‘I prodromi dell’approccio ecologico alla pianificazione territoriale. Alle origini della cultura ambientale di Osvaldo Piacentini’, in I Frutti di Demetra, 19 (2010), pp. 27-44 (original) (raw)
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ha una memoria quasi sfuggente. Non mi riferisco alla conoscenza generale della sua variegata personalità, delle sue passioni per la matematica, le scienze, la mineralogia, la geologia, la vulcanologia, che ne hanno fatto un personaggio in grado di sorprendere chi gli si accosta, proprio per queste sue multiformi conoscenze, né al riconoscimento della sua statura europea e del suo essere stato centro propulsivo diapprezzabili iniziative scientifiche nei primi decenni del XIX secolo.
M.Russo, Il palinsesto del paesaggio come progetto del territorio
Across the Stones, 2019
The concept of "landscape", within its semantic complexity between nature and artifice, leads to an in depth and non-conventional reflection for the urban and territorial contemporary project. All at once, the landscape is heritage, eco-system complexity, site-specificity of the urban realm. The breadth of this definition is related to the interdisciplinarity of the landscape project and its capability to works at different scales. It leads to a socio-cultural reading of the most contradictory phenomena of the urban transformation. Moreover, it defines the tools of a potential structure, and outlines morphologies aiming to produce a new habitable space in urban areas. By the same token, the concept of "periphery" itself may appears sterile, outdated and devoid of any transformative future vision, if not related to the framework of the "new urban question" promoting cultural and collective values. Instead, the" peri-urban" territory draws the way for an ecological vision as a palimpsest of historical and cultural traces. This dialectic with the territory-concived as landscape project- triggers a prospective reactivation of structural and spatial relationships which are able to think at the current fragmented condition in terms of network flows, fluid and vibrant spaces, and connective tissue of resources for a new "urban quality". This polyvalent meaning is similar to the creative process of the landscape photography which conceptually nullifies the figure-background dyad. In this respect, it revaluates priorities and autonomies of possible interpretations basing on a overall view.
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La configuratività territoriale intesa come condizione indispensabile per la costruzione del profilo individuale e sociale degli esseri umani è al centro del volume curato da Angelo Turco in quanto nesso a un tempo simbiotico e ontologico che lega l’uomo alla Terra, in un continuo gioco in cui questi incrociano i loro destini paralleli («da essa [la Terra] deriviamo il nostro habitus e, circolarmente, ad essa conferiamo il suo habitus», p. 17).
A diachronic perspective shows commons as an immaterial documental series testifying the institution of public land property at a distance of millennia. In front of a widespread generically collectivist conception, it is intended here to outline the history of commons, using the regressive method, so to identify the juridical system that sanctioned their birth, focusing on the economic, technical and political details of their continuation. Following the hypothesis of a Roman origin of commons, it is possible to outline the dynamics of their continuation to this day, through the evolution of property rights. The full understanding of the origin and evolution of the phenomenon is the base for a new approach in developing commons in the future.
A diachronic perspective shows commons as an immaterial documental series testifying the institution of public land property at a distance of millennia. In front of a widespread generically collectivist conception, it is intended here to outline the history of commons, using the regressive method, so to identify the juridical system that sanctioned their birth, focusing on the economic, technical and political details of their continuation. Following the hypothesis of a Roman origin of commons, it is possible to outline the dynamics of their continuation to this day, through the evolution of property rights. The full understanding of the origin and evolution of the phenomenon is the base for a new approach in developing commons in the future.
Sulla geograficità della ecologia storica: contributi di Massimo Quaini
Il pensiero critico fra geografia e scienza del territorio, 2021
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