Free Space Optical Communications — Theory and Practices

Contemporary Issues in Wireless Communications, 2014

FSO is a line-of-sight technology that uses lasers to provide optical bandwidth connections or FSO is an optical communication technique that propagate the light in free space means air, outer space, vacuum, or something similar to wirelessly transmit data for telecommunication and computer networking. Currently, FSO is capable of up to 2.5 Gbps [1] of data, voice and video communications through the air, allowing optical connectivity without requiring fiberoptic cable or securing spectrum licenses. Operate between the 780-1600 nm wavelengths bands and use O/E and E/O converters. FSO requires light, which can be focused by using either light emitting diodes (LEDs) or lasers (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). The use of lasers is a simple concept similar to optical transmissions using fiberoptic cables; the only difference is the transmission media. Light travels through air faster than it does through glass, so it is fair to classify FSO as optical communications at the speed of the light. FSO communication is considered as an alternative to radio relay link line-of sight (LOS) communication systems. This chapter is concentrate on ground-to-ground free-space laser communications. FSO components are contain three stages: transmitter to send of optical radiation through the atmosphere obeys the Beer-Lamberts`s law, free space transmission channel where exist the turbulent eddies (cloud, rain, smoke, gases, temperature variations, fog and aerosol) and receiver to process the received signal. Typical links are between 300 m and 5 km, although longer distances can be deployed such as 8-11 km are possible depending

Basic concept of free space optics communication (FSO): An overview

2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2015

Now a days the wireless technology has become popular in the wireless system. FSO is a technology that uses the visible to near infrared (NIR) light propagating through the atmosphere to transmit information. FSO communications are attracting attention as the contemporary engineering science to resolve the last mile bottleneck issues in local area access networks due to their high bandwidth, low cost implementation in a non-licensed spectrum, relatively low power using up and security compared with RF technologies. Equally we know that the free space optical communication is extremely impressed by the various atmospheric conditions which cause the degradation of the carrying out of FSO link. This report introduces the study of the issue of the various atmospheric conditions on the FSO link. This report includes the result of the fog by analysis the various fog models such as Kim Model, Kruse Model. And also analysis the wet and dry snow over the FSO links.

Free Space Optical Communication Systems

SPIE eBooks, 2009

Free space optical (FSO) communication has emerged as a viable technology for broadband wireless applications. FSO technology offers the potential of high bandwidth capacity over unlicensed optical wavelengths. On long-range FSO links, atmospheric turbulence causes intensity fluctuations, which degrades links performance. The performance of an optical link can be improved by the use of a time delayed diversity technique, which takes advantage of the fact that the atmospheric path from transmitter to receiver is statistically independent for time intervals beyond the coherence time of the intensity fluctuations. Communications performance is improved because the joint probability of error is less than the probability of error from individual channels. Theoretical analysis and experimental investigation were conducted to assess and characterize the performance of a time delayed diversity FSO system. Two experiments were conducted: inside our laboratory under simulated convective turbulence and inter-building in clear atmospheric turbulence. In both cases, time delayed diversity system is shown to offer a notable performance improvement compared to a non-diversity FSO system, where the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) performance can gain up to 4.7 dB and the bit error rate (BER) performance is doubled. These experimental studies confirm the effectiveness of a time delayed diversity technique to mitigate turbulence induced fading, and its optimality in a dual diversity scheme. This is the first published report of theoretical and experimental performance characteristics of FSO communication system utilizing time delayed diversity technique. FSO technology has also emerged as a key technology for the development of rapidly deployable and secure communication and surveillance networks. In networking applications, broadcasting capability is frequently required to establish and maintain inter-node communications. One approach to deal with the broadcasting issue in FSO networking is the use of omnidirectional FSO links, which is based on non-directed line-of-sight (LOS) technique. Prototype omnidirectional FSO transceiver had been constructed and their performance investigated. Although omnidirectional FSO links cannot provide the performance of directional ones, the results suggest that they could be used in sensor networks or as alternative for traditional wireless networks, when the use of radio frequency (RF) technology is prohibited.

Free Space Optical Communication: The Main Challenges and Its Possible Solution


Free Space Optics (FSO) is a promising solution for very high data rate point-to- point communication. Recently, it has received significant attention as a possible alternative to overcome the bottleneck connectivity problem and as a supplement to more conventional RF/microwave links. FSO communications has become attractive for a number of reasons including unlicensed spectrum and a narrow beam width. Moreover, FSO becomes the best solution to solve the problems occurred in conventional wireless system by using optical fiber because it uses laser light to transmit data between two points. The FSO uses beam of light to provide optical connection that can send and receive video, voice, and data information. In this paper Free Space Optical communication concept will be introduced. In addition, the performance of FSO communication link will analysis and illustrates its main challenges and it possible solutions.

Free Space Optical Communication

Free Space Optical Communication, 2015

With the worldwide demand for larger bandwidth & greater mobility there is a rapid advancement in the area of broadband wireless communications. The high capacity & low loss of optical fibre has seen its exploding growth in the last few decades in the WAN's and LAN's. But, there is a disadvantage in optical fibre cable communication is that optical fibre gets damaged in a long distance installation. So, the Free Space Optical (FSO) wireless communication has emerged as a viable technology for bridging the gap in existing high data rate fibre network and as a temporary backbone for rapidly deployable mobile wireless communication infrastructure. In the recent past, free-space optical communication (FSO) proved to be an important replacement to radio frequency communication. In this paper, a brief description about free space optical (FSO) communication and its connectivity with central cellular network is explained. This paper also provides the information about the role of free space optics in the central cellular network which contains a RF network, which has connections within the Radio Access Network (RAN) & the Central Network (CN) for connecting the mobile user subscriber to the Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN) and Internet. Moreover, free space optical communication paves the way for a high bandwidth requiring applications, high transmission security, full duplex transmission and protocol transparency will give a broader view to free space optical communication.

A Survey of Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Systems, Links, and Networks

IEEE Access

The next generation (NG) optical technologies will unveil certain unique features, namely ultra-high data rate, broadband multiple services, scalable bandwidth, and flexible communications for manifold end-users. Among the optical technologies, free space optical (FSO) technology is a key element to achieve free space data transmission according to the requirements of the future technologies, which is due to its cost effective, easy deployment, high bandwidth enabler, and high secured. In this article, we give the overview of the recent progress on FSO technology and the factors that will lead the technology towards ubiquitous application. As part of the review, we provided fundamental concepts across all types of FSO system, including system architecture comprising of single beam and multiple beams. The review is further expanded into the investigation of rain and haze effects toward FSO signal propagation. The final objective that we cover is the scalability of an FSO network via the implementations of hybrid multi-beam FSO system with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology.

Review of Free Space Optical Communication: Advantages and Disadvantages

Free-space optical communication (FSO) is a revolutionary technology that utilizes optical signals to transmit data wirelessly, providing a viable alternative to conventional wired systems. This paper aims to explore the FSO system, analyze previous research, and discuss the challenges associated with information transmission in FSO networks, particularly under adverse weather conditions that can lead to weakened signals. FSO technology has garnered significant attention due to its numerous advantages, such as high data rates, quick installation, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced security. Many researchers have delved into this field, contributing valuable insights and advancements in the FSO domain. However, one of the major challenges faced by FSO systems is their sensitivity to weather conditions in the vicinity of the transmitter site. Adverse weather factors, such as rain, fog, snow, and dust, can attenuate the optical signals, leading to a reduction in signal strength and potentially affecting data transmission reliability.

Next Generation Free Space Optics System in Wireless Communication Technology

Over the last two decades free-space optical communication (FSO) has become more and more interesting as an adjunct or alternative to radio frequency communication. Free-space optical (FSO) communication links are most susceptible to a tremendous amount of variability and offer a real challenge for efficient, robust system method of transmitting information from one place to another by sending pulses of light through an optical fiber is Fiber-optic communication , FSO communication systems will provide a large dynamic range of performance through most cases .It is a line-of-sight (LOS) technology that transmits a modulated beam of visible or infrared light through the atmosphere for broadband communications. In a way similar to fiber optical communications, free space optics uses a light emitting diode (LED) or laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) as a point source for data transmission. However, in free space optics, an energy beam is collimate...

Free Space Optics (FSO): A Promising Solution to First and Last Mile Connectivity (FLMC) in the Communication Networks

International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies, 2020

We are running in the communication era demanding a very large bandwidth for high speed applications. Among the available bandwidth technologies, the optical fiber seems the most appropriate and best fit. The optical fiber technology laid down at the backbone networks has almost replaced the preexisting coax cables. To extend fiber connectivity to the end user, especially in congested and remote areas is quite a difficult task in the context to cost and installation time. Therefore, the first and last mile connectivity (FLMC) is still a bottleneck in extending the beauty of optical fiber to the edge of the network. In most of the applications, the connectivity from backbone to the end user is carried out with the radio or copper links having a much lesser capacity than optical fiber. Keeping in view the nature and size of emerging applications, the FLMC needs to be addressed with the appropriate technology. To address this issue, the emerging solution is optical wireless communication like free space optics (FSO). The FSO is coming as a more promising alternative due to its properties like huge bandwidth and less cost. In this paper, we discuss the possible solution to first and last mile connectivity by FSO links and hence the gap between the optical core and the edge of network can be bridged by FSO communication in reliable and cost effective manner. The significance of the proposed work gives an everlasting impression of using FSO communication in FLMC over the existing ones. The ever increasing demand of high bandwidth can be meticulously met with the FSO communication. The simulation results show that the desirable performance is achieved and is analyzed with performance indicators like Q-factor and BER.

IJERT-Literature Survey and issue on Free Space Optical Communication System

International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2015 Present communication era demand a communication link with high bandwidth, maximum performance, minimum errors and good channel capacity. All these can be well achieved by using free space optical communication system. Because FSO system does not require any license for its establishment and the working. Now this paper consists of detailed survey of FSO system, its advantages, disadvantages and different applications. In FSO system no. of modulation techniques used to modulate information signal at source side like: AM, FM, IM, OOK etc. each FSO system uses a high-power optical transmitter for transmit source signal towards destination and receiving side high sensitivity receiver used. But the atmospheric attenuation is major challenge for faced by FSO systems which affect the performance of the link. The other factors which can affect the FSO are humidity, water vapour, signals absorption, smoke, beam scintillation, spreading and wandering are some of the factors.