. Gutay Agria LIV. + (original) (raw)


2022, Agria LIV - Az egri Dobó István Vármúzeum Évkönyve

TARNASZENTMIKLÓS–HAMVA-JÁRÁS AND HATVAN–TUZSON-DÜLŐ 1., 2-3. ROMAN EMPIRE, SARMATIAN SETTLEMENTS AND CEMETERIES The Tarnaszentmiklós–Hamva-járás is located in the greater region of the Great Plain, in the middle region of the Central Tisza region, within this, in the central part of the microregion of the Hevesi floodplain. The Dobó István Castle Museum carried out the preliminary excavation between August 12 and November 5, 2019 and May 27 and July 10, 2020, under the guidance of Mónika Gutay, lead archaeologist. 566 archaeological phenomena were discovered in the 9,716, 272 m2 prepared area. Among the discovered phenomena there were buildings, storage- and garbage pits, ovens, smokehouses, trenches, clay mining pit complexes, stake holes, wells and graves. While the northern, western and eastern parts of the Sarmatian village were densely, the southern and southeastern parts were sparsely populated. In the northern and western parts of the village, several types of building- / house-structures were found such as buildings with and without furnaces. On four occasions, we observed complete dog skeletons in one pit each, which were placed in anatomical order at the bottom of the pit. Five burials containing human remains were excavated in the northern and western parts of the Sarmatian village. Two burials were of circular enclosures trenched. Some of the graves were dug around and mounds were raised above them. The estimated age of the settlement is AD. 2–4. century. The extent of the site is 800×500 m based on the scattering of finds. Practically, it is spread over the top of the west-east ridge/sand dune. The Sarmatian settlement could have been inhabited for a longer period of time, as evidenced by the overlapping archaeological objects. Burials are not separated from the settlement either. In several cases, the trenches of circular enclosures burials were cut by storage pits. Nearby, the Sarmatian site of Tarnaszentmiklós–Nagy-gyep is located approx. 200 m in the western direction. Archeological sites of Hatvan–Tuzson-dűlő 1., 2–3. are located in Heves county, in the greater region of the Great Plain, as the alluvial cone plain of the northern Great Plain being the middle region, within this, in the northern part of the Hatvani-plain micro region. The Dobó István Castle Museum, within the framework of qualified archaeological observation, under the guidance of excavation leader Mónika Gutay, between April 2 and June 9, 2015 and May 21 and June 19, 2015 carried out the Tuzson-dűlő 1. and 2–3. archaeological preliminary excavation work. On the 3869 m2 Tuzson-dűlő no.1. site prepared for archeological digging, 189 Sarmatian phenomena, dated mostly between AD 2–3. were discovered. Among them were buildings / houses, wells, stake holes, stoves, ditches, one grave and mainly storage- and garbage pits. The area of the site is 700×150 m. On the prepared 6,846 m2 of the Tuzson-dűlő no. 2–3. site, 265 mainly Sarmatian phenomena were discovered. The remains of a Pleistocene bison, a Bronze Age settlement, a 2–4 AD century Sarmatian settlement and cemetery were excavated with recent diggings. In the northern and central part of the site, there were settlement phenomena of Sarmatian age: house, oven, heating pit, ditches, garbage- and storage pits. In the southern part, mainly graves were found. Symbolic, empty, much disturbed and undisturbed graves could be observed. Two circular enclosures burials were found. More similar burials were indicated by the newer circular enclosures sections extending into the segments. The number of graves can be estimated at around 26, of which 16 contained human (male, female and child) remains. The graves were oriented north-south or southwest-northeast directions. Two circular enclosures trenched female burials were noteworthy. Nearby, along the Zagyva river, in the counties of Heves and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok, in every 100–150 meters several Sarmatian settlements and cemetery remains were identified.