Phonetic competence, which in the English-language literature is usually defined as phonological, directly concerns pronunciation, ways of reproducing sounds, and sound combinations of a foreign language in connection with the rhythm, and intonation inherent in the target language. Phonetic competence is of fundamental importance for the ability to communicate in a foreign language in any form, but it is fundamentally important for the formation of listening and speaking skills. Properly formed phonetic competence of future primary school teachers is the key to the successful construction of phonetic competence of primary school students. The linguistic basis of phonetic competence is the linguistic basis that provides theoretical knowledge, on the basis of which practical skills of their application in the mode of real communication and for the function of teaching other people’s foreign language are formed. The purpose of the article is to determine and analyze the linguistic prerequisites for the formation of English phonetic competence in future primary school teachers. It was found that the linguistic prerequisites for the formation of English phonetic competence include knowledge, understanding, and skills related to the phonetics and phonology of the language. In particular, this is knowledge of the sound system of the language (sounds of the English language and methods of their formation, transcription), phonology (phoneme system, phonological rules), the ability to reproduce and recognize sounds (articulation skills), knowledge of orthographic rules (also intonation, logical accents in sentences) and variants, phonetic processes (assimilation, dissimilation, reduction, etc.). The linguistic basis of phonetic competence is essential for understanding oral speech and using the language correctly, as well as for developing an appropriate accent. Based on this, the formation of phonetic competence and orthographic literacy in primary school students is possible. For this, knowledge of the linguistic side of the phonetic competence of students of pedagogical higher education institutions should be accompanied by a parallel study of the methodological side of the issue, taking into account the age characteristics of the students.