Age Estimation of Dracaena cinnabari Balf. f. on Socotra Island: A Direct Method to Determine Its Lifespan (original) (raw)
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First Age-Estimation Model for Dracaena ombet and Dracaena draco subsp. caboverdeana
Research Highlights: The first model for crown age estimation was developed for Dracaena ombet Heuglin ex Kotschy and Peyr. and D. draco subsp. caboverdeana Marrero Rodr. and R. Almeida. Background and Objectives: Dracaena species are monocotyledon trees without annual tree rings. Most arborescent dragon tree species are endangered; thus, it is important to determine the age structures of these populations for proper conservation management strategies, and for modelling of population trends. For these reasons, it is necessary to develop a methodology of crown age estimation. Materials and Methods: Field data were collected in the Desa’a Forest (Ethiopia) and in Santo Antão (Cape Verde Islands). Trees within each age class, as expressed by the number of branch orders, were measured. The diameter at breast height, tree height, stem height, number of branch orders, number of all leaf rosettes and number of flowering leaf rosettes within the crown were recorded for each sampled tree. Th...
Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali, 2020
This article presents the methodological approach of age estimation of juvenile Socotra dragon's blood trees (Dracaena cinnabari Balf. F., DBT) for the first time. To date, only the model for the age estimation of the tree crown after the first flowering event has been published. The DBTs were measured on Socotra Island (Yemen), on the Firmihin Plateau. A set of three indirect growth models was used for the estimation of the juvenile phase duration. The first model shows the relationship between the proportion of stem cavities and diameter at breast height (DBH). The second model describes the relationship between the DBH and stem height of juvenile trees. The third model expresses the radial stem increment with an increasing number of branch orders. The first model estimates the ratio of the stem cavity and secondary vascular tissue. The second model serves to retrospectively estimate the DBH of the tree at the time of the first flowering event according to the height of the stem. Extrapolation of the third model enabled us to estimate the duration of the juvenile phase that corresponds to the thickness of the secondary vascular tissue. A non-destructive methodology for juvenile DBT age estimation was developed, although the calculated absolute values are not precise. The same approach can also be used for the other arborescent dragon tree species. The validity of our assumption should be verified by repeated measurements on trees from different age groups. And thus, more precise model with less uncertainty about the parameter estimates could be obtained in the future.
Crown age estimation of a monocotyledonous tree species Dracaena cinnabari using logistic regression
Trees, 2012
Unique woodlands of Dracaena cinnabari (DC) are at risk throughout most of their range (Socotra Island, Yemen) as a result of missing regeneration and overmaturity. Effective conservation measures depend on reliable predictions of future population dynamics, which depend on accurate data on current age structure. However, age determination of Dracaena sp. has long been a scientific challenge, because the common method of tree ring counts cannot be applied to this or to most other monocotyledonous trees. In the present study, the indirect method for crown age estimation proposed by Adolt and Pavlis (Trees 18:43-53, 2004) was further developed using a more appropriate statistical technique and an intuitive model formulation. This new technique is based on the relationship between the number of branching orders and the number of flowering events that result from a specific growth pattern. We used logistic regression to directly model annual flowering probability, the reciprocal value of which corresponds to the length of the interval between flowering events. Our methodology was applied to data sets collected at two ecologically distinct sites. In Firmihin, the time between flowering events decreases from 28 years between the first and second event to 10 years between the 25th and 26th event. The length of time between flower events in Skant, however, was estimated to be a constant value of 6.5 years. We propose the application of generalised mixed-effects models and methods of survey sampling to improve the accuracy of crown age estimation in DC. Our methodology may also be useful for age estimations of other tree species with similar growth patterns, such as Dracaena draco and Aloe dichotoma.
Biologia, 2018
Dragon's blood tree, a flagship endemic species of Socotra, is threatened with extinction due to lack of natural regeneration, likely because of goat herbivory and/or climatic factors. Loss of dragon's blood tree would result in loss of other native flora, heightening the importance of formulating a conservation strategy for it. Although artificial afforestation might be used to offset the lack of natural regeneration, it would have to overcome the same threats faced by naturally occurring seedlings. Moreover, there is no published information on the growth dynamics of seedlings in plantations in situ on Socotra. To fill this information gap, we compared seedling growth (total plant height, leaves number, stem height, stem diameter) over an 8-year period after planting at three sites that differed in the degree to which goats were excluded and in whether they were watered regularly over the period. In addition to developing a new classification of the growth stages, which will enable better tracking of population dynamics, we found that continuous goat exclusion was necessary to prevent seedling mortality. Also, although seedling growth overall was slow, growth parameters of regularly irrigated seedlings ranged from 156% to 446% of those not regularly watered, suggesting that this treatment can speed seedlings' escape from goat browsing. For the dragon's blood tree and likely for other taxa within this group, extremely slow growth and long generation times suggest that conservation and restoration efforts will require a commitment to active management that will last decades, rather than a short-term approach.
Trees, 2012
The knowledge of tree age is important for understanding tree growth and forest dynamics. It may be estimated by 'direct' methods involving growth ring counts, or by 'indirect' methods involving field measurements of growth rates. Direct methods are considered more accurate, but it is not clear if they are appropriate for all species, notably from the humid tropics. In this paper we assess the occurrence of annual growth rings and their utility for age estimation in three tropical tree species, Acrocarpus fraxinifolius, Dalbergia latifolia (Fabaceae) and Syzygium cumini (Myrtaceae), growing in traditional shade coffee plantations of the southern Western Ghats, India. These species previously were described as having ''indistinct or absent'' growth rings. We used anatomical studies, field measurements and computational methods to characterise growth rings and assess similarities between directly and indirectly estimated tree ages. Our study revealed that annual growth rings were characterised by different sets of anatomical features per species and were most distinct in the fast-growing deciduous A. fraxinifolius. Growth rates measured in the field showed annual periodicity in all three species, and reflected annual rainfalldrought cycles in D. latifolia and S. cumini. Direct age estimates were most similar to indirect estimates in D. latifolia, and least so in S. cumini. The results of direct age estimation by counting rings are consistent with them being annual in nature in tropical species with distinct and reliable annual growth ring formation. However, for species with poorly defined growth rings, indirect age estimation methods might be more useful.
Growth forms and age estimation of treeline species
Trees, 2012
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Populations of Dracaena serrulata are disappearing at an alarming rate in the Arabian Peninsula. They are being destroyed by herders who use the leaves as fodder for camels, goats, and sheep during the dry season. Up until now, precise information about the current distribution and population status of D. serrulata in Oman have not been published. To fill this gap, the main aim of this work was to map the species distribution in the Dhofar Mountains (Oman) and to define the conservation and health status of the populations. Three isolated sub-populations of the study species were defined and mapped: the Jabal Samhan, Jabal al Qara, and Jabal al Qamar sub-populations. Dracaena serrulata occupies an area of 227 km2 in the Dhofar Mountains. More than 43,000 trees were counted, and 2387 trees were inventoried in total. The Jabal Samhan sub-population is an example of an extensively damaged population with 59% of the trees recorded as dead and only 21% healthy trees. Populationsin the we...
We examine the distribution of Dracaena cinnabari, the Socotran Dragon’s Blood Tree, an endangered species endemic to the island of Socotra (Yemen)—and we propose an accessibility approach to its conservation, taking the proximity of local communities and land users into account. Using the present occurrence of D. cinnabari, we applied a machine learning algorithm (random forest classifier) to estimate the potential distribution of the species across the island (overall validation accuracy of 0.91) based on available climatic and physiographic parameters. In parallel, we used an accessibility methodology to generate a map of the energy cost of accessing potential areas from the villages. This community-focused accessibility map, combined with the potential distribution map of Dracaena cinnabari, could contribute to decision-making processes related to long-term ecological restoration and reforestation activities. With our case study, we wish to emphasize that user-focused efforts an...
Lifetime growth patterns and ages of Bolivian rain forest trees obtained by tree ring analysis
Journal of Ecology, 2006
1 Growth patterns and ages of tropical forest trees are strongly governed by temporal variation in light availability. Periods of high growth after canopy disturbances (releases) are necessary for successful canopy regeneration, but their importance cannot be studied without lifetime data. The recent detection of annual rings in tropical forest trees enables such analyses. 2 We used tree ring analysis to study lifetime growth patterns and age variation in six Bolivian rain forest species. Our aims were to evaluate the magnitude and sources of age variation of canopy trees, to analyse the frequency of suppression and release events, and to analyse the relation between temporal growth changes and tree age. 3 The average age of trees of 60 cm diameter differed threefold between species and by two-to threefold even within species. This variation was mainly explained by variation in passage time through the juvenile categories. 4 We used strong relative growth changes to detect release and suppression events. On average, canopy trees experienced 0.8-1.4 releases, with a maximum of 4. 5 We distinguished four canopy accession patterns by which trees have attained the canopy (growth without major growth changes, one release event, one suppression event, or several release and suppression events), with increasing time required to attain the canopy. The distribution of trees over categories of canopy accession is therefore closely related to the average age of canopy trees and its variation. 6 There were clear differences among species in how trees attained the canopy and in the length of slow-growth periods they experienced, suggesting differences in shade tolerance and growth responses to gaps, which are indicative of life-history differences among non-pioneer tree species. 7 Canopy attainment of tropical rain forest trees does not occur by steady growth, but rather by irregular patterns of growth spurts and stand-stills, probably mostly caused by temporal variation in light. Differences in these patterns may largely explain differences in the ages of large tropical rain forest trees.
Tree Physiology, 2013
Stem diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height (H) are commonly used measures of tree growth. We examined patterns of height growth and diameter growth along a stem using a 20-year record of an even-aged hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold & Zucc.) Endl.) stand. In the region of the stem below the crown (except for the butt swell), diameter growth rates (ΔD) at different heights tended to increase slightly from breast height upwards. This increasing trend was pronounced in suppressed trees, but not as much as the variation in ΔD among individual trees. Hence, ΔD below the crown can be regarded as generally being represented by the DBH growth rate (ΔDBH) of a tree. Accordingly, the growth rate of the stem cross-sectional area increased along the stem upwards in suppressed trees, but decreased in dominant trees. The stem diameter just below the crown base (D CB), the square of which is an index of the amount of leaves on a tree, was an important factor affecting ΔDBH. D CB also had a strong positive relationship with crown length. Hence, long-term changes in the D CB of a tree were associated with long-term changes in crown length, determined by the balance between the height growth rate (ΔH) and the rising rate of the crown base (ΔH CB). Within the crown, ΔD's were generally greater than the rates below the crown. Even dying trees (ΔD ≈ 0 below the crown) maintained ΔD > 0 within the crown and ΔH > 0 until about 5 years before death. This growth within the crown may be related to the need to produce new leaves to compensate for leaves lost owing to the longevity of the lower crown. These results explain the different time trajectories in DBH-H relationships among individual trees, and also the long-term changes in the DBH-H relationships. The view that a rise in the crown base is strongly related to leaf turnover helps to interpret DBH-H relationships.