The Educational Value of Digital Games: Possibilities and Limitations of the

… Games as Educational and Management Tools, 2011

Games have always been present in the development of the human society, facilitating ways of social interaction and contributing to the maturation of culture. Today, digital games present themselves as one of the most common forms of entertainment, especially for children and teenagers, combining the playful factor with pedagogical advantages, promoting changes in terms of cognitive, behavioral and psychomotor skills in its users. The use of digital games in educational contexts encourages active, critical, autonomous and ...

Learning by digital games design in the children’s teaching and learning process: Issues and challenges

The development and rapidity on the usage of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the community showed that the education system in this region is utilizing more of ICT in managing various challenges in the world's education system. Learning by design approach has the potential to be one of the most popular approaches among teachers to achieve the objective of children's learning. This article discussed three issues and challenges in implementing this approach-i) community's perception on digital games, ii) teacher's practices in implementing learning by design through digital games, and iii) children's level of creativity and skills in designing digital games for the learning process in the classroom. This article also discussed on the solutions for each issue to ensure the teaching and learning process could be stabilized to produce competitive and highly skilled digital generation.

Applying Digital Games as an Educational Tool into the School Curriculum

Modern technologies such as information technology and educational technology have become an integral part of modern society. With this technological development, teaching styles have changed. Modern educational technology has had a substantial impact on the process, techniques, etc. used by educators. In order to incorporate game-based learning into student education, a better understanding of the advantages and methods for application are required for both teachers and researchers. This paper is intended to provide guidance on how to properly develop a digital game for educational purposes, and focuses on how to determine the appropriate structure for the game itself as well as the appropriate techniques for incorporating digital games into school syllabi. In this paper we will measure the effectiveness of digital games that are already in use with the intention of justifying a collaboration between the education system and digital games, while at the same time acknowledging that the education provided by digital games is not as holistic as it may be considered, and it must be carefully integrated into school curriculum in order to be effective. In addition, this paper considers which factors can increase both student engagement and the level of their educational knowledge.

Learning by Digital Games Design in Children’s Teaching and Learning Process: Issues and Challenges


The development and rapidity on the usage of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the community showed that the education system in this region is utilizing more of ICT in managing various challenges in the world's education system. Learning by design approach has the potential to be one of the most popular approaches among teachers to achieve the objective of children's learning. This article discussed three issues and challenges in implementing this approach-i) community's perception on digital games, ii) teacher's practices in implementing learning by design through digital games, and iii) children's level of creativity and skills in designing digital games for the learning process in the classroom. This article also discussed on the solutions for each issue to ensure the teaching and learning process could be stabilized to produce competitive and highly skilled digital generation.

The role of digital games in children's life

Inovacije u nastavi, 2019

Starting from the questions to what extent children use digital games and for what purposes as well as whether teachers play a role in the creation and presentation of different teaching content by using digital games, a survey was conducted with pupils of the third and fourth grades of primary school in the Republic of Serbia. The research involved three hundred and eight students from two private and four state primary schools. The results show that 100% of the respondents confirm that they play digital games, mostly for the purpose of entertainment and recreation, but also for understanding and observing a new educational content. The results of the survey also showed that there is a significant difference in the level of using digital games in public and private schools. Examining students' attitudes towards the use of digital games in teaching indicates that children are highly motivated to master educational content through digital games.

Digital games that teach: a critical analysis


1 1 Playing and Learning – A Bird’s Eye View 3 2 Playing and Learning – An Intuitive Account 5 3 Case Studies in Edutainment 6 3.1 Case Study Physikus, 1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Case Study Brand im Hafen, 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3 Case Study Genius Unternehmen Physik, 2004 . . . . . . . . 14 3.4 Case Study Genius Task Force Biologie, 2005 . . . . . . . . 18 4 Analysis and Evaluation 23 5 Summary and Conclusions 29


IJSR, 2020

Digital technologies develop rapidly day by day in every field, and human beings need to be equipped with the latest development in their career. At the time of Covid-19 lockdown period, education flourished and shared knowledge employing e-quiz, webinar, workshop, online classes and online examination. Through the development of latest technology, learning can be understood from a different angle which can be a motivational factor for beginners. It reduces human power and time. People think ahead and predict the future in advance. It speeds up workflow processes and focuses on specific things rather than complicated. It has made the information immensely more reachable. It trains the next generation humanist to be more potential and intellectual to face the hardships in their life. Students and scholars can learn anything and everything through their palm by mobile phone and laptop. The present century made the children born with technology. Video games are the latest and fastest mode of learning device sometimes may lead to addiction. Oxford Professor will train even a remote man from the village using the latest digital humanities would be next elevation of teaching. INTRODUCTION Covid-19 pandemic disease behaves as an eye-opener in the field of teaching and learning employing digital mode. In the starting of the twentieth century, everyone felt the internet and video games are meant to kill time and waste of energy. All their assumptions came to an end through a digital classroom. In the lockdown period, the classes are conducted online or through e-learning strategies. The assignments are assigned through e-quiz, and their home study has monitored by a rapid online test. The academic content has also broadcasted through radio, podcast, television, what's up, Google meet and Zoom app. The assigned work has regularly monitored by the teacher. According to the feedback, they improve the quality of their education. The review and development would accelerate the educational strategies to the advanced level. Learning through digital humanities will promote and support digital research and teaching in every discipline, and a large number of researchers got benefitted by this. Digital humanities links and combine different data sources to view the information quicker with the database. It helps the reader to search the data more accessible and able to link relevant background materials for the needy themes. It also teaches the students to learn and experience the e-learning methodology in the classroom. It provides beginners with a common platform to enhance their knowledge in project development and builds teamwork among their team members. It also paves the way for the initiatives to take part in various conferences where they get the opportunity to share ideas and develop future collaborations with the inventors. It helps to create new findings in multiple arenas and evolve as a digitalized world. The expanded idea of digital humanities includes innovative teaching and learning method by implementing video games to increase problem-solving and enhances the habit of completing the task with a sportive spirit. In recent time, video games become popular among all. The mentors take advantage of creating healthy competition among children by developing e-quiz, spell bee, rebus puzzle, and online classes with an interactive section which would make the students to the next level. Some games like the blue whale and other misleading free games are also available on the internet. The parents have to take initial steps to block trivial games and motivate students to develop ethically and morally by focusing task.

Digital Games-Based Learning for Children

Digital gameplay is becoming increasingly prevalent. Its participant-players number in the millions and its revenues are in billions of dollars. As they grow in popularity, digital games are also growing in complexity, depth and sophistication. This paper presents reasons why games and gameplay matter to the future of education. Drawing upon these works, the potential for instruction in digital games is recognised. Previous works in the area were also analysed with respect to their theoretical findings. We then propose a framework for digital Game-based Learning approach for adoption in education setting.

Digital Game-based Learning

This paper is concerned with the concepts and theories behind Digital Game-Based Learning and why it should be considered in our developing digital environment an important aspect of pedagogy in this century. It considers that digital games as a media constitutes the most interactive and engaging medium in today’s culture, and for modern learners. It investigates some of the background to this medium as a proposed educational milieu and some of the difficulties facing those who might try to implement it. Above all it tries to investigate the theoretical postulate that today’s learners are fundamentally different to those who preceded them, and the majority of those who now attempt to educate them, and how this affects the requirements of the educational environment.