Profile of Student's Mathematical Problem Solving Ability Based on Linguistic Intelligence and Mathematical Logical Intelligence (original) (raw)
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Logical Intelligence And Problem Solving Ability In Mathematics Among Secondary School Students
The logical mathematical intelligence is the most securely documented of the intelligence. This intelligence derives from the handling of objects, grows into the ability to think concretely about those objects, then develops into the ability to think concretely about those objects, and then develops into the ability to think formally of relations without objects. Problem solving is a process by which an individual uses previously acquired knowledge, understanding, and skill to satisfy the demands of an unfamiliar situation. This study focus on the logical intelligence and problem solving ability in mathematics among secondary school students. Normative survey method was used for the research. Sample includes secondary students. Stratified sampling technique was used. The statistical technique used was correlation and t test. The hypotheses state that. 1) There will be significant correlation between logical intelligence and problem solving ability of secondary school students; 2) There will not be significant difference between male and female students in their logical intelligence Emotional intelligence & 3) There will not be significant difference between male and female students in their problem solving ability.. 1. NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Logical – mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. Problem solving is a deliberate or purposeful act on the part of an individual to realize the set of goals by inventing some novel methods or systematically following some planned steps for the removal of interferences of the obstacles in the path. Problem solving is an important strategy in mathematics learning. Logical/mathematical intelligence involves
This paper shows a new method to develop the Logical-Mathematical Intelligence of the students by using the logical concepts and entities of Information Technology (IT), a far cry from the traditional methods using Mathematics or other topics. The first idea of our method is to set forth a new concept and design a scheme that shows the relationship between the eight types of intelligences adopted by Howard Gardner in his theory (Multiple-Intelligences Theory). Depending on this theory, we have classified the human mind into two types: Complex Mind and Non-Complex Mind. The second idea, based on the first idea, we have designed a new model called the " Logical-Analytical Model ". This model illustrates a new way to develop the Logical-Mathematical Intelligence of the students. The goal of our method is to move the students, owners of the Non-Complex mind, to become students, owners of a Complex Mind. As well as, to increase the degree of intelligence of the students owners of a Complex Mind, to more high level than they are used to.
International Journal of Physics & Mathematics, 2018
The objectives of this research were to figure out the contribution of prior knowledge, appreciation of mathematics and logical-mathematical intelligence toward the ability to solve mathematical problems as well as to explore the errors made by students in solving mathematical problems concerning polyhedron. The population of this research consisted of 3,583 students of grade IX of all state middle schools across over Denpasar City. The sampling technique we used was a stratified cluster random sampling technique with samples number of 553 students. The type of this research is ex-post facto research with path analysis technique. The data were collected by using questionnaires and carrying out a mathematical ability test. Furthermore, the kinds of students answers on the ability to solve mathematical problems were analyzed to study the errors made by the students. The results of the research show two regression relationships, namely X3 = 0.523X1 + 0.636X2 + 0.506ɛ3 and Y = 0.640X1 + 0.264X2 + 0.280X3 + 0.311ɛY. The first regression relationship indicates that (1) the contribution of mathematical appreciation towards prior knowledge is of 52.3 percent, and (2) the contribution of logical-mathematical intelligence towards prior knowledge is of 63.3 percent. Whereas the second regression relationship describes that (1) the direct contribution of mathematical appreciation towards the ability of solving mathematical problems is of 64 percent, and the indirect contribution is of 14.6 percent, (2) the direct contribution of logical-mathematical intelligence to the ability of solving mathematical problems was is of 26.4 percent, and the indirect contribution is of 17.8 percent, (3) the direct contribution of prior knowledge towards the ability solving mathematical problems is of 28 percent, (4) the mathematical appreciation and logical-mathematical intelligence contributed simultaneously towards prior knowledge is of 74.4 percent, (5) the mathematical appreciation, logical-mathematical intelligence, and prior knowledge contributed simultaneously towards the ability to solve mathematical problems is 90.3 percent. Furthermore, based on the analysis of students answers in mathematical ability test showed that the students still made errors in the concept of prior knowledge, in interpreting questions and weaknesses in arithmetic skills related to logical-mathematical intelligence.
Development of Mathematical Learning Test For Student Groups With Linguistic Intelligence
Eduma Mathematics Education Learning and Teaching, 2019
Development of Mathematical Learning Test For Student Groups With Linguistic Intelligence. This research is motivated by the availability of mathematical learning outcomes test instruments that are in accordance with the intelligence of students are inadequate. Therefore this study aims to develop the necessary tests. The test development follows the model proposed by Djemari Mardapi, which starts from the preparation of test specifications, writing test questions, testing the test, refining the test and assembling the test in full. Learning outcomes indicators refer to the syllabus in the 2013 curriculum and combine it with indicators of linguistic intelligence which then produce specific questions for groups of students with linguistic intelligence. The results of the field trials show that the test items developed have the ideal differentiation and difficulty level. The results of the application of the test on 27 students with linguistic intelligence showed that the mathematics learning outcomes of students of class VIII linguistic intelligence in SMP Negeri 7 Cirebon had reached KKM of 70.37%. Of the 27 students there were 3 students (11.11%) included in the less category, 5 students (18.52%) which included enough categories, 15 students (55.56%) which included good categories, and 4 students (14.81%) which included very good categories. From the results of the research, it was found that dominant students with linguistic intelligence who were given tests according to linguistic intelligence tended to obtain better mathematics learning outcomes than students with other intelligences who were given similar tests.
Lack of problem solving ability is caused by students' logical and mathematical thinking intelligence not honed, so that problem solving abilities and logical thinking is low. This results in student learning outcomes, as many as 75% of students do not pass KKM on acid-base. The study aims to analyze the profile of logical-mathematical intelligence in class XI SMA Islam Sudirman Ambarawa. The study was used mix methods sequential explanatory to explain the result of research and used purposive sampling technique with 34 samples, class XI MIA 2. The research describes aspects of intelligence, the aspects are the ability to calculating process and mathematical operations. The results of the study stated that the achievement of logical-mathematical intelligence in XI MIA 2 reached 60%. As many as 3 outs have very good intelligence with a percentage of 9%, while for sufficient and poor categories 76% and 15% respectively. It can be concluded that the application of problem-based lea...
This study aims to find out the difference between the model of problem-based learning and the mathematical-logical intelligence towards mathematics learning achievement. This study is a true experimental with specific design of post-test only control group design. The population of this study are all fourth grade students of primary schools in Bajawa sub district. Meanwhile, the sample in this study is determined through random sampling. The result of analysis, it is gained that the learning achievement which used problem based learning model is higher than the mathematics learning achievement of the students with the conventional learning technique. The calculation from two ways ANAVA results in Fobs 1.793 with sig = 0.184, there is no significant effect of learning interaction model and mathematic-logical intelligence. Since there is no interaction, it also means that there is no significant effect of problem based learning collaborated with mathematic-logical intelligence to the...
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Problem solving is one of the most important skills for students. Meanwhile, logical thinking is the ability to solve problems by relying on mental abilities. The purpose of this research is to describe the problem solving process of students with different levels of logical thinking. This research is an exploratory qualitative research involving eighth grade students of SMP N 5 Tuban who have different levels of logical thinking as research subjects. The subjects who were interviewed were 4 students. Instruments to measure the level of logical thinking used The Group Assessment of Logical Thinking (GALT) while exploring the process of solving problems using the stages of entry, attack, and review. The results of the analysis show that students with high logical thinking skills meet the entry, attack, and review stage. Students with low logical thinking skills meet the entry stage in ‘know’ and ‘want’ aspects only, at the attack stage they only meet the try and possible aspects, and...
JRAMathEdu (Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education), 2018
The aim of this research is knowing whether research instrument is feasible or no to get data of research. The instrument of this research is logical mathematics quotient test with 25 problems in multiple choice and mathematics problem solving test with 4 questions in essay. Testing the appropriateness of instrument of logical mathematics intelligence consist of content validity, level of problem difficulties, power differentiator, and reliability. Meanwhile, testing the appropriateness of instrument of mathematics problem solving use content validity. The validator for both of logical mathematics intelligence test and mathematics problem solving test is expert judgement. There are 39 students of Senior High School as respondent who are joining instrument try out. The results of appropriateness of instrument show: 1) there are 25 questions of logical mathematics quotient instrument which are feasible to take research data, and 2) instrument of mathematics problem solving in linier ...
This study aims to find out the difference between the model of problem-based learning and the mathematical-logical intelligence towards mathematics learning achievement. This study is a true experimental with specific design of post-test only control group design. The population of this study are all fourth grade students of primary schools in Bajawa sub district. Meanwhile, the sample in this study is determined through random sampling. The result of analysis, it is gained that the learning achievement which used problem based learning model is higher than the mathematics learning achievement of the students with the conventional learning technique. The calculation from two ways ANAVA results in Fobs 1.793 with sig = 0.184, there is no significant effect of learning interaction model and mathematic-logical intelligence. Since there is no interaction, it also means that there is no significant effect of problem based learning collaborated with mathematic-logical intelligence to the...