out of 59 hanging deaths. Out of 59 deaths, 32 (54.2%) were females and 27 (45.7%) were males. Among neck structure injuries, majority of hanging cases had rupture / contusion of sternocleidomastoid and other strap muscles of neck, it was 57.6%. 33.8% cases had carotid intimal tear, 5% cases showed hyoid bone fracture and 3.3% thyroid cartilage. No fractures noted in Cricoid cartilage and cervical vertebra. Conclusion: Social awareness, problem solving and family support of most common age group is extremely necessary.

An Autopsy Study of 68 Cases of Murder Suicides

The present prospective study was carried from 2009 to 2012. During this period a Total of 3907 Homicides were Autopsied, of which 68 cases were recorded due to Murder Suicide Incidents, this contributed to 1.74% of Homicides Cases. A total of 174 victims died as a result of Murder. 89.72%(n-61) of the perpetrators were Male. The Most of the perpetrators belonged to the age group 31-40 years, contributing to 66.18% of the cases , and the least age group involved was between 11-20 and 41-50,contributing to 2.94% of cases. None of the Perpetrators above the age of 50 years were involved. Majority of the Victims were Females contributing to 78.74% (n-137) of cases. The Maximum number of Victims belonged to 31-40 year Age group contributing to 40.08%, the least age group involved was between 11-20 and 41-50,contributing to 7.47% and 12.64% respectively. There were no elderly victims recorded. Majority (30.88%;n-21) of the perpetrators involved were policemen and the least type of individuals involved were Soldiers contributing to 2.94%(n-02) of cases. The Relationship of the Victims revealed Divorced Spouse to be the Major Victims contributing to 29.31%(n-51) of the Victims, followed closely by Girlfriends and Children’s contributing to 16.09%(n-28) each. The least affected were Housewives contributing to 11.49%(n-20) of the Victims. The Extramarital relationship (27.94%;n-19) and Jealousy(25%;n-17) were the Two Major Motives behind the Murder Suicide. The least provoking factors were Work stress(4.41%;n-03) and Disease conditions(2.94%;n-02). 91.18%(n-62) of the Perpetrators committed suicide by Gunshots. The least method adopted to commit suicide was Hanging contributing to 1.47% (n-01). 90.80%(n-158) of the Victims died as a result of Gunshot wounds. The least method adopted to Kill was by Ligature Suspension/ Hanging contributing to 1.72% (n-03) each. The perpetrator preferred in 30.88%( n-21)of Incidents Girlfriends House for Murder, followed closely by acts in Home in 25%( n-17) of cases. The commonest weapon of Choice was Firearm, which contributed to 91.18%(n-62) of the Cases, of which Handguns contributed to 75%(n-51) of cases. The least method adopted was by Ligature Suspension recorded in 1.47%(n-01) of cases. None of the incidents reported Murder and Suicide in different premises. The maximum distance between Suicide and Murder reported was 20 meters. Keywords: Firearm; Death; Motive; Occupation; Psyche; Murder; Suicide; Sharp Force; Hanging.

Homicide by hanging: A case report and its forensic-medical aspects

Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2015

We report a rare case of homicide by hanging. The postmortem examination resulted in a verdict of death by suicidal hanging and the Public Prosecutor's Office released the body for burial. After intervention by the relatives police investigations were resumed. Based on evidence impossible to reconcile with the results of the postmortem examination and requiring further clarification, an autopsy was ordered. The results of the postmortem could not be brought in line with a suicidal hanging and were further substantiated by DNA analysis. The scenario put forward by the defense claiming a secondary transfer of trace evidence onto the ligature and the victim's clothes was excluded because of the distribution pattern and the trace evidence ratio. The defendant was sentenced to 20 years of prison for homicide. The verdict was confirmed by the Supreme Court and commuted to 18 years.

Autopsy Analysis of Suicidal Hanging Cases at Dhaka Medical College

Delta Medical College Journal, 2016

Background: Hanging is one of the common methods of suicide in the world. The rate of suicide by hanging is increasing day by day in Bangladesh. Suicide by hanging is the act of intentionally killing oneself by suspension from an anchor point or ligature point (e.g., an over head beam or hook) by a ligature or jumping from a height with a noose around the neck. Hanging is a very simple method of suicide that does not require complicated techniques. The materials required are easily available, and a wide range of ligature can be used, so most of the people commit suicide by suspension from a height with a ligature around the neck. Objective: The objective of this study was to find out demography of hanging, its distribution according to age group, sex, common ligature materials used by victims, observed post mortem findings and in this way try to identify the causative factors and develop the preventive measures that are essential to reduce death due to hanging. Materials and method: A retrospective study was done on the basis of 3rd copies of postmortem reports preserved in the

Suicidal Decapitation by Guillotine: Case Report and Review of the Literature

Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2012

Crushing head injuries usually do not allow direct visual identification of individuals, and above all, it constitutes an obstacle to comprehensive evaluation of discrete traumatic changes of the skin and soft tissues. We present our experience with the plastic adaptation of devastating head injuries in the two exemplary cases. The principal of the reconstruction is manual repositioning of bone fragments of the cranial and facial parts of the skull and careful approximation of the wound edges and their gradual suture using suture material. The reconstruction method can be recommended as an auxiliary technique in the identification of unknown victims with crushing head injuries and in the evaluation of devastating gunshot wound of the head.