Visually Motivated Knowledge Representation in Digital Libraries of Scientific Documents (original) (raw)

Visually Motivated Knowledge Representation in Digital Libraries of Scientific Documents (in Russian)

Verbal and visual communicative components of full-text scientific documents that are an information resource of digital libraries are considered. The basic attention is given visual components of documents and their base elementary units, named by visual signs which are offered to be used for indexing the visual in digital libraries, is similar to how words and set expression are used for indexing and search of verbal components of documents. In the paper, the cognitive framework of the indexing problem is considered. It is offered semiotic approach to its statement and principles of the decision for visual components. Potential opportunities of practical application of the offered approach in digital libraries are illustrated by example of geoimage indexing.

Modern trends in visualization of collections of scientific publications

Proceedings of 19th Scientific Conference “Scientific Services & Internet – 2017”, 2017

Аннотация. По мере возрастания количества публикаций, доступных в Интернете, возрастает необходимость в инструментах, позволяющих ориентироваться в огромном потоке информации. Одним из инструментов, стремительно развивающимся в последние годы являются методы визуализации больших коллекций научных публикаций. В статье рассматриваются задачи, решаемые при помощи визуализации, модели представления и методы анализа текстовой информации, а также новые подходы к визуализации документов. Ключевые слова: визуализация коллекций документов, анализ текстов, алгоритмы визуализации текстов и метаданных Введение В последние годы текстовая информация в электронном виде генерируется в огромных количествах. Например, только за 2006 год было опубликовано 1.35 миллиона научных статей, среднегодовой рост количества публикаций составляет 2,5%, и в настоящее время публикуется более 4400 названий в день. Все больше научных электронных коллекций предоставляют полные тексты публикаций. Например, сайт SpringerLink 1 предоставляет исследователям доступ к миллионам научных документов, таким как книги, статьи в научных журналах и трудах конференций. Все более значительную часть этой коллекции составляют полные тексты публикаций. Доступ к текстам более миллиона публикаций предоставляют такие сервисы как CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2 , библиотека Корнельского университета 3 и др. Тексты русскоязычных журнальных публикаций можно найти, например, в научном информационном пространстве Соционет 4. Коллекции документов являются богатым источником информации. Люди исследуют их, чтобы найти нужные документы, понять содержание коллекций, обнаружить скрытые шаблоны.

Evolution of Visualization Methods for Research Publication Collections

Russian Digital Libraries Journal, 2020

It is proposed to add a static system of types to the dataflow functional model of parallel computing and the dataflow functional parallel programming language developed on its basis. The use of static typing increases the possibility of transforming dataflow functional parallel programs into programs running on modern parallel computing systems. Language constructions are proposed. Their syntax and semantics are described. It is noted that the need to use the single assignment principle in the formation of data storages of a particular type. The features of instrumental support of the proposed approach are considered.

Some Aspects of the Formation and Representation Prnciple of Interdisciplinary Collection in the Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge

Russian Digital Libraries Journal, 2021

Interdisciplinary thematic projects implemented by means of the electronic library "Scientific heritage of Russia" allow integrating objects of various nature (printed publications, archival documents, multimedia objects) into a single thematic resource and making it accessible to users. The approaches to the formation of interdisciplinary thematic collections in the digital space of scientific knowledge are investigated. Algorithms for the formation and presentation of a digital interdisciplinary collection are presented. The method of creation and presentation of virtual collections in the information environment of the electronic library "Scientific heritage of Russia". The main types of sections present in most projects are indicated. The main stages of the formation of an interdisciplinary collection in the digital space of knowledge have been formed and described, including the composition of the collection sections, sources for presenting collection materi...

Common digital space of scientific knowledge

Вестник Российской академии наук, 2019

The article attempts a comprehensive analysis of the concept and phenomenon of the common digital space of scientific knowledge (CDSSK) as a narrower wording of the concept of the common Russian electronic space of knowledge, which is proposed in a number of government documents. Definitions of basic concepts are proposed in relation to this phenomenon. Goals, objectives, composition, and structure are considered to be the boundaries and the principles of creating CDSSK. A brief overview of the existing scientific information resources and services that have the features of the elements of space of scientific knowledge follows. It is concluded that the existing information resources can be sources of CDSSK but not its components. The paper proposes a structure for CDSSK, including static and dynamic components (base and add-in), various levels of knowledge representation, and core and periphery. This should include formalized knowledge over which a set of operations and the peripher...

Architecture of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge

Information resources of Russia

The architecture of the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) is determined by its functions and objectives. CDSSK includes a set of subspaces related to various scientific fields. The unity of subspaces is provided by unified principles for constructing subspaces and ontological connections between their objects. Each subspace includes digital objects, metadata containing facts related to objects, and subject ontologies that provide advanced searches and navigation through space. All information is reflected in the CDSSK according to the rules of the "semantic WEB". The content of each subspace includes a core (time-tested reliable scientific results) and a superstructure - new scientific results that have passed preliminary examination.

Functionality of a common digital space of scientific knowledge

Единое цифровое пространство научных знаний: проблемы и решения, 2021

The volume of scientific information appearing in the world today creates serious problems with its processing and use. In this regard, it becomes necessary to filter scientific information and extract from it knowledge that is novel and unique. The aggregate of such information in digital form, together with the tools to ensure its updating, preservation and provision to users, is defined as a common digital space of scientific knowledge. It consists of a set of thematic subspaces related to various areas of science, built on the same principles. Despite the fact that there are some examples of formalization of knowledge in different subject areas, there is no generalized approach to defining the digital space of scientific knowledge. This paper discusses the problems and tasks of the formation of a such space and the development of tools that provide the ability to study information in it.

Complex Integration of Digital Collections into Scientific Information Space


Настоящая статья рассматривает решение проблем аккумуляции и интеграции научных электронных коллекций в информационное пространство научных исследований. На основе анализа существующих стандартов и решений обосновывается выбор методологии и технологий представления электронных материалов научной конференции «Интернет и современное общество». Рассматривается концепция проекта интеграции создаваемой электронной коллекции в основные мировые и отечественные информационные системы и агрегаторы научной информации.