Identitet Bošnjaka Bosanaca kao intersekcijske socijalne grupe / The Identity of Bosniak Bosniand as an Intersectional Social Group (original) (raw)

Bosanski jezik i bosnistika u Mađarskoj

Književni jezik

The article presents the presence of the Bosnian language and Bosnian studies in Hungary. It discusses in detail the meaning, history and beginnings of the ethnonym Bosnian, which dates back to the 19th century. After the fall of the AustroHungarian Monarchy, the first independent South Slavic state was established, which brought not only political and economic changes, but also language and language policy changes. Post-World War II Yugoslavia was characterized by linguistic unification, which took place in the Serbo-Croatian language. The Hungarian scientific and non-scientific public faithfully followed the Yugoslav terminology, so there was no mention of the Bosnian language at all. After the breakup of Yugoslavia, a new language situation arose, which was interpreted by István Nyomárkay for the Hungarian academic public. However, information about the Bosnian language in Hungarian sources is still almost unavailable, from which it follows that there are no Bosnian studies in Hu...

IDENTITETI I PORODIČNE VREDNOSNE ORIJENTACIJE NA BALKANU 3 Identities and Family Value Orientations in the Balkans


According to Giddens, the modern self is bewildered by the growing variety of possible identities on offer. In the transitional period Balkan countries are currently facing, we can observe a dynamic interplay of traditional and new identities. Traditional identities on one hand change under the pressure of new ones, and on the other put up certain resistance to possible changes. In this paper the authors present a comparative analysis of identification and identities in Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia, based on the findings of empirical research. By establishing similarities and differences between identity dynamics in these countries, it becomes possible to account for identity trends in them. In a separate section, family value orientations are examined as cultural frames of reference of identity constructions. Their analytical deconstruction is accomplished through the prism of relatively structured gender relations and a particular, " desired " pattern of family values....

Entrance of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes according to newspaper „Narodno Jedinstvo“

Historijski pogledi, 2019

The question of the entry of Bosnia and Herzegovina into the Kingdom of the SHS is important to research and study through the columns of the National Unity, the official newsletter of the new national authorities. Although in its first issue it was announced with pomp, it was an independent newsletter, it was everything, but not independently. Namely, this is a school example of the Edict list, which served to glorify the new state of Slovenians, Croats and Serbs, and later to glorify the unification into the Kingdom, that is, first of all, the glorification of the Serbian element in the Kingdom of the SHS. This work follows the information contained in columns from November 4, when the first number of the National Unity was published, until December 26, 1918, or less than two months.

Etimologija nekih općeupotrebnih persizama u bosanskom jeziku / Ethymology of some commonly used persisms in the Bosnian language

Književni jezik, 2019

The author etymologizes Persian language lexemes, presenting commonly used persisms in Bosnian onomastics. In particular, the etymology of the examples of persism presented refers to the vocabulary present in the Bosnian language, which makes it universally applicable. The Bosnian language is extremely rich in words from other languages, especially Oriental languages (Arabic, Turkish and Persian), hence the author devotes his work to lexemes that include adaptations and borrowings from the Persian language. In the first place, it was sought to determine for which persisms incorporated into the Bosnian language it is possible to determine the most thorough etymological sequence, and then to enrich the vocabulary of the Bosnian language with the etymological sequence represented by the persisms recorded in the languages of the Persian language family of Iranian languages.

Zajedničko polje identiteta i razlike: spekulativna i socijalna teorija

Filozofska istraživanja, 2012

Zajedničko polje identiteta i razlike: spekulativna i socijalna teorija Sažetak Ovaj rad želi u dilemama s kojima se suočavaju suvremene društvene znanosti pri nastojanju artikuliranja koncepcije kolektivnog identiteta prepoznati motive mišljenja identiteta koje je već iskušavala spekulativna filozofska tradicija. Čini se da jednim zaobilaznim i tako reći »empirijskim« putem prve ponavljaju paradokse potonje: udarajući na samu granicu diskurzivnog poimanja identiteta, svjedoče o unutrašnjoj proturječnosti i, istovremeno, neophodnosti njegovog instaliranja. Oba pristupa ustanovljuju neizbježnu »dijalektičku« suigru identiteta i razlike, koji se, čak i u svojim radikalnim samoafirmacijama, međusobno podrazumijevaju, konstituiraju i podržavaju. Upitno, međutim, (p)ostaje koliko je takva njihova »apstraktna« strukturalna su-upućenost operativna, kao i je li moguće misliti mimo ili preko nje. Ključne riječi identitet, razlika, društvene znanosti, politika identiteta, filozofija razlike Novo i najnovije vrijeme 'Identitet' je devedesetih godina prošlog stoljeća postao jednim od pojmova koji daju okvir intelektualnim debatama. Sociolozi, antropolozi, politolozi, psiholozi, geografi, povjesničari, filozofi, čini se da svi imaju, i to u različitim diskursima, nešto o njemu reći: od diskusija o njegovoj konstitutivnosti za modernu do njegovih postmodernih osporavanja, od različitih pokušaja feminizma da dekonstruira rodne konvencije društva do zbrke oko uskrsnuća nacionalizma i etniciteta kao značajnih političkih snaga. I uopće više nije riječ o nekakvom factum brutum koji bi se zvao 'identitet': govori se o njegovoj promjeni-o nastajanju novih identiteta, o renesansi starih, o transformaciji postojećih-o čitavoj »politici identiteta«. I ne govore, najzad, samo intelektualci, nego i novinari i političari, pisci i pravnici, stručnjaci za tržište, potrošnju i oglašavanje. 1

Differences in Family Interactions between Adolescents from the Republic of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina: Cross-Cultural Perspective

Drustvena Istrazivanja, 2009

S obzirom na razli~itost dru{tvenih normi, odgojnih ciljeva neke karakteristi~ne dru{tvene zajednice, mo`emo pretpostaviti da postoje razli~itosti, ali i sli~nosti u modelima roditeljstva raznih kulturnih konteksta. Na`alost, kroskulturalnih studija vrlo je malo, stoga mo`emo re}i da se ve}ina razvojnih teorija temelji na istra`ivanjima u zapadnim kulturama (Bennet i Grimley, 2001.; Fouts, 2004.). Proveli smo istra`ivanje da bismo utvrdili sli~nosti i razlike u do`ivljaju roditeljstva izme|u adolescenata dviju dr`ava: Republike Hrvatske te Bosne i Hercegovine. Rezultati ovog istra`ivanja upu}uju na zaklju~ak da se obitelji iz Republike Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine razlikuju prema mjestu `ivljenja (selo, grad), razini naobrazbe oca i majke te zaposlenju oca i majke. [to se ti~e procjene roditeljskoga pona{anja (emocionalnost, kontrola), nije zabilje`ena razlika u procjeni adolescenata. Razlika se vidi u procjeni kvalitete obiteljske interakcije. Adolescenti iz Bosne i Hercegovine k...

Literary Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju

The manuscript collection of the Specialized Library “Behram-beg” in Tuzla contains 131 manuscript codices written in Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian. The largest part of the collection consists of manuscripts of the Qur’an, works from the Qur’anic disciplines, hadith sciences, Islamic law, dogmatics, prayers, sermons, grammar, lexicography and belles lettres. Of particular value to this collection are the works of Bosniak authors and works by other authors copied by Bosniaks, as well as works that are rarely found in other manuscriptcollections and those written in Arabic script in the Bosnian language. Of the total number of manuscripts stored in the collection of the Behram-beg library, 78 have been digitised. We will present a part of these manuscripts in this paper, trying to draw attention to the growing importance of digital data processing and storage with the aim of valid protection, study and valorization of written heritage. Digital archives as safe places of storage...

Disolucija SFRJ I Obnova Nezavisnosti Bosne I Hercegovine Na Stranicama Lista "Oslobođenje" // Dissolution of Yugoslavia and the Renewal of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Independence on the Pages of "Oslobođenje

Historijski pogledi, 2018

The author of the paper deals with the research and study of the process of the dissolution of the former SFRY, and the restoration of the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina, through the pages of the daily newspaper Oslobodjenje. Namely, important lexical sources relevant to the study of historical processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina are available in the Oslobodjenje paper, which monitored and brought news about the process of the dissolution of the SFRY, and the restoration of the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to investigate the atmosphere and the environment in which the changes were taking place, as was the case in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as was the reaction of the then side, but also the domestic, political and other public. In this way, one more complete picture of everyday life in Bosnia and Herzegovina is to be given in these fateful moments of its millennial existence and specialties.