Intertwined realities — hybrid institutions in the Peruvian fisheries and aquaculture sectors (original) (raw)

Institutional context and governance of Peruvian fisheries and aquaculture


This report summarizes and describes the main state-driven processes related to the governance of the coastal fisheries and (marine) aquaculture sectors (i.e. mariculture) in Peru. It was produced in the frame of the Peruvian-German Humboldt Tipping project (Social-Ecological Tipping Points of the Northern Humboldt Current Upwelling System, Economic Repercussions and Governance Strategies) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project aims to assess the risk of decreased marine ecosystem productivity as a turning point for the ecological, economic and social systems that are interconnected under the Humboldt Current Upwelling System (HCUS). Within this framework, the artec Sustainability Research Center of the University of Bremen is responsible for the working package which focuses on transdisciplinary science and the analysis of the repercussions of environmental changes for marine governance regimes in Peru (WP 7).

The Political Economy of Marine Fisheries Development in Peru, Chile and Mexico

Journal of Latin American Studies, 2000

Latin American fish production has expanded significantly in recent years. Unfortunately, as management systems in the three major Latin American fish producing countries have not developed at the same pace, all three countries now experience problems of overfishing and industrial overcapitalisation. This article examines the distinctive national fisheries development programmes that have led to this ' tragedy of the oceans '. By comparing and contrasting the Peruvian, Chilean and Mexican management styles, it offers a critical assessment regarding the likely direction of future Latin American fisheries policy.

Coastal Lives: Nature, Capital, and the Struggle for Artisanal Fisheries in Peru (with Héctor Bombiella)

University of Arizona Press, 2019

Peru’s fisheries are in crisis as overfishing and ecological changes produce dramatic fluctuations in fish stocks. To address this crisis, government officials have claimed that fishers need to become responsible producers who create economic advantages by taking better care of the ocean ecologies they exploit. In Coastal Lives, Maximilian Viatori and Héctor Bombiella argue that this has not made Peru’s fisheries more sustainable. Through a fine-grained ethnographic and historical account of Lima’s fisheries, the authors reveal that new government regimes of entrepreneurial agency have placed overwhelming burdens on the city’s impoverished artisanal fishers to demonstrate that they are responsible producers and to create failures that can be used to justify closing these fishers’ traditional use areas and denying their historically sanctioned rights. The result is a critical examination of how neoliberalized visions of nature and individual responsibility work to normalize the dispossessions that have enabled ongoing capital accumulation at the cost of growing social dislocations and ecological degradation. The authors’ innovative approach to the politics of constructing and degrading coastal lives will interest a wide range of scholars in cultural anthropology, environmental humanities, and Latin American studies, as well as policymakers and anyone concerned with inequality, global food systems, and multispecies ecologies.

Shifting policies, access, and the tragedy of enclosures in Ecuadorian mangrove fisheries: towards a political ecology of the commons

"After decades of mangrove deforestation for the development of shrimp farming, the Ecuadorian state began to officially recognize the ancestral rights of traditional users of coastal mangrove resources in the late 1990s. This article traces the trajectory of coastal policy change and the transformation of mangrove tenure regimes from an implicit preference for shrimp aquaculture to a focus on conservation and sustainable development with greater community participation through the establishment of community-managed mangrove areas called custodias. I argue that while the custodias have empowered local communities in their struggle to defend their livelihoods and environment against the marginalizing forces of global shrimp aquaculture, the implementation of common property arrangements for mangrove fishery management has changed the nature of property rights, the distribution of resources, and social relations among collectors of mangrove cockles (Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis). I suggest a need to develop a political ecology of the commons, an analytical approach applied here to examine the fundamental shift in the nature of the struggle over mangrove resources, from artisanal fishers versus shrimp farmers to a struggle between compañeros: members of associations versus independent cockle collectors. Such a shift in the struggle over resources threatens to undermine the sustainability of the fishery. I conclude that shifting access may be an important underlying factor contributing to a tragedy of enclosures in Ecuador's mangrove cockle fishery. Keywords: political ecology; property rights; common property; access; tragedy of enclosures; shrimp aquaculture; mangroves; artisanal fisheries; Anadara spp., Ecuador Resumen Después de décadas de deforestación de los manglares en favor del desarrollo de la industria camaronera, en los últimos años de los 90s, Ecuador empezó a reconocer los derechos consuetudinarios que tienen los "usuarios ancestrales" de los recursos del manglar. En este artículo se muestra la trayectoria de cambio en las políticas costeras y la transformación de los regímenes de tenencia de manglares desde una preferencia por el desarrollo de la acuacultura, hacia la conservación y el desarrollo sostenible con mayor participación de las comunidades costeras mediante el establecimiento de la custodia y la gestión comunitaria. Yo propongo que las custodias han dado poder político a las comunidades locales en su lucha por defender sus medios de subsistencia y del medio ambiente en contra de las fuerzas de marginación que sobre ellas ejerce la acuacultura global. Sin embargo, la reconfiguración de las instituciones de propiedad común ha alterado los esquemas de los derechos de propiedad, la distribución de los recursos, y las relaciones sociales entre los recolectores de concha prieta (Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis). Sugiero la necesidad de desarrollar un marco de ecología política de los comuneros, una aplicación fundamental para ilustrar y entender la evolución de la lucha por los recursos del manglar, misma que se ha transformado de un conflicto entre los pescadores artesanales frente a los productores de camarón, hasta una lucha entre compañeros: los socios contra los concheros independientes, lo anterior, podría socavar la sostenibilidad de la pesquería. El cambio en los derechos de acceso al recurso es un factor que potencialmente puede contribuir a una tragedia en la privatización de la pesquería para la concha prieta en el Ecuador. Palabras clave: ecología política; derechos de propiedad; propiedad común; acceso; tragedia de la privatización; acuacultura del camarón; pesquerías artesanales; Anadara spp., manglares; Ecuador Résumé A la fin des années 1990, l'Equateur a engagé des actions pour la reconnaissance des droits coutumiers des usagers de la mangrove, cela après des décennies de déforestation au profit du développement de l'élevage des crevettes. Le présent article retrace l'histoire des changements des politiques côtières et celle de la transformation des régimes de propriétés des mangroves depuis le développement de l'aquaculture jusqu'aux tentatives récentes de conservation de cet écosystème; la recherche d'une gestion durable de la mangrove passe aujourd'hui par des formes de concertation et notamment la création des custodias – zones de pêche gérées collectivement par les communautés côtières. Je souhaite démontrer que si les custodias ont donné un certain pouvoir aux communautés locales au travers de la défense de leurs environnement et mode de vie traditionnel, la mise en place de ces régimes de propriété collective a changé la nature des droits de propriétés, la distribution des ressources et les relations sociales entre ramasseurs de coquillages (Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis). Je suggère, dans cet article, qu'il est nécessaire d'aborder la question de la gestion des ressources des mangroves au travers du prisme de l'écologie politique des biens communs et d'une approche analytique appliquée ; on pourra dés lors examiner un déplacement fondamental des conflits, d'un conflit entre pêcheurs traditionnels vs industriels de la crevette vers un conflit entre membres des associations de gestion communautaires vs ramasseurs de coquillages indépendants; ce déplacement pouvant grandement compromettre la viabilité de la pêche. Je conclus que le changement des droits d'accès à la ressource est un facteur qui peut potentiellement contribuer à une tragédie de la privatisation de la pêche de la coquille brune en Equateur. Mots-clés: écologie politique, droits de propriété, accès aux biens communs; tragédie de privatisation, aquaculture des crevettes, pêche artisanale, Anadara spp., mangroves, Equateur

Toward marine democracy in Chile: Examining aquaculture ecological impacts through common property local ecological knowledge

Marine Policy, 2019

The preferential treatment of the aquaculture industry over fisheries and marine protected areas in Chile through the demarcation of the Areas Appropriate for Aquaculture has set it on a collision course with conservation, artisanal fishing and coastal communities. This article shows how marine democratic governance can evolve through the inclusion of artisanal fisher local ecological knowledge. Artisanal fishing communities elicit how contamination from industrial aquaculture is causing natural shellfish banks, fish populations and endangered cold corals to diminish. While fisheries and aquaculture governance are nominally governed by the same body, the ideological concerns of decision makers have not left space for the original users or ecological health. The right to good water quality and ecological health of artisanal fisher, original people and the broader coastal community are highlighted. Using semi structured interviews, participatory cartography and Geographic Information Systems fishers explain how the contamination footprint has expanded across benthic habitats. Diving in the contaminated areas confirmed the impacts using comparison with control sites. The article shows how new laws are need to assess nutrient loading, antibiotics and invasive species introduction. It links these impacts to literature in other countries where harmful algal blooms result from eutrophication from aquaculture contamination. It shows how the privatisation of space has left marine governance unable to take adequate enforcement. Artisanal and indigenous common properties can lead toward participation in marine planning for ecological health, whilst governmental institutions need realignment so that marine ecological planning for conservation can evolve.

Transnational partnerships’ strategies in global fisheries governance

Interest Groups & Advocacy, 2019

This paper explores the role of transnational partnerships within a transboundary policy problem, namely illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing. It focuses on an understudied aspect in the partnership literature, namely 'how and why do partnerships engage in advocacy'? The article theorizes and empirically explores the variation in strategies used by transnational partnerships to shape IUU policy development and implementation, drawing on theories from comparative politics and international relations. The paper finds that transnational partnerships often combine inside strategies with service provision, but that they rarely use outside strategies, and analyzes this variation in strategies by looking at changes in issues complexity, institutional complexity, and salience for state concerning IUU fishing policy. The paper ends by discussing the implication of these findings in relation to the previous literature on interest groups in comparative politics and on international non-governmental organizations and transnational partnerships in international relations.

Shifting policies, access, and the tragedy of enclosures in Ecuadorian mangrove fisheries: towards a political ecology of the commons. By Christine M. Beitl. Pp 94-113.

After decades of mangrove deforestation for the development of shrimp farming, the Ecuadorian state began to officially recognize the ancestral rights of traditional users of coastal mangrove resources in the late 1990s. This article traces the trajectory of coastal policy change and the transformation of mangrove tenure regimes from an implicit preference for shrimp aquaculture to a focus on conservation and sustainable development with greater community participation through the establishment of community-managed mangrove areas called custodias. I argue that while the custodias have empowered local communities in their struggle to defend their livelihoods and environment against the marginalizing forces of global shrimp aquaculture, the implementation of common property arrangements for mangrove fishery management has changed the nature of property rights, the distribution of resources, and social relations among collectors of mangrove cockles (Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis). I suggest a need to develop a political ecology of the commons, an analytical approach applied here to examine the fundamental shift in the nature of the struggle over mangrove resources, from artisanal fishers versus shrimp farmers to a struggle between compañeros: members of associations versus independent cockle collectors. Such a shift in the struggle over resources threatens to undermine the sustainability of the fishery. I conclude that shifting access may be an important underlying factor contributing to a tragedy of enclosures in Ecuador's mangrove cockle fishery. A la fin des années 1990, l'Equateur a engagé des actions pour la reconnaissance des droits coutumiers des usagers de la mangrove, cela après des décennies de déforestation au profit du développement de l'élevage des crevettes. Le présent article retrace l'histoire des changements des politiques côtières et celle de la transformation des régimes de propriétés des mangroves depuis le développement de l'aquaculture jusqu'aux tentatives récentes de conservation de cet écosystème; la recherche d'une gestion durable de la mangrove passe aujourd'hui par des formes de concertation et notamment la création des custodias – zones de pêche gérées collectivement par les communautés côtières. Je souhaite démontrer que si les custodias ont donné un certain pouvoir aux communautés locales au travers de la défense de leurs environnement et mode de vie traditionnel, la mise en place de ces régimes de propriété collective a changé la nature des droits de propriétés, la distribution des ressources et les relations sociales entre ramasseurs de coquillages (Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis). Je suggère, dans cet article, qu'il est nécessaire d'aborder la question de la gestion des ressources des mangroves au travers du prisme de l'écologie politique des biens communs et d'une approche analytique appliquée ; on pourra dés lors examiner un déplacement fondamental des conflits, d'un conflit entre pêcheurs traditionnels vs industriels de la crevette vers un conflit entre membres des associations de gestion communautaires vs ramasseurs de coquillages indépendants; ce déplacement pouvant grandement compromettre la viabilité de la pêche. Je conclus que le changement des droits d'accès à la ressource est un facteur qui peut potentiellement contribuer à une tragédie de la privatisation de la pêche de la coquille brune en Equateur. Después de décadas de deforestación de los manglares en favor del desarrollo de la industria camaronera, en los últimos años de los 90s, Ecuador empezó a reconocer los derechos consuetudinarios que tienen los "usuarios ancestrales" de los recursos del manglar. En este artículo se muestra la trayectoria de cambio en las políticas costeras y la transformación de los regímenes de tenencia de manglares desde una preferencia por el desarrollo de la acuacultura, hacia la conservación y el desarrollo sostenible con mayor participación de las comunidades costeras mediante el establecimiento de la custodia y la gestión comunitaria. Yo propongo que las custodias han dado poder político a las comunidades locales en su lucha por defender sus medios de subsistencia y del medio ambiente en contra de las fuerzas de marginación que sobre ellas ejerce la acuacultura global. Sin embargo, la reconfiguración de las instituciones de propiedad común ha alterado los esquemas de los derechos de propiedad, la distribución de los recursos, y las relaciones sociales entre los recolectores de concha prieta (Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis). Sugiero la necesidad de desarrollar un marco de ecología política de los comuneros, una aplicación fundamental para ilustrar y entender la evolución de la lucha por los recursos del manglar, misma que se ha transformado de un conflicto entre los pescadores artesanales frente a los productores de camarón, hasta una lucha entre compañeros: los socios contra los concheros independientes, lo anterior, podría socavar la sostenibilidad de la pesquería. El cambio en los derechos de acceso al recurso es un factor que potencialmente puede contribuir a una tragedia en la privatización de la pesquería para la concha prieta en el Ecuador.

Fisheries Co-Management and Legal Pluralism: How an Analytical Problem Becomes an Institutional One

Human Organization, 2009

This paper addresses two issues pertaining to legal pluralism in capture fisheries, particularly with regard to the South. First there is the problem of analysis. If legal pluralism is a common phenomenon, how is it to be discerned and understood? Secondly, there is the matter of institutional design: given the pervasiveness of legal pluralism, which management institutions are better suited to represent and resolve inter-legal system differences? The authors argue the case of co-management.