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This article describes how Muslims deal with fatwa through examining the extent to which Muslims in Ternate (North Maluku) respond to MUI' fatwa concerning the application of ibadah (worship) during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. In order to control and prevent the infection of the virus widely, people are required to stay at home and to keep their distance from crowds, including attending congregational worship (shalat jamaah) in mosques as issued in the MUI's fatwa. The fieldwork was conducted in Ternate between March-May 2021, using qualitative research methods through participatory observation and interview. This article shows that the obedience of Muslim society in Ternate to the MUI's fatwa is not only determined by aspects of the religious authority of the MUI, but also by local government, local religious leaders, and pragmatic considerations of the society as well as their perception about the dangerous impact of the Covid-19.
Moderation of Fatwa: Worship During the Covid 19 Pandemic in Maqasid Shariah Perspective
Coronavirus disease, also known as Covid-19, is a virus that originates from animals and can spread through humans and cause respiratory infections. The very fast spread of Covid-19 has made the government resolutely minimize its efforts to disperse the crowd so that close contact does not occur which creates a potential for the spread of the Covid19 virus. That is one of the government's decisions regarding the recommendation to close mosques, so that it is urged for the public to pray at home. The focus of this research is to examine fatwas from the Council of Indonesian Ulama, LBM PWNU and Muhammadiyah regarding worship at home and to examine how the perspective of maqasid shariah during the pandemic so that hifz din and hifz nafs can be implemented properly and correctly without harming the surrounding environment. Because Islam is a religion that is “sholih li kulli zaman wa makan”. Before the corona virus pandemic occurred, in carrying out congregational prayer services, M...
Reception of Law Worship:The Experiences of Muslims Worship During Pandemic Covid-19
Nurani: Jurnal Kajian Syari'ah dan Masyarakat
The reception of law worship during the pandemic Covid-19 is a pattern that is very important to reflect on as a lesson learned after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study, in addition to providing a conceptual understanding of Muslim religious law receptions pattern during the pandemic Covid-19, also to reflects this reception contextually. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out through an interview process with Muslims who actively carried out worship activities in the congregation during the pandemic Covid-19 at the Kotagede Mataram Gede Mosque. The analysis in this study was carried out through the process of reducing, describing, and inductively interpreting the data, to obtain a classification and conclusion regarding Muslim religious law reception pattern. This study found that the Muslim worship law reception pattern during the pandemic Covid-19 was not least carried out through three contexts, namely; reception in the context of adap...
International Journal of Academic Research In Business and Social Sciences, 2023
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19, there have been many changes and new norms especially in the aspect of worship. Some laws and practices in the prayer rituals, issued by the mufti and religious departments, initially caused confusion among the Muslim community because such matters had never occurred in Malaysia and there was a lack of explanation by religious experts. Thus, this study is conducted to identify their perceptions and level of understanding regarding the guidelines for prayer rituals during the COVID-19 pandemic. A set of questionnaires is distributed to the Muslim community in the Klang Valley area using the Google Form. A total of 384 respondents participated in this study. The questionnaire consists of six sections based on Islamic concepts and fiqh legal issues arising from COVID-19. The study found that the level of understanding and perception of the Muslim community regarding the guidelines for worship during the COVID-19 pandemic is high. As time goes by, the community has become more understanding and confident in carrying out worship according to the guidelines. Based on the observations, suggestion for future researchers is to explore the role of religious leaders, community organizations and support network in facilitating compliance with the guidelines.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
The Covid-19 pandemic, which was first detected in 2019 in China, has had implications for health and the economy globally, and has even affected the practice of worship, especially for the Muslim community in the country. The transmission of infectious diseases among human beings through contact and air is so dangerous that it can take human lives. Islam is a religion that is very concerned with the preservation of life of every human being, even when performing acts of worship. As a result, during a pandemic, the application of the principle of al-darar yuzal (damage must be eradicated) in daily life is highly appropriate, as it acts as a life-saving measure, and health care can be prioritised. As a result, the purpose of this research is to look at the opinions of jurists and writings from Islamic law regarding the al-darar yuzal's maxim during congregational prayers among the community in this country. The study employs a qualitative research methodology that involves studying primary and secondary sources such as reference from books (turath) produced by past scholars, as well as academic writing from journals, papers, and theseses. In addition, unstructured interviews with officials from relevant agencies were conducted as part of field studies to supplement the study data. The findings reveal that the principles or maxims contained in the teachings of Islam are very relevant and appropriate to be utilised as a guideline in determining the ruling of Islam connected to various ritual of worship, including the principle of al-darar yuzal. Indirectly, it is also a reflection that Islamic law has a flexibility in allowing current practice as long as to prevent any harm and give priority to human life.
Al-Risalah Jurnal Ilmu Syariah dan Hukum
This study aims at examining the use the principle of i`tibar al ma'alat in the MUI fatwa number 14 of 2020 concerning the organization of worship in situations of the Covid-19 outbreak. MUI fatwa number 14 of 2020 forced most Muslims in Indonesia to worship out of the box. the results of the study it was found that the MUI in issuing fatwa number 14 of 2020 had considered the principle of i'tibar al ma'alat, the prohibition of worshiping in congregation in areas with high distribution potential was determined in order to anticipate the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. However, the MUI does not generalize all regions, this is also done based on the principle of i'tibar al ma'alat to avoid the practice of tafrith to religious orders in the midst of society
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial
Covid-19 has changed the habits of almost all activities of human life, including religious matters. The worship practices have also changed, such as performing prayers at home, keeping distant rows, and wearing masks. This paper is empirical legal research that seeks to examine the living law in the Aceh society with a maqashid shari’a perpective during a pandemic. The data collection techniques were interview, observation, and document study. It concludes that the government policies, including the 2020 Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), the 2021 Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), fatwas of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and Tausiyah of Acehnese Ulema regulating and calling for restrictions on religious activities are rules with benefit values and in accordance with the principle of maqasid al-shari'a. Despite some people's rejection, the policies are, in fact, based on maqasid al-shari'a, namely protecting the life (hifz al-nafs) so that pe...
The impact of covid 19 pandemic to worship
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2020
Spread of Covid-19 outbreaks so fast thus it is pandemic a major part of the world. The covid-19 outbreaks resulting in changes to the practice of worship and use of certain tools during the implementation of worship. Therefore, question what Covid-19 is affecting the law requires deep discussion and caution from various perspectives. This study aims to explore the perspectives of scholars and arguments used as well as highlighting the fundamental principles of Islam that should consider when assessing the permissible changes of the law due to the covid-19 outbreak. The method of this study is descriptive qualitative. The books of classical and contemporary scholars are the primary references to this study. Besides that, the journal articles, and national and international fatwa councils as the secondary references of this study. This study found, Temporary suspension of Friday prayers, Congregational Prayers the use of hand sanitizer for the purpose of epidemic control and medical accepted as a legal variable when it meets the prescribed conditions by the authority. Ethical guidelines need for infected persons to be a distance at home to prevent others from being infected. The principles of maqasid al-sharia for human well-being (sustainability), descent and reject the harm as well as preventing harm is take precedence from securing the benefits, it is among the principles of guidance in assessing the change in the Islamic law because of the covid-19 outbreak from an Islamic perspective. This study proposes an in-depth study conducted to discuss and explore other changes in the Islamic law related to the covid-19 outbreak
International Journal of Religion, 2024
The Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). The government has issued guidelines to control the spread of the virus, including matters involving activities in mosques such as the implementation of prayer rituals. Some laws and practices in the prayer rituals, issued by the mufti and religious departments, initially caused confusion among the Muslim community because such matters had never occurred in Malaysia and there was a lack of explanation by religious experts. Thus, this study is conducted to obtain views from a panel of experts on matters that can be improved and enhanced in these guidelines. This study employs the method of focus group discussions (FGD) involving 6 expert panelists from the fields of religion, science, and medicine. All expert panelists agree that the development of these guidelines is very beneficial for the community to refer to in the event of airborne virus transmission such as COVID-19 in the future. These guidelines provide justification from both Islamic and scientific perspectives to make the community more confident and comfortable in practicing them.