CfP: Colonialism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching (AILA Kuala Lumpur August 2024) (original) (raw)
HoLLTnet symposium on ‘Colonialism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching’ at the AILA 2024 conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11–16 August 2024 ( What part have the teaching and learning of languages played in European colonial ventures in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Oceania, or in other cases of colonialism? To what extent did colonisers and colonised learn one another’s languages, through what methods and in what venues? In what ways is the ‘mastery’ of indigenous languages by colonisers linked to the drive to ‘master’ people and resources generally? And to what extent, where and why have particular languages been favoured educationally, learned informally or been denied. and demonized in colonial settings? Much previous work in the field of History of Language Learning and Teaching has had a Eurocentric and relatively inward-looking bias (McLelland & Smith 2018, 11) but a major, developing aspiration of the HoLLTnet AILA Research Network is to encourage the development of research into traditions of language learning and teaching beyond Europe, into colonial encounters involving language learning and teaching, and into colonial biases within language learning and teaching historiography. Accordingly, we invite abstract proposals for the above symposium, with a deadline of 15 September 2023. To be considered for inclusion in the symposium, you should send your title, name and affiliation and abstract of no more than 300 words by 15 September 2023 at the latest to: and We aim to complete peer review / selection and inform you of the result within a week, to enable you to submit your paper separately for consideration by the conference organizers if necessary. See attached PDF for full details.