“Mewah menuju Rahmatullah” : Pengaruh Status Sosial Ekonomi terhadap Persepsi Masyarakat Mengenai Trend Pemakaman Mewah Masyarakat Muslim (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif
This paper presents an analysis of the death rituals carried out by Muslims in the Priangan region known as ngajahul. Ngajahul is done on the sixth or seventh day after death. Analysis of the ritual of death illustrates that the ritual of death is not only a spiritual-fiqhiyyah aspect, but also has a role in describing social relations. The graveyard that lay in the cemetery, not only shows the grave, but also describes the relationship between the deceased, the family and the social environment. This research in a sociological perspective produces the concept that the rituals of death and society, especially Muslim societies in various aspects are referred to as containing social cohesion. This concept illustrates that death rituals are not as depicted in recitation forums that see death rituals as a tradition laden with rituals that are spiritually nuanced. Ngajahul is a tradition that produces social interaction and involvement in social life that is produced simultaneously. Key ...
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Tourism Scientific Journal, 2022
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Jurnal Mediasosian : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Administrasi Negara
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Journal of Islamic Economics and Philanthropy, 2021
The purpose of this study was to determine how the influence of religiosity and gratitude on the behavior of zakat in the Pekanbaru community. The data used in this study is primary data as many as 100 respondents as a sample who have implemented Zakat Mal in Pekanbaru. Data obtained by questionnaire using Likert scale. The research model is multiple linear regression by using religiosity and gratitude as independent variables, while tithing behavior is the dependent variable. The data is then processed with the SPSS program to answer research questions. The results showed that there was a significant influence between religiosity and gratitude on the behavior of zakat in the Pekanbaru community.
Jurnal Orientasi Bisnis dan Entrepreneurship (JOBS)
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Kesalehan Sosial Sebagai RItual Kelas Menengah Muslim
The emergence of social piety is an interesting phenomenon among recent middle class Indonesian muslim. The aims and scope of social piety which established is to redefine spirituality. Process of reconstucting social piety can be traced from the intersection from both material and spiritual aspect. Spiritual is a holy effort to pray God and material can be analyzed as a complementer factor in spirtual effort. To become pious man is the main thing however the most intention are both recognition and representation from others. This article will elaborate more deeply about the meaning of social piety in recent middle class Indonesian muslim. Abstrak Abstrak Abstrak Abstrak Abstrak Kemunculan kesalehan sosial merupakan fenomena menarik di kalangan kelas menengah muslim Indonesia kontemporer. Adanya upaya mendefinisikan secara ulang makna spiritual menjadi tiitk tekan munculnya kesalehan sosial tersebut. Proses terbentuknya kesalehan sosial dapat di-lacak dari interseksi antara aspek material dan aspek spiritual dalam beribadah. Spiritual dipahami sebagai usaha untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Sang Khalik, sementara material dapat dipandang sebagai alat penujang spiritual tersebut. Menjadi orang saleh memang menjadi tujuan utama kesalehan sosial ini, namun yang lebih penting lagi adalah pengakuan dan afirmasi dari masyarakat terhadap kesalehan sosial yang dkonstruksikan tersebut. Tulisan ini akan mengelaborasi lebih lanjut mengenai makna kesalehan sosial dalm konteks kelas menengah kekinian. Perbincangan mengenai kesalehan sosial sedang marak terjadi di kalangan kelas menengah muslim Indonesia. Secara sederhana, pengertian kesalehan sosial dimaknai sebagai ekspresi dan praktik perilaku orang-orang Islam yang peduli
Pranata Sosial Tentang Ekonomi Dan Kemasyarakatan Dalam Islam
Studi Islam, 2021
Ekonomi seacara umum didefinisikan sebagai hal yang mempelajari tentang perilaku manusia dalam menggunakan sumber daya yang langka untuk memproduksi barang dan jasa yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia. Islam sebagai agama Allah, mengatur kehidupan manusia baik di dunia maupun di akhirat. Mudharabah yaitu suatu akad perjanjian (kerjasama usaha) antara kedua belah pihak, yang salah satu dari keduanya memberi modal kepada yang lain supaya dikembangkan. Musyarakah adalah bentuk kerajasama anatar dua orang tau lebih dengan pembagian keuntungan secara bagi hasil. Murabahah berasal dari kata ribhu yang berarti keuntungan, adalah transaksi jual beli dimana bank menyebut jumlah keuntungannya. Bank bertindak sebagai pembeli sementara nasabah sebagai pembeli. . Etika adalah sesuatu yang mempelajari mengenai perbuatan yang salah dan benar dan pilihan dari moral yang dilakukan oleh seseorang keputusan etik ialah keputasan yang benar mengenai pengalaman standar.
Syi`ar Iqtishadi : Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking
Religion tour is a tradition which has last on the society. The religion tour destination in Pandeglang regency are very rich; one of them is Syekh Mansyur Cikadueun, as a religion tour which has potentially increased the standard of economy and social of local society at the area. The purpose of the research is to know the economy and social impact as the existence the religion tour object to the local society. It is seen that the economy impact on the tourism area, increasing job demand and the income of the house hold which directly engage in the tourism object. Whereas, the social impact can be seen the interaction between society and tourist, the perception of the tourist, the orientation of the local society to the religion tour object only for spiritual or has been replaced to the commercial means. The data of this research obtained; 1. the participative observation which the researcher, himself involved in getting the data. 2. Interviewing the society which is involved on the activity of the religion tour on the area.
Haji Mabrur Dalam Paradigma Fikih Sosial Sufistik
Al-Qalam, 2020
The biggest spiritual orientation for every Muslim in performing Hajj is getting predicate Hajj Mabrur. So whether the predicate is just a spiritual title? This research will describe Nurcholish Madjid's Sufistic social fiqh thoughts about the meaning of the predicate hajj Mabrur. This type of research is a qualitative research in the form of library research. The main data source used was a book by Nurcholish Madjid entitled Hajj and Umrah. Meanwhile, secondary sources are used, namely various studies that are relevant to the focus of this research study. The method used in this study is the method of interpreting the thought of figures. There are two big conclusions of this research. First, the integrative paradigm of nurcholish Madjid, namely the paradigm of integration between fiqh, social and Sufism. This integrative paradigm according to Nurcholish Madjid can make fiqh as a medium for the social reform movement. Second, the predicate Hajj Mabrur in the perspective of Nurch...