Daoistische Sukzession und ihre Legitimierung durch Ordination (original) (raw)

Charismatische Legitimation durch genealogische Sukzession Zur Begründung legitimer hierokratischer Herrschaft im buddhistischen Orden

Sukzession in Religionen. Autorisierung, Legitimierung, Wissenstransfer, 2017

This article applies Max Weber's concept of »charisma« to the historic development of the Japanese Buddhist order from its introduction in the sixth century through the thirteenth century. Establishing that from its beginning the transmission of the original charisma of Säkyamuni Buddha continually served as füe foundation of hierocratic authority, and that under the influence of the Chinese ordering principle of »familism«, the Japanese Buddhist order adopted the social form of a clan consisting of different lineages and family branches, it argues that the »genealogical succession« ofthe »charisma of the office« transmitted within a succession of authorized lineage holders was the only valid basis for legitimate authority. However, this continuity was disrupted during the thirteenth century by religious figures, such as the monk Hönen (1133-1212), who were believed to possess a genuine personal charisma and thus partially correspond with Max Weber's ideal type »prophet«. They were believed to possess genuine personal charisma, propagated new systematic doctrines, and imposed a specific religious habitus upon their followers. The heated disputes between the Buddhist establishment and these »prophets« (or »heretics« from the perspective of the establishment) as to whether »charisma« could only be legitimately transmitted within the established succession of authorized lineage holders offer insights into earlier Buddhist concepts of »charismatic authority« and its legitimation through the genealogical succession of bearers of charisma.

Legitimation von Herrschaft mit buddhistischer Symbolik


Am 15. August 2000 meldete die Rundfunkstation Democratic Voice of Burma die Entlassung des stellvertretenden Ministers Myanmars für das Transportwesen. Der Grund: Eine 500 Tonnen schwere Marmorskulptur des Buddha war einige Wochen zuvor nicht rechtzeitig am Fähranleger eines Seitenarms des Irrawaddy angekommen, von wo aus sie auf einer großen Barke zu ihrem Bestimmungsort in der Nähe des Yangoner Flughafen Mingaladon gebracht werden sollte.

Charismatische Legitimation durch genealogische Sukzession

Sukzession in Religionen, 2017

This article applies Max Weber's concept of »charisma« to the historic development of the Japanese Buddhist order from its introduction in the sixth century through the thirteenth century. Establishing that from its beginning the transmission of the original charisma of Säkyamuni Buddha continually served as füe foundation of hierocratic authority, and that under the influence of the Chinese ordering principle of »familism«, the Japanese Buddhist order adopted the social form of a clan consisting of different lineages and family branches, it argues that the »genealogical succession« ofthe »charisma of the office« transmitted within a succession of authorized lineage holders was the only valid basis for legitimate authority. However, this continuity was disrupted during the thirteenth century by religious figures, such as the monk Hönen (1133-1212), who were believed to possess a genuine personal charisma and thus partially correspond with Max Weber's ideal type »prophet«. They were believed to possess genuine personal charisma, propagated new systematic doctrines, and imposed a specific religious habitus upon their followers. The heated disputes between the Buddhist establishment and these »prophets« (or »heretics« from the perspective of the establishment) as to whether »charisma« could only be legitimately transmitted within the established succession of authorized lineage holders offer insights into earlier Buddhist concepts of »charismatic authority« and its legitimation through the genealogical succession of bearers of charisma.

Petra Kieffer-Pülz, "Voraussetzungen für eine gültige Ordination im Hinblick auf die Einführung einer Bhikṣuṇī-Ordination in der Mūlasarvāstivāda-Tradition", in: Mit Würde und Beharrlichkeit. Die Erneuerung buddhistischer Nonnenorden, ed. Jampa Tsedroen, Thea Mohr. Berlin 2011, 349–361.

Mit Würde und Beharrlichkeit, Die Erneuerung buddhistischer Nonnenorden, ed. Jampa Tsedroen, Thea Mohr, Berlin 2011, 349-361, 2011

Buddhismus als Mittel der Herrschaftslegitimation von Wu Zetian 武則天 (reg. 690–705), der einzigen Frau der chinesischen Geschichte mit dem Kaisertitel

“Buddhismus als Mittel der Herrschaftslegitimation unter Wu Zetian 武則天 (624–705; reg. 690–705), der einzigen Frau der chinesischen Geschichte mit dem Kaisertitel” (Buddhism as a Means for the Legitimation of the Rule of Wu Zetian (r. 690–705), the Only Woman in Chinese History on the Imperial Throne), in Arno Strohmeyer (Hrsg.), Historische und systematische Fallstudien in Religion und Politik vom Mittelalter bis ins 21. Jahrhundert [Salzburger Interdisziplinäre Diskurse, 9] (Wien: Peter Lang, 2017), 69-94. Abstract Legitimation of imperial rule played a significant role in traditional China. Each ruling family or dynasty had to prove that it had rightly acquired the “mandate of Heaven”, permitting them to rule the country. Official historiography in this regard had a special political purpose to fulfill to prove political legitimacy. Political legitimacy, in turn, served to preserve the credibility of the dynasty among the people, but also the credibility of the social élites, as well as that of the bureaucrats and officials that administered the country. In this article, we will introduce what arguments Wu Zetian 武則天 (r. 690–705), the only women in imperial China using the title of Empress, used to legitimize her rule, and how she went about constructing her legitimacy.

Persische Reichsautorisation und Tora

Theologische Rundschau, 2006

Wie ist der Pentateuch zur Tora geworden? Dass der biblische Erzählzusammenhang von der Schöpfung der Welt (Gen 1) bis zum Tod Moses (Dtn 34) im Ostjordanland als eine Größe für sich zu gelten hat, ist ein faktisches Resultat der Kanonsgeschichte. Ebenso ...