Student Perception Against the Concept Offathonah, Amanah, Shidiq, and Tabligh (Fast) and Itsrelation to the Readiness to Be a Professional and Characterized Teacher (original) (raw)

Professional is the requirement to all of teacher in Indonesia. One of the evidence is possesses a certificate of educators. In fact, certified teacher does not have a better quality than uncertified teacher. Excess matter obtained certified teacher is not directly proportional with its performance. It is certainly very contrary to the Islamic concept of professionalism and morals values of Prophet Muhammad SAW. Based on the situation, this paper aims at describing the students' perception against the concept of FAST (Fathonah, Amanah, Shidiq, andTabligh) and its relation to the readiness to be a professional teacher based on Prophet Muhammad SAW's model. Furthermore, it aims to link between Islamic values with professional teachers. The data was conducted by document analysis, readiness scale (interest and motivation to be a teacher candidate), and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Chemistry Education, Physics Education, Mathematics Education, and Biology Education students. The results showed that the readiness of students seen from interest and motivation to become a professional teacher candidate is high. The analysis document of papers and FGD show that student looked need of planting concept FAST on all course, especially the profession of educational course. Teachers should be able to imitate the value of the Prophet, Fathonah-smart-,teachers must be able to develop the material. For students who have high intelligence can be guided by materials enrichment or follow the Olympiads compete. Amanah-trustworthy-, the trust given by the principal and parents to teachers in teaching and educating learners should be done seriously and responsibly. Learning device that includes a syllabus and lesson plan should be made by professionals, not just copy belonging to other teachers. Shiddiq-properly-, teacher must have over matter so right in conveying knowledge to students. The teacher required read a lot of information and knowledge. Tabligh-conveying-, requiring teachers convey science overall, nobody undisguised even hidden. Also provide score to be honest according to the ability of the learners.UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta as one of the Islamic 2247 University with the one blustering: Integration-Interconnection has a responsibility to generate a professional and religious teacher. Graduates of UIN Sunan Kalijaga not only master in Science and Math, but also reached of Islamic values, so that it can become the motor a change in educational world more civil society.