The Effect of Internet Use on Physics Learning Outcomes in Terms of Student Learning Styles (original) (raw)

Effects of the Online Interactive Learning Media on Student's Achievement and Interest in Physics

Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020

The use of interactive media integrating digital media and a structured digital environment make student interact with each other for learning purpose. This research developed interactive learning media for enhancing the learning interest and learning achievement of eleventh-grade students. The software used for developing media was Lectora Inspire. This research used the mix method approach. The development model was DDD-E. Subject experts, media experts, and teachers validated the product using a questionnaire containing relevant factors. This instrument used a likert scale from 1 (Absolutely Disagree) to 5 (Absolutely Agree). The teacher applied the valid learning media in the three classes consisting of 108 students to find out the impact on learning interest and learning achievement. Measurement of learning outcomes using multiple choice questions in the cognitive domain. Analysis of learning interest used a questionnaire with a likert scale and used to analyze was MANOVA. As a limitation in this research that interactive media is only accessible for students who have a personal password. Impacts measured have not been on various learning performance indicators, the sequence and variety of types of media. The value of this research is the integration of various kinds of media becomes an opportunity for the media.

The Effect of Computer Assisted Learning Strategy on Learning Outcomes of Engineering Physics Viewed From Different Learning Styles

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018), 2018

This research aims to determine the effect of computer-assisted learning strategy on learning outcomes of engineering physics viewed from different learning style. Learning style is the way humans begin to concentrate, absorb, process and get new information. The use of information technology can facilitate the learning process so that it can improve learning outcomes. So that required computer-assisted learning strategy. This study is a quasi-experimental type of experiment. The method chosen in this research is a quasi-experimental method with factorial design 3 x 2 x 2. The population used in this research is Taruna Akademi Engineering and Safety of Flight (ATKP) Surabaya. Based on the result of data analysis, it can be concluded: (1) There is no difference in learning of physics technique between cadets which have a visual, auditorial and kinesthetic learning style. (2) There is no interaction between learning strategy and learning style to the result of physics learning.

The Learning Design and Student‟s Response to Physics Online Learning In Rural School of Indonesia

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

The implementation of e-learning on science learning in Indonesia is a critical issue, especially in the context of implementing a curriculum oriented towards the competency of students in today's digital era. The problem faced by educators is in the social presence; in how to manage effective interaction between teachers-students and students-students. This study aims to innovate e-learning which is Edmodo as a learning management system (LMS) that is suitable for science learning requirements (Light and Optics) in junior high school students. The research method used was a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. The process of developing learning design was arranged through focus group discussion approach (which involves LMS experts, learning evaluation experts, learning strategists, physicists, and teachers) iteratively to obtain learning designs embedded in the Edmodo. The sound learning design was then tested in a small group consisting of eighth-grade students. Respon...

Challenges in Using ICT in Teaching Secondary School Physics and Effect of Teaching Using ICT on Students’ Physics Academic Achievement in Mombasa County, Kenya

Journal of Education and Practice

In the recent past, the Government of Kenya and other stakeholders have invested massively in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in secondary schools. The aim of this has been to enhance pedagogical approaches for teaching and learning. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides an opportunity for Educational Institutions and other organisations to harness and use technology to complement and support the teaching and learning process. However, despite the enormous advocacy for ICT-aided teaching and learning, investment and donation of ICT equipment to schools, there is a challenge of how to transform students learning process to provide students with the skills to function effectively in this information-rich and dynamic environment. This study was aimed at identifying the challenges involved in the use of ICT in the teaching of Physics and the possible solutions to the challenges Further, it sought to find the effect of using ICT on academic achievement of Secondary School Physics students in Mombasa County. This was done by administering questionnaires to 148 Physics teachers in public and private secondary schools, and conducting interviews with three (3) ICT champions in the county. An experiment was conducted involving 143 Form Two Physics students and one (1) Physics teacher in a purposively selected secondary school to determine the effect of teaching using ICT on students' academic achievement in Physics. The experimental data was analysed using a two way analysis of variance (ANOVA)., The finding of this study agree with Adeyemo who found that students performed better in Physics when ICT was applied in the teaching of Physics. Among the recommendations made was availing of better quality ICT resources to schools to improve learning outcomes.


kenneth opara, 2023

This research aimed to explore the influence of Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) on students' performance in Physics within selected secondary schools in Sokoto Metropolis. The study sought to determine if there were significant differences in academic performance between conventional and experimental groups based on pre-test scores. The research was conducted with SS1 students from public and private science secondary schools in the area. Two schools were purposively selected, and a sample of thirty (30) students was chosen from each SS1 class. The quasi-experimental research design was used, guided by three (3) research questions. Data were collected using the Physics Test Performance (PTP) instrument, and both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed for data analysis. The findings indicated that CAI holds the potential to address some challenges in Physics teaching and learning, reducing the subject's abstract nature, and positively impacting students' academic performance and retention abilities. As a result, the study recommends that physics teachers, as well as science teachers in general, adopt the CAI approach. Furthermore, providing specialized training to science teachers on effective computer and technology utilization in teaching Physics is encouraged.

The Influence of Teacher Teaching Skills and the Use of Media on Learning Motivation and Physics Learning Outcomes for Students at Sman 2 Gowa

Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika

This study is an ex-post facto research with causality. The outbreak of this virus has had an extraordinary impact on various sectors including the education sector, so learning is carried out online with alternative methods utilizing cyberspace, but teachers must provide digital teaching materials to fulfill learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to describe the description of teachers' teaching skills, media utilization, learning motivation and physics learning outcomes. In addition, this research was also conducted to analyze the direct effect of teacher teaching skills on learning motivation and learning outcomes in physics, to analyze the direct effect of using media on learning motivation and learning outcomes in physics, to analyze the direct effect of using media on learning motivation and learning outcomes in physics. physics learning outcomes and analyze the direct influence of learning motivation on physics learning outcomes. The research sample consisted of...

Development and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Physics Instruction

International Education Studies, 2014

This study aims to design and develop an interactive software for teaching and learning physics about motion and vectors analysis. This study also assesses its effectiveness in classroom and assesses the learning motivation of SMA Pekanbaru's students. The software is developed using ADDIE Model design and Life Cycle Model and built using the program Delphi Seventh version by considering design, technical, pedagogical, and the content of its learning material. The research was conducted through quasi-experiment upon XI grade students of SMA Pekanbaru. The evaluation of the software was done by the experts of design, pedagogic, technical, and learning material. After the evaluation, this software was also evaluated by expert users consisting of 31 experienced physics teachers from senior high schools in Pekanbaru. The population consisted of six classes XI grade students of SMA Pekanbaru, where two of them are randomly selected. One of the two classes, then, was determined as experimental group while the other as control group. The experimental group consisted of 38 students, with 19 boys and 19 girls whereas the control group consisted of 37 students with 17 boys and 19 girls. The sampling was based on homogeneity and normality test. The finding shows that the reliability based on Cronbach Alpha is α=0.740. Learning physics using interactive software "Motion and Vector Analysis" has affected students' conceptual understanding by 81.16 compared to students learning using traditional method, which was only 35.86. Through t-test, it was found that students' conceptual understanding was different from value t= -22.725, p= 0.00 with α= 0.05. Students' motivation to learn in the post-test was better for students who learn using the software than those who learned using traditional method. Finding based on gender found that the conceptual understanding of male students and female students were similar. Learning motivation for both male and female students has also increased. Therefore, learning physics with "Motion and Vectors Analysis" topics using interactive software is more effective than learning using traditional method.

The Effect of Google Classroom Media Utilization in Physics Learning on Students' Interest and Learning Outcomes at SMA Negeri 9 Kendari


This study aims to determine the effect of Google Classroom media utilization in learning Physics on students' interest and learning outcomes at SMA Negeri 9 Kendari. The method used in this research is an ex post facto survey with a quantitative approach. The data analysis technique used is path analysis with the help of Smart-PLS software at α = 5%. Based on the study results, it is concluded that the utilization of Google Classroom is classified in the excellent category with a percentage figure of 69.59%. Learning interest is organized in a strong class with a percentage rate of 75.55%. Learning outcomes are classified in the moderate category with an average acquisition value of 73.62 and a percentage rate of 100% of students meeting the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). Google Classroom utilization (X) significantly affects learning interest (Y1) by 0.559. Google Classroom utilization can explain/contribute to students' physics learning outcomes by 13%. Google Class...

The Comparison Between Students' Physics Learning Outcomes in Face to Face (Offline) and Online Learning Model

Pedagogia: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2022

This study aims to compare the learning outcomes of physics taught using face-to-face learning models with online learning models at Islamic Senior High School 2 Palu City in the academic year of 2021/2022. In this study, the X1 variable consists of the face-to-face model, the X2 variable is the online learning model, and the Y variable consists of the results of learning Physics. This study used quantitative research with comparative analysis techniques. The subject of the research was students of X IPA 1 at Islamic Senior High School 2 Palu, which is totaling 25 students. Data collection was carried out using student learning outcomes tests, observation, and documentation. The method used for the analysis of hypothesis testing is the paired sample t-test. Descriptive, normality, and homogeneity tests were used for data analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in the learning outcomes of Physics subjects between face-to-face learning and the online learning model for class X IPA1 Islamic Senior High School 2 Palu in the academic year of 2021/2022. The results of the descriptive analysis calculation show that there is a difference between the Physics Learning Outcomes Taught Using the Face-to-Face Learning Model and the Online Learning Model in class X IPA1 in the academic year 2021/2022. This shows that the face-to-face learning model is more effective than the online learning model in physics subjects.


Past and Present of Natural Sciences in Daugavpils University, 2006

In the developing knowledge society information technologies play a particularly significant role. However, even the most advanced technologies will not give a necessary effect, if their usage (application) in the educational system is not adequate to the current development of technologies and increased educational needs. In the general education school the initial information literacy abilities are formed. In current conditions general education schools can already employ various information technologies. Probably most often it is related to appropriate computer technologies and the Internet. In 2001, the teachers’ computer literacy standard was approved in Lithuania, which obligates teachers to improve their abilities in this field. It has to be stated that the Internet possibilities in the teaching process are insufficiently used. On the other hand, in principal there are no reliable surveys, which would reveal the actual situation in this field. Therefore, the object of our survey is the usage of the Internet for teaching physics.