Fostering an Entrepreneurial Spirit Through a Project to Strengthen the Profile of Pancasila Students (original) (raw)

Best Practices for Strengthening Students’ Pancasila Profile with the Theme of Entrepreneurship

Jurnal Pendidikan (Teori dan Praktik)

This study aims to obtain detail information about best practices for strengthening students' Pancasila profiles with the theme of entrepreneurship with the sub-theme of building a creative and innovative culinary entrepreneurial spirit in youth. Through this project, students are expected to be able to develop and achieve specifically the three dimensions of the students' Pancasila profile, namely independence, creativity and cooperation. The type of research used is qualitative research with a case study strategy. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 6 Kota Tangerang Selatan from September to December 2022. Research data was obtained through observation, documentation and interviews. The research subjects were teachers as project facilitators and coordinators, as well as class X students for the 2022/2023 academic year. The project activity on the theme of entrepreneurship is carried out in five stages of the planning flow. From the results of the study, it was conclud...

Student’s Perception About Entrepreneurship Containing the Value of Pancasila as a Basic Construction of Entrepreneurship’s Subject in Unesa

Dinamika Pendidikan, 2019

This study aims to (1) describe students' perception of entrepreneurial values, (2) analyze Pancasila values that need to be developed in entrepreneurial learning and (3) describe the construction of entrepreneurial learning to produce Pancasila entrepreneurs. The method in this study was qualitative research. The sample in this study was Universitas Negeri Surabaya students who had taken Entrepreneurship courses, as many as 48 students. Data collection techniques using observation and documentation in the form of questionnaires and photos of activities. Data analysis techniques using reduction, presentation and conclusion. The conclusions of this study are (1) the perception of students has a positive category on the benefits of entrepreneurship, mental attitude and their views on Pancasila entrepreneurs, (2) the Pancasila values developed are the values in sila 1 and value 2 which are directly related to the substance of entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, other precepts also need to be a supporter and perfect attitude as an Indonesian and (3) the construction of the entrepreneurship course offered aims to complete the Entrepreneurship course module formulated by the 2016 Entrepreneurship Team, which is through tasks that are given mental attitude processes, personal formation and implementation of the Pancasila values.

Student’s Perception About Entrepreneurship Containing the Value of Pancasila as a Basic Construction of Entrepreneurship’s Subject in Unesa

Dinamika Pendidikan, 2019

This study aims to (1) describe students' perception of entrepreneurial values, (2) analyze Pancasila values that need to be developed in entrepreneurial learning and (3) describe the construction of entrepreneurial learning to produce Pancasila entrepreneurs. The method in this study was qualitative research. The sample in this study was Universitas Negeri Surabaya students who had taken Entrepreneurship courses, as many as 48 students. Data collection techniques using observation and documentation in the form of questionnaires and photos of activities. Data analysis techniques using reduction, presentation and conclusion. The conclusions of this study are (1) the perception of students has a positive category on the benefits of entrepreneurship, mental attitude and their views on Pancasila entrepreneurs, (2) the Pancasila values developed are the values in sila 1 and value 2 which are directly related to the substance of entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, other precepts also need to be...

The Role of Civics Teachers in Implementing Entrepreneurship-Based Distance Learning in Shaping the Character of Students at SMPN 12 Bandung

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought significant impact on all aspects of human life in the world. Almost all governments across the world implement policy to stop activities outside the house and switch it to activities at home, which is also known as 'stay at home.' The field of education, which is also affected by the policy, must not stop, so that the learning activities are carried out using distance learning while still placing the strengthening of character education as the main focus of Indonesian education. This research aims to determine the role of teacher in implementing civic education using entrepreneurship-based distance learning in building the character of students at SMPN 12 Bandung. The research was conducted with qualitative approach using the case study method. The data collection technique used was observation, interview and documentation. The results show that in pandemic situation, which does not allow the implementation of face-to-face learning process, teachers are required to be creative in designing the distance-learning activities while continue presenting their role in the distance-learning process, which is oriented towards life skills through entrepreneurship-based education that is able to shape the character of students. Therefore, it can be concluded that the presence of teachers in entrepreneurship-based distance learning during the pandemic is often in the spotlight since they are still considered to be the spearhead who determine the success or failure of education implemented to be able to achieve the vision of Indonesian education, namely realizing a prosperous Indonesian society, which is sovereign, independent, and have character through the creation of Pancasila students, who think critically, creative, independent, have faith, believe in God Almighty and righteous, cooperative, and have global diversity.

Establishment of Entrepreneurial Character in the Foundation based School System through Project Based Learning

International Journal of Educational Research Review, 2018

Establishing entrepreneurial character is pretty much essential to be taught in educational institution. This could even be given from the elementary level of education since it is a lifelong learning of an individual. The purpose of this research is to analyze the establishment process of entrepreneurial charac ter in students through the implementation of learning activities based on project. Research is based on interesting phenomena, creativity, innovation, and self-confidenc e in taking risks in students in the entrepreneurial learning process that has to do with product creation and entrepreneurship in schools starting from elementary education to secondary education. This research was conduc ted with qualitative methods using snowball sampling with data collec tion techniques of observation, interviews, documentation and also data triangulation to validate the collected data. Data analysis used analysis techniques from S pradley through domain analysis and semantic relationships. The results showed that the process of learning ac tivities based on the project can shape the character of students' entrepreneurship according to the level of education. Charac ters in elementary school students were independent, creative, honest and disciplined. Junior high sc hool formed entrepreneurial c harac ters such as: S elf-sufficient, c reative, responsibility, cooperation, hard work, risk-taking and communicative. While high school students formed characters of selfsufficient, c reative, responsibility, cooperation, hard work, brave to take risks and communic ative, leadership and success-oriented.

The Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development and Implementation from Tarumanegara University to Students of SMK Triguna, South Jakarta, Indonesia

Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement

It is essential in obtaining and developing a business so as to increase company profits to ensure the sustainability of the next business world. Business is usually identified with obtaining the maximum profit or as much as possible so as to be able to continue to develop the business world that is occupied. The concept of selling itself is not only focused on selling goods and services. The new concept emphasized the ability of business actors to meet consumer needs so that they can achieve a good level of customer satisfaction. Therefore, it takes the ability, knowledge, motivation, confidence, and skills needed to achieve the goals of the business world. The educational model was chosen during the implementation of Inquiry Learning and Problem Based Learning. The students were carried out in 1 hour 15 minutes to understand the mathematical model of the business world forecasting, and there were games and questions and answers. Management skills should also be obtained from mathe...

Entrepreneurship Education in SMK Amanah Bangsa, Cikarang: ‘Starting-Up a Business is not that Hard’

ACADEMICS IN ACTION Journal of Community Empowerment

The government's attention to vocational graduates has recently become a hot issue and various programs have been carried out by the government to improve the quality of vocational graduates, therefore they can compete. However, the BPS data in 2018 shows that the number of unemployed graduates from vocational school (SMK) is the highest, namely 11.24%, while Senior High School (SMA) is 7.95% and Junior High School (SMP) is 4.80%. Based on the problem, Study Program of Management, Faculty of Business, President University implemented a community service program that supports government policy, namely by providing Entrepreneurship Education to students of Amanah Bangsa Informatics Vocational School, Cikarang. With this entrepreneurship education, SMK graduates are expected to start a business as an alternative after graduating later. Entrepreneurship education is given in the form of seminars for Class XII students conducted by lecturers and students. In addition to providing lec...

Konsep Pendidikan Wirausaha dan Kemandirian bagi Anak Panti Asuhan

Ta'dibuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

The problem of education in Indonesia at this time has not produced independent students. Education held in schools or other educational institutions also lacks creativity for students and has not yet produced innovative students and has not been able to motivate high learning. There are still many educational institutions that do not teach entrepreneurship education. Entrepreneurial education has not been widely invested in students from an early age. This research is qualitative research (qualitative research). The data in this study were obtained through library research (library research).) The data compiled consists of written materials that have been published in the form of books, journals and magazines as well as from the internet that have direct and indirect links with this research. Entrepreneurship education aims to form a whole person (holistic), as a person who has the character, understanding and skills as an entrepreneur, so the results are obtained awareness of the importance of values, the formation of the character of entrepreneurship into the behavior of students everyday through the learning process. An entrepreneur in his mind always tries to find, utilize, and create business opportunities that can provide benefits. Loss risk is normal because it holds the principle that a loss factor must exist. In fact, the greater the risk of loss that will be faced, the greater the profit opportunities that can be achieved. There is no loss term as long as someone does business with courage and calculation. This is what is called the entrepreneurial spirit.

An Analysis of Entrepreneurial Character of Students of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University and Lampung University as an Effort to Shape Independent Citizens in the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Era


The objective of this study was to analyze the entrepreneurial character of students of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University and Lampung University as an effort to shape independent citizens in Industrial Revolution 4.0. Era. The students of the Pancasila and Civic Education (PPKn) Study Program of Sriwijaya University and Lampung University were the subjects of this study. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative consisting of three stages, i.e., preparation, implementation, and data analysis. In collecting the data, documentation, observation, and interview were taken. Next, the obtained data were qualitatively analyzed. Based on the results, most of the students of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University and Lampung University possessed entrepreneurial character. An effort to optimize their entrepreneurial character development, however, was still needed to get them ready for being independent citizens in this Industrial Revolution 4.0. Era.

The Emergence of Character and Entrepreneurial Spirit Since Childhood

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance, 2018

Building character and entrepreneurial spirit require time and lengthy process. The entrepreneurship education at primary school is one of the efforts to form the character and entrepreneurial spirit from an early age. Nonetheless, it is not easy to set appropriate learning model that can have an impact on the character building and entrepreneurial spirit for elementary school children. Therefore, the study aims at 1) Identifying learning model used by technonatura international madrasa to form a character and entrepreneurial spirit, and 2) To know whether project-based learning model is appropriately used in shaping character and entrepreneurial spirit of basic level learners. The research method uses descriptive qualitative with case study approach. Data sources in this study are teachers, parents, and students. Data collection technique uses observation, interviews, and questionnaire, and documentation. Results have shown that the project-based learning model is beneficial in shaping the character and entrepreneurial spirit such as self-confidence, independent, responsible, communicative, creative and dare to take risks. Learning success is measured by the number of students who enjoy the process. It shows that 62% of the students like the entrepreneurship education project and 17% like it very much.