Deconstruction Analysis for Children Literature: Investigating Patriarchy in Indonesian Folktales (original) (raw)

Masculine Domination: Gender Construction in Indonesian Folk Literature

SEWORD FRESSH 2019, 2019

In the early stages of childhood, children are often faced with cultural values where they begin to grow and recognize the various value systems that apply in society. In the context of Indonesian society, folk literature is an initial transmission medium of knowledge that parents often use for their children. Therefore, the contents of the material from children's books greatly contribute to the acquisition of children's knowledge and experience from various situations, events, or places in their lives. This paper discusses the construction of gender contained in Indonesian folklore. The research was conducted on popular story that is constantly reproduced and consumed repeatedly, both in the form of books and subject matter at school. Based on research obtained from the results of research, the value order to be ideal men and women in gathering collectively Indonesian society settles in various characters in story. To support the construction, a number of ideal figure of men and women were built through story characters, threats to deviant construction, and male superiority myths. Folk stories as a medium of early transmission became a medium of transmission towards the institutionalization of intergenerational patriarchal construction in Indonesia from an early age.

The Representation of Patriarchy in Indonesian Children Folk Tales from Sumatra Island

Lingua Cultura

This research aimed to discuss the topic of patriarchal research because it still existed in several countries in the world, especially Asia and more specifically, in Indonesia. This research was conducted to reveal how patriarchal values were reflected in Indonesian children’s folk tales from Sumatra Island. This research used a sociological approach to literature and used semiotic theory to analyze the data obtained. The researcher chose to use a qualitative descriptive method so that the analysis process could be described completely. The main data used in this research are several children’s folk tales originating from Sumatra Island, namely Province of North Sumatra (“Di Balik Derita Si Boru Tombaga”, “Bohong Merinang”, and “Si Kodok Kata Malem, Baik Budi Penawan Hati”), South Sumatra (“Langkuse dan Putri Rambut Putih”), and Jambi (“Legenda Bukit Perak”). This research finds that patriarchal values are represented in how women are associated with domestic works, women are consi...

Women's Rejection toward Patriarchy Culture: A Feminism Study in Selected Indonesian Novels

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017), 2018

The focus of this study is on the form and the motif of women rejection toward the product of patriarchy culture. Method of the research is descriptive-analysis by taking data sources from six selected Indonesian novels. The purpose of this study is to describe the form and the motif of women's rejection toward patriarchy culture that presented in Indonesian novel based on grand feminism theories. The result of the analysis shows that women in the novels reject five cultural products of patriarchal ideology. The five products are (1) pingitan, (2) restriction on employment, (3) shotgun marriage, (4) domestic and sexual violence and (5) polygamy. The act of rejection manifests in three forms: (1) the radical rejection, (2) compromised rejection, and (3) compromised rejection with political, economical and socio-cultural strategies. The rejection occurs because patriarchy still positioned the women under the domination of men as the controllers. Men are still positioned as panatapraja (country controller) and pranatama (religion controller). Second, the rejection motif of women characters toward patriarchy culture is because there is no ownership of rights for women for their body and soul, such as beauty, virginity, mate, and marriage which are always determined by men.

Indonesian folktales: feminism and the query of femaleness


This paper aims to study about the query of femaleness in Indonesian folktales from the feminism approach. It is taken into account due to women’s subordination that allegedly implies the negation of femaleness. In particular, the perpetual story of Malin Kundang represents that owing to her weakness, a woman is a subordinate creature. It happens when Malin Kundang denies the appearance of her mother after a series of successes he makes. Another popular story, Sangkuriang, even depicts that due to her beauty, a woman is an object of sex. It is seen when Sangkuriang proposes Dayang Sumbi to be his wife because of his inability of recognising her as his mother after some year banishment. The subordination eventually drives the two women to struggle against it in order to defend their dignity. The mother of Malin Kundang spells him to be a stone and Dayang Sumbi overtly refuses Sangkuriang’s proposal. Their struggles are of course valued of the morali...

The Deconstruction of Patriarchal Power against Nature and Women in the Indonesian Novels

Asian Social Science, 2018

This study aims to identify and understand the deconstruction of the patriarchal ideology power to the nature and women which is portrayed in the Indonesian novels, using the perspective of ecofeminism. The data source is the Indonesian novels that raise issues associated with women's nature. This study used a qualitative design to scrutinize the patriarchal power over nature, environment, and women in the Indonesian novels. Of the nine novels studied (Bilangan Fu, Manjali dan Cakrabirawa, Maya, Partikel, Isinga, Lemah Tanjung, dan Amba, Bunga, and Api Awan Asap, the following findings are obtained. (1) The studied novels describe the deconstruction of the patriarchal power that led to the massive exploration and exploitation of natural resources and cultural heritage and to disremember the values of local wisdom, (2) the novels show a tendency written by the authors with ecofeminism asthe basic aesthetic writing of the novel.

Women's Rebellion towards Patriarchal Culture in Latest Indonesian Novels

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Languages and Arts (ICLA 2017), 2018

This article aimed to expose the portrayal of women's rebellion inthe latest Indonesian novels through characters description. Method of the research was content analysis method to interpret literary works trough certain perspectives. Data of the study were collected from selected latest Indonesian novels published from 1940s until 2000s. The analysis found that women did a rebellion towards patriarchal culture with purpose to have similar chance on education, social life, socioeconomic , political right and cultural. The forms of women's rebellion are direct confrontation and indirect attempt. Direct confrontation depicted in the attitudes and statements of women characters in the novels. Meanwhile, indirect attempts are reflected through the utterance of women's thought and feeling.

A Deconstructive Reading to Find How Paternalism Works in Texts for Children

Literature and Literacy

This is a qualitative descriptive study with the aim to find out how paternalism works in 12 Indonesian folktales by applying Derrida’s deconstruction theory. Twelve folktales from children books that represents theme about moral ideology were chosen as the objects of this study. Data collection did by document analysis. Data analysis then conducted by doing Derrida’s deconstruction analysis as proposed by Barry that involves verbal, textual, and linguistic analysis with the aim to investigate how paternalism works and give significant meaning in the folktales. The results that the paternalism seems to explain about pure paternalisms since the ideology closely related to give explanations about father (men) who completely takes control over children and women (wife). Even though the controls seems to be considered as for good reasons, this study proves the the paternalism show limitation of freedom and also reflects autonomous violation over women and children. The paternalism expl...

Construction of Women’s Roles in Patriarchal Culture (Feminist study towards modern Indonesian novels)

Proceedings of the Second Conference on Language, Literature, Education, and Culture (ICOLLITE 2018), 2019

Until this time, most women's roles have been constructed by the community and subsequently socialized through literary works. In a patriarchal society, the roles of women are constructed only according to the patriarchal point of view. This study described how the roles of women were constructed in patriarchal culture contained in Indonesian novels such as Sitti Nurbaya by Marah Rusli, Azab dan Senggsara by Merari Siregar, Kehilangan Mestika by Hamidah, and Manusia Bebas by Suwarsih Djojopuspito. Based on the results of analysis on the four novels, it was found that in general women were constructed to fulfill the roles in the domestic world as wife, child, and mother, also play a role in the public who participate in the world of education and social organizations. The constructed role of women benefits men and corresponds to patriarchal ideology.

Women’s Resistance in Indonesian Folklore “Timun Mas”

International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation

This study aims to reveal women's resistance to patriarchal domination in Timun Mas's folklore. This study uses a feminist approach to discuss the resistance that women do to defeat patriarchal domination. The data analysis used in this study is descriptive and qualitative. The results of this study show that women and their mothers managed to defeat the patriarchal dominance depicted through the character of Buto Ijo. Buto ijo is a representation of patriarchal domination that existed in society at that time so that female figures resisted the domination that limited it. The resistance carried out by Timun Mas was carried out in the following ways, (1) defending by outsmarting Buto Ijo, (2) fighting him directly using sprinkling bags that grow vines, throwing salt and paste on Buto Ijo, (3) The female character dares to resist domination and is able to decide on a personal decision to seize her right to stay alive. Thus it can be concluded that women are objects of men, whi...

Indonesian Folklore Based on Gender Equality to Improve Literacy Culture


The content of folklore that contains gender equality can improve mutual respect without looking down on gender. This study aims to describe and reconstruct the folklore of Indonesia from a gender equality perspective. The research method used was based on a qualitative paradigm with a descriptive model. The data were collected through the observation method followed by note-taking technique. The data analysis technique was done by analysing the image of women in existing folklore, reconstructing folklore from a gender equality perspective, and designing narratives and visuals of the folklore. Folklore reconstruction produces stories that do not weaken the female figure. This research shows that the ideology of folklore can be adapted to the values that want to be taught to the younger generation. Certainly, the reconstruction does not change the story line, but takes the opposite point of view. Keywords—folklore, gender equality, literacy