Urban expansion and form changes across African cities with a global outlook: Spatiotemporal analysis of urban land densities (original) (raw)

The Patterns and Trends of African Urbanization

Jouranl of Libyan Studies, DAR AZZAWYAH LELKETAB, 2017

Urbanization, as we understand it today, began to spread from Europe to the developing world because of colonization. The Industrial Revolution and economic development in developed regions of the world led to a large increase in the total urban population. In developing regions, urbanization has increased rapidly in the past four decades. The urban centers constructed by colonial regimes were primarily developed for commercial and security purposes and colonial urban centers reflected the lifestyle and priorities of the colonizers, rather than the indigenous population. This research focuses on the patterns and trends of African urbanization, including the similarities and differences in population growth. In addition, to urban growth, this research illustrates the geographical disparities between the regions of African continent. Moreover, it identifies the urban size changes between 1970 and 2014 and projected data of 2030 based on regional and international urbanization data. Furthermore, it examines the role of the colonial and post-colonial urban and planning development and its contribution to the recent urban growth and agglomerations.

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Africa's Urbanization and Emerging Settlement Forms: Implications to Urban Planning

Africa is rapidly urbanizing to host quarter of the global urban population by 2050. This is the consequence of various interacting forces. Natural increase, Annexation and Migration are the drivers of Africa's urbanization. The last two will take the lion share. Moreover, It's happening amidst of emerging political, socioeconomic and physical factors. Peculiarly, Africa's urbanization is depicting emergence of new spatial forms and patterns. The paramount significance of intermediate and smaller urban centers, periurbanization and informal settlements are among the prevailing ones. However, Africa's planning is mainly occupied with the classical traditional planning approaches mainly the master planning resulting plan-context mismatch inter alia. The mismatches yield unintended negative consequences that affect functional urbanization of Africa. These demand innovative and incremental urban planning approaches and process that meets the peculiar contexts of Africa's urbanization. Africa's urban planning should holistically address these emerging and upcoming urban issues. This paper, using secondary data, intends to look at the urban context of Africa and its implication to urban planning. It identifies the peculiarities of African urbanization the consequential spatial patterns and forms and what urban planning needs to uncover to lineup in congruence and compatibly with Africa's urbanization.

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Urban Growth in West Africa from Explosion to Proliferation

La Chronique du CEPED, 2009

What do we know about urbanisation in Africa? The classification systems of urban/rural areas differ from one country to another. As a consequence, international comparisons of urbanisation indicators or historical analyses of urban growth are difficult to establish. Urbanisation is indeed increasing, but how and where exactly? More in metropolises or in small towns? How many urban agglomerations are there in each country? The first part of the Africapolis programme1 provides new evidence with respect to West Africa2 . The Africapolis programme was commissioned by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) to measure urbanisation and its patterns since the 1950s and project the results to 2020 more accurately than previous work on urbanisation in West Africa. It is part of a global research programme, e-Geopolis3 , supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) since 2008. The aim of e-Geopolis is to establish an international online database on the development of urbanisation, using a harmonised classification of rural/urban areas applied to all countries

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Mapping 20 Years of Urban Expansion in 45 Urban Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa

Remote Sensing

By 2050, half of the net increase in the world’s population is expected to reside in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), driving high urbanization rates and drastic land cover changes. However, the data-scarce environment of SSA limits our understanding of the urban dynamics in the region. In this context, Earth Observation (EO) is an opportunity to gather accurate and up-to-date spatial information on urban extents. During the last decade, the adoption of open-access policies by major EO programs (CBERS, Landsat, Sentinel) has allowed the production of several global high resolution (10–30 m) maps of human settlements. However, mapping accuracies in SSA are usually lower, limited by the lack of reference datasets to support the training and the validation of the classification models. Here we propose a mapping approach based on multi-sensor satellite imagery (Landsat, Sentinel-1, Envisat, ERS) and volunteered geographic information (OpenStreetMap) to solve the challenges of urban remote sens...

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Spatial Matrices of Urban Expansion in Lafia, North-Central Nigeria

Forum Geografi

Rapid urbanisation in African cities has caused considerable problems by hindering their ability to meet infrastructure and service needs, resulting in rising land-use consumption. This study examines how land use/land cover change in Lafia, a city in North-central Nigeria, has impacted the city's boundaries between 1999 and 2019 and includes a projection using GIS simulation of land use/ land cover to 2029. The methodology includes remote sensing techniques, spatiotemporal analysis of geographical measurements, and statistical models. This study involved spatial analysis and projection of city growth from 1999 to 2029 in Lafia using GIS. This analysis focuses on the changes in built-up areas, vegetal cover, bare land, and water bodies using land-use/landcover data. The results indicated significant urban expansion and its impact on the city's spatial patterns. The Urban Expansion Differentiation Index (UEDI) and Urban Expansion Intensity Index (UEII)were used to assess urba...

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A spatial-demographic analysis of Africa's emerging urban geography

Environment & Urbanization, 2023

We examine Africa's emerging urban geography from a demographic perspective and discuss implications for development policy. We adopt an approach that defines urbanisation purely in spatial-demographic terms in recognition of the decoupling of urbanization (as a spatial-demographic process) from economic development in Africa. Our analysis uses the most up-to-date gridded population data (WorldPop) to analyse diverse patterns of "urban" settlement emerging on the continent and to show that the crucial variable influencing urbanization estimates is population density. Our analysis confirms that increased population density and concentration are only weakly linked to income in Africa and argue that the profound spatial-demographic changes underway are driving implicit demand for "urban" development interventions, including changes in governance and planning practice. We conclude that a spatial-demographic approach to measuring and monitoring changing patterns of human settlements is both conceptually and empirically robust and suggest improvements to current UN statistical practice.

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Urban Sprawl in sub-Saharan Africa: A review of the literature in selected countries


Urban sprawl has gained popularity in academic discourse in recent times, but the majority of the research was conducted in developed countries. There is a marginal body of works on the character and nature of urban sprawl in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), although the region is experiencing one of the fastest rates of sprawl. Urbanisation in SSA is very rapid, and in addition to the emerging challenges of globalisation, climate change and poverty, SSA cities have an enormous task to manage urban sprawl. This paper reviews the literature on urban sprawl in SSA to identify research gaps and propose a research agenda. Published articles from five Anglophone countries in three of the four regional blocks in SSA were selected. The literature was organised into the causes and effects of urban sprawl and showed that the previous research on the subject focused mainly on its environmental impacts. Few studies have looked at the effects of sprawl on rural livelihoods, agriculture and food security considering the challenges of global climate change and poverty. Other studies have used Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, but these were conducted largely for change detection. The paper recommends the deployment of a more comprehensive methodology incorporating remote sensing/GIS with ethnographic methods to capture better the complexity and impacts of urban sprawl in SSA. Additionally, further research attention must be paid to the effects of urban sprawl on rural livelihoods and overall sprawl-induced agrarian change.

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Analysis of the Urban Expansion for the Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria Cover Page

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Change in administrative status, urban growth, and land use/cover in a medium-sized African city Cover Page

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Cities and Spatial Interactions in West Africa Cover Page