Planar generalized electrodynamics for one-loop amplitude in the Heisenberg picture (original) (raw)
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Loop variables for compact two-dimensional quantum electrodynamics
Physical Review D, 1998
Variables parametrized by closed and open curves are defined to reformulate compact U(1) Quantum Electrodynamics in the circle with a massless fermion field. It is found that the gauge invariant nature of these variables accommodates into a regularization scheme for the Hamiltonian and current operators that is specially well suited for the study of the compact case. The zero mode energy spectrum, the value of the axial anomaly and the anomalous commutators this model presents are hence determined in a manifestly gauge invariant manner. Contrary to the non compact case, the zero mode spectrum is not equally spaced and consequently the theory does not lead to the spectrum of a free scalar boson. All the states are invariant under large gauge transformations. In particular, that is the case for the vacuum, and consequently the θ-dependence does not appear. 03.70, 11.15, 11.40.H
A loop representation for the quantum Maxwell field
Quantization of the free Maxwell field in Minkowski space is carried out using a loop representation and shown to be equivalent to the standard Fock quantization. Because it is based on coherent state methods, this framework may be useful in quantum optics. It is also well-suited for the discussion of issues related to flux quantization in condensed matter physics. Our own motivation, however, came from a non-perturbative approach to quantum gravity. The concrete results obtained in this paper for the Maxwell field provide independent support for that approach. In addition, they offer some insight into the physical interpretation of the mathematical structures that play, within this approach, an essential role in the description of the quantum geometry at Planck scale.
We consider the three fundamental one loop Feynman diagrams of QED viz. vertex correction, fermion self-energy and vacuum polarization in the light-front gauge and discuss the equivalence of their standard covariant expressions with the light-front expressions obtained using light-cone time-ordered Hamiltonian perturbation theory. Although this issue has been considered by us and others previously, our emphasis in this article is on addressing the ambiguity regarding the correct form of the gauge boson propagator to be used in the light-front gauge. We generalize our earlier results and show, using an alternative method called the Asymptotic Method, how integrating over the light-front energy consistently in the covariant expression of each of the three one loop corrections leads to the propagating as well as the instantaneous diagrams of the light-front theory. In doing so, we re-establish the necessity of using the correct form of gauge boson propagator.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2013
Identification of the diagrams that can lead to gauge anomalies in the (minimal) Lorentz-and CP T-violating extension of quantum electrodynamics reveals these are the electron self-energy and vertex correction (related to the Ward-Takahashi identity), the photon self-energy (related to the vacuum polarization tensor transversality), and the three-photon vertex diagrams. All but the latter were explicitly verified to be free of anomalies to first order in loop expansion. Here we provide this remaining evaluation and verify the absence of anomalies in this process.
Renormalization and gauge invariance in quantum electrodynamics
Nuclear Physics B, 1970
The connection between the field theory and the perturbation expansion of quantum electrodynamics is studied. As a starting point the usual Lagrangian is taken but with bare electron mass and the renormalization constant Z3 set equal to zero. This theory is essentially equivalent to the usual one; however, it does not contain any constant of nature and is dilatational and gauge invariant, both invariances being spontaneously broken. The various limiting procedures implied by the differentiation, the multiplication and the renormalization of the field operators in the Lagrangian are combined in a gauge invariant way to a single limit. Propagator equations are derived which are the usual renormalized ones, except for: (i) a natural cancellation of the quadratic divergence of the vacuum polarization; (ii) the presence of an effective cutoff at p ≈ ɛ-1; (iii) the replacement of the renormalization constants Z1 and Z2 by one gauge dependent function Z( ɛ2); (iv) the limit ɛ → 0 which has to be taken. The value Z(0) corresponds to the usual constants Z1 and Z2. It is expected that in general Z(0) = 0, but this poses no problem in the present formulation. It is argued that the function Z( ɛ2), which is determined by the equations, may render the vacuum polarization finite. One may eliminate the renormalization function from the propagator equations and then perform the limit ɛ → 0; this results in the usual perturbation series. However, the renormalization function is essential for an understanding of the high momentum behaviour and of the relation between the field theory and the perturbation expansion.
New photon propagators in quantum electrodynamics
A Lagrangian for quantum electrodynamics is found which makes it explicit that the photon mass is eventually set to zero in the physical part on observational ground. It remains possible to obtain a counterterm Lagrangian where the only non-gauge-invariant term is proportional to the squared divergence of the potential, while the photon propagator in momentum space falls off like k −2 at large k, which indeed agrees with perturbative renormalizability. The resulting radiative corrections to the Coulomb potential in QED are also shown to be gauge-independent. A fundamental role of the space of 4-vectors with components given by 4 × 4 matrices is therefore suggested by our scheme, where such matrices can be used to define a single gauge-averaging functional in the path integral.
Consistent perturbative light-front formulation of quantum electrodynamics
Physical Review D, 1998
A new light-front formulation of Q.E.D. is developed, within the framework of standard perturbation theory, in which x + plays the role of the evolution parameter and the gauge choice is A + = 0 (light-front "temporal" gauge). It is shown that this formulation leads to the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt causal prescription for the non-covariant singularities in the photon propagator. Furthermore, it is proved that the dimensionally regularized one loop off-shell amplitudes exactly coincide with the correct ones, as computed within the standard approach using ordinary space-time coordinates.
Dirac’s seminal 1928 paper “The Quantum Theory of the Electron” is the foundation of how we presently understand the behavior of fermions in electromagnetic fields, including their magnetic moments. In sum, it is, as titled, a quantum theory of individual electrons, but in classical electromagnetic fields comprising innumerable photons. Based on the electrodynamic time dilations which the author has previously presented and which arise by geometrizing the Lorentz Force motion, there arises an even-richer “hyper-canonical” variant of the Dirac equation which reduces to the ordinary Dirac equation in the linear limits. This advanced Dirac theory naturally enables the magnetic moment anomaly to be entirely explained without resort to renormalization and other ad hoc add-ons, and it also permits a detailed, granular understanding of how individual fermions interact with individual photons strictly on the quantum level. In sum, it advances Dirac theory to a quantum theory of the electron...