Cristo medium beatificans e fine della storia in Bonaventura (original) (raw)

Francesco esemplificazione della "Theologia Crucis" di Bonaventura

Francesco esemplificazione della “Theologia Crucis” di Bonaventura, in Doctor Seraphicus, Bollettino d’informazioni del Centro di Studi Bonaventuriani, (Anno LII: La “Theologia Crucis” di Bonaventura e la sua attualità), Maggio 2005, 55-77., 2005

This paper has been published under the title «Francesco esemplificazione della “Theologia Crucis” di Bonaventura», in "Doctor Seraphicus", Bollettino d’informazioni del Centro di Studi Bonaventuriani, (Anno LII: La “Theologia Crucis” di Bonaventura e la sua attualità), Maggio 2005, 55-77. The theme of the theology of the cross in the life of Saint Francis has been further studied in more recent publications (Il “Verbum crucifixum”: un termine risolutivo della “theologia crucis” di s. Bonaventura?, in Doctor Seraphicus 52 (2005) 79-114). The present paper deals especially with the notion of "Verbum Crucifixum" in the theology of the Seraphic Doctor Saint Bonaventure, and its application to the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Un'idea della storia da Bonaventura a Dante

Traduzioni, tradizioni e rivisitazioni dell'opera di Dante, 2023

The contribution traces the cantos Paradiso X-XIII and the Franciscan sources underlying them, with the aim of studying the connection between the idea of wisdom, which Dante develops in this part of Paradiso, and man’s active role in history. In this way, the journey of the poet-viator recon!gures the space of human freedom and con!rms the political character of Dante’s literary engagement.

La distinzione delle processioni divine in Bonaventura e Tommaso

La Scuola Cattolica, 2018

Il concetto di processione compare nella Scrittura e nelle prime riflessioni ecclesiali, descrivendo la vita intima di Dio. L'articolo mette a tema il problema della distinzione della generazione e della spirazione nell'assoluta e semplice unità di Dio. Se Agostino e Pietro Lombardo indicano come incomprensibile la ragione di tale distinzione, Riccardo di San Vittore e Alberto Magno propongono alcune soluzioni. La presente ricerca si concentra sulle posizioni teologiche di Bonaventura e Tommaso d'Aquino, provando ad evidenziare, a partire dalle ragioni di questa distinzione, alcuni tratti della loro teologia. The concept of Procession appears in the Scriptures and in early ecclesial reflections , and describes the intimate life of God. This article examines the problem of the distinction between generation and spiration in the absolute and simple unity of God. If Augustine and Peter Lombard indicate the reason for such a distinction as being incomprehensible, Richard of Saint Victor and Albert the Great put forward some solutions. This present research concentrates on the theological positions of Bonaventure and Thomas Aquinas, attempting to highlight some traits of their theology, beginning with the reasons for this distinction. Paolo Brambilla, LA DISTINZIONE DELLE PROCESSIONI DIVINE IN BONAVENTURA E TOMMASO, La Scuola Cattolica 146 (2018) 535-564.

La corruzione della natura umana nel pensiero medievale: Bonaventura interprete di Agostino

The current state of weakness and moral conflict is not the true condition of man, but rather the result of a fall, which has corrupted his nature. This is a conviction deeply rooted in medieval culture. It is also the idea already supported by Augustine in controversy with the Pelagians. According to these, a nature created good cannot be corrupted by the abuse of an individual, because sin is always a personal act and cannot be transmitted from father to son. The most penetrating reading of Augustine’s speech can be found perhaps in the work of Bonaventure, the Franciscan teacher who worked in Paris in the mid of the 13th century. In the same years, the Dominican Thomas Aquinas, more attentive to the needs of the Aristotelian natural philosophy, that scholastic thought was rediscovering, judged the fall is not a real distortion of human nature, but rather the loss of supernatural gifts, by which God had exempted man from limits inherent in his nature. For Bonaventure instead, we cannot rationally admit that from a good, just and wise God originates a nature inclined to evil, marked by the concupiscence and destined to suffering, ageing and death. It was Adam’s rebellion that merited the pain of this disorder, because that sensuality and the body do not obey any more the higher faculties of the soul. Nevertheless, man through his own forces cannot recover the primitive harmony. Only God can do it through his grace. Christ’s redemption not only restores human nature, but also elevates it to the heavenly glory. However, this will only happen at the end of time, whereas now, in spite of the baptism that washes away the guilt, there remain concupiscence, ignorance and mortality. But it remains also a coercive social order, that is the domination of rulers over their subjects, husbands over wives and lords over slaves. This order, regarded as result but also as remedy of sin, must remain, and fallen man cannot aspirate to rebuild a paradise on earth.

I Sermoni di San Bonaventura alle Clarisse

The article presents the Sermons that St. Bonaventure preached to the Poor Clares. The Sermones de tempore appear as preaching schemes from which a structure of preaching can be understood. They are a section of the works that the Minister General dedicated to the Poor Sisters and reveal the fundamental themes of Bonaventurian theology and mysticism. The vocabulary of these sermons evokes the world of claritas, of the light that was manifested on the face of the transfigured Jesus (sermon 200) and in the glory of Christmas (sermon 106), a mystery that has in Epiphany (sermon 171) its shining theological synthesis.

Prospettive filosofiche cristologiche nell'etàb medievale: Bonaventura e la cristologia filosofica


Riassunto Il saggio si concentra sul fondamentale ruolo svolto, in Bonaventura, dal Verbo come medium dell’attivita della Trinita in relazione alla creazione e alla redenzione. In particolare esso evidenzia i diversi aspetti di questa tematica negli scritti bonaventuriani e l’importante nozione di Verbum inspiratum gia approfondita nel Breviloquium . Abstract This paper focuses on the important role plaied, according to St. Bonaventure, by the Word as a medium of the Trinity’s activity dealing with the creation and redemption. In particular, the paper points out the different aspects of this topic in Bonaventure’s works as well as the relevant notion of Verbum inspiratum already developed in Breviloquium .