Inversion of Multi-Angle Radiation Measurements (original) (raw)
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Retrieval of cloud droplet size distribution parameters from polarized reflectance measurements
We present an algorithm for retrieval of cloud droplet size distribution parameters (effective radius and variance) from the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) measurements. The RSP is an airborne prototype for the Aerosol Polarimetery Sensor (APS), which is due to be launched as part of the NASA Glory Project. This instrument measures both polarized and total reflectances in 9 spectral channels with center wavelengths ranging from 410 to 2250 nm. For cloud droplet size retrievals we utilize the polarized reflectances in the scattering angle range between 140 and 170 degrees where they exhibit rainbow. The shape of the rainbow is determined mainly by single-scattering properties of the cloud particles, that simplifies the inversions and reduces retrieval uncertainties. The retrieval algorithm was tested using realistically simulated cloud radiation fields. Our retrievals of cloud droplet sizes from actual RSP measurements made during two recent field campaigns were compared with the correlative in situ observations.
Remote Sensing of Environment, 2012
We present an algorithm for the retrieval of cloud droplet size distribution parameters (effective radius and variance) from the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) measurements. The RSP is an airborne prototype for the Aerosol Polarimetery Sensor (APS), which was on-board of the NASA Glory satellite. This instrument measures both polarized and total reflectance in 9 spectral channels with central wavelengths ranging from 410 to 2260 nm. The cloud droplet size retrievals use the polarized reflectance in the scattering angle range between 135°and 165°, where they exhibit the sharply defined structure known as the rain-or cloud-bow. The shape of the rainbow is determined mainly by the single scattering properties of cloud particles. This significantly simplifies both forward modeling and inversions, while also substantially reducing uncertainties caused by the aerosol loading and possible presence of undetected clouds nearby. In this study we present the accuracy evaluation of our algorithm based on the results of sensitivity tests performed using realistic simulated cloud radiation fields.
What does reflection from cloud sides tell us about vertical distribution of cloud droplet sizes?
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2006
Cloud development, the onset of precipitation and the effect of aerosol on clouds depend on the structure of the cloud profiles of droplet size and phase. Aircraft measurements of cloud profiles are limited in their temporal and spatial extent. Satellites were used to observe cloud tops not cloud profiles with vertical profiles of precipitation-sized droplets anticipated from CloudSat. The recently proposed CLAIM-3D satellite mission (cloud aerosol interaction mission in 3-D) suggests to measure profiles of cloud microphysical properties by retrieving them from the solar and infrared radiation reflected or emitted from cloud sides. Inversion of measurements from the cloud sides requires rigorous understanding of the 3-dimentional (3-D) properties of clouds. Here we discuss the reflected sunlight from the cloud sides and top at two wavelengths: one nonabsorbing to solar radiation (0.67 µm) and one with liquid water efficient absorption of solar radiation (2.1 µm). In contrast to the plane-parallel approximation, a conventional approach to all current operational retrievals, 3-D radiative transfer is used for interpreting the observed reflectances. General properties of the radiation reflected from the sides of an isolated cloud are discussed. As a proof of concept, the paper shows a few examples of radiation reflected from cloud fields generated by a simple stochastic cloud model with the prescribed vertically resolved microphysics. To retrieve the information about droplet sizes, we propose to use the probability density function of the droplet size distribution and its first two moments instead of the assumption about fixed values of the droplet effective radius. The retrieval algorithm is based on the Bayesian theorem that combines prior information about cloud structure and microphysics with radiative transfer calculations.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2011
We introduce a new multispectral method for the retrieval of optical thickness and effective radius from cloud transmittance, which is less sensitive to effective radius than cloud reflectance. Based on data from the moderate spectral resolution observations of the Solar Spectral Flux Radiometer (SSFR) and Shortwave Spectroradiometer (SWS), we use the spectral shape of transmitted radiance as a means of retrieving effective radius from cloud transmittance. The observations were taken during the International Chemistry Experiment in the Arctic Lower Troposphere and at the Southern Great Plains (SGP) site of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility. The spectral shape was quantified by fitting a slope to the normalized transmit-10 tance between 1565 nm and 1634 nm. The retrieval was performed by comparing the observed slope at 1565 nm and the transmittance at 515 nm with a pre-calculated library . An estimate of the retrieval uncertainty was provided by propagating the uncertainty of the observations through the best-fit algorithm. We compare the new retrieval with an algorithm that uses transmittance at two wavelengths, a method 15 often used with cloud reflectance. The liquid water path (LWP) is derived from the retrieved optical thickness and effective radius, assuming a cloud with effective radius varying linearly with altitude above cloud base, and compared to the retrieved liquid water path from a microwave radiometer. Retrievals from two MODIS overpasses of the SGP were also compared. The data taken from the SGP was under thicker cloud 20 than the case used from ICEALOT, with average optical thickness of 44 and 22, respectively. For the time period with the thicker clouds, the dual-wavelength method and the slope method retrieved nearly indistinguishable results. The dual-wavelength method, however, resulted in slightly higher average relative effective radius uncertainty of 12.9 µm±12.8%, as compared to 12.8 µm±8.9% from the slope method. The thinner 25 cloud case resulted in a significant difference between the dual-wavelength and slope algorithms with average retrieved effective radius and uncertainties of 12.5 µm±8.4% and 17.0 µm±21.0% for the slope and dual-wavelength methods, respectively. The retrieved optical thickness values for this case were nearly identical. The average derived LWP was within 12.5% and 20% of the MWR LWP for the ARM and ICEALOT data. For a homogeneous cloud case, the MODIS retrievals (optical depth, effective radius, and LWP) were within the uncertainty of the SWS retrievals. Inhomogeneous clouds resulted in lesser agreement between the MODIS and SWS retrievals. 5 20 (IPCC) lists the effects of aerosol on clouds as the largest uncertainty in the forecasting of future climate change (Forster et al.Abstract Introduction Conclusions References Tables Figures Back Close Full Screen / Esc Printer-friendly Version Interactive Discussion 10
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
Simulations of total and polarized cloud reflectance angular signatures such as the ones measured by the multi-angular and polarized radiometer POLDER3/PARASOL are used to evaluate cloud heterogeneity effects on cloud parameter retrievals. Effects on optical thickness, albedo, effective radius and variance of the cloud droplet size distribution and aerosol parameters above cloud are analyzed. Three different clouds that have the same mean optical thicknesses were generated: the first with a flat top, the second with a bumpy top and the last with a fractional cloud cover. At small scale (50 m), for oblique solar incidence, the illumination effects lead to higher total but also polarized reflectances. The polarized reflectances even reach values that cannot be predicted by the 1-D homogeneous cloud assumption. At the POLDER scale (7 km × 7 km), the angular signature is modified by a combination of the planeparallel bias and the shadowing and illumination effects. In order to quantify effects of cloud heterogeneity on operational products, we ran the POLDER operational algorithms on the simulated reflectances to retrieve the cloud optical thickness and albedo. Results show that the cloud optical thickness is greatly affected: biases can reach up to −70, −50 or +40 % for backward, nadir and forward viewing directions, respectively. Concerning the albedo of the cloudy scenes, the errors are smaller, between −4.7 % for solar incidence angle of 20 • and up to about +8 % for solar incidence angle of 60 •. We also tested the heterogeneity effects on new algorithms that allow retrieving cloud droplet size distribution and cloud top pressures and also aerosol above clouds. Contrary to the bi-spectral method, the retrieved cloud droplet size parameters are not significantly affected by the cloud heterogeneity, which proves to be a great advantage of using polarized measurements. However, the cloud top pressure obtained from molecular scattering in the forward direction can be biased up to about 60 hPa (around 550 m). Concerning the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) above cloud, the results are different depending on the available angular information. Above the fractional cloud, when only side scattering angles between 100 and 130 • are available, the AOT is underestimated because of the plane-parallel bias. However, for solar zenith angle of 60 • it is overestimated because the polarized reflectances are increased in forward directions.
Simulations of total and polarized cloud reflectance angular signatures such as the ones measured by the multiangular and polarized radiometer POLDER3/PARASOL are used to evaluate cloud heterogeneity effects on cloud parameter retrievals. Effects on optical thickness, cloud albedo, effective radius and variance of the cloud droplet size distribution and aerosol above cloud optical thickness are analyzed. Three different clouds having the same mean optical thicknesses were 15 generated: the first one with a flat top, the second one with a bumpy top and the last one with a fractional cloud cover. At small scale (50 m), for oblique solar incidence, the illumination effects lead to higher total but also polarized reflectances. The polarized reflectances even reach values that cannot be predicted by the 1D homogeneous cloud assumption. At the POLDER scale (7 km x 7 km), the angular signature is modified by a combination of the plane-parallel bias and the shadowing and illumination effects. In order to quantify effects of cloud heterogeneity on operational products, we ran the 20 POLDER operational algorithms on the simulated reflectances to retrieve the cloud optical thickness and albedo. Results show that the cloud optical thickness is greatly affected: biases can reach up to-70%,-50% or +40% for backward, nadir and forward viewing directions respectively. Concerning the cloud albedo, the errors are smaller, between-4.7% for solar incidence angle of 20° and up to about 8% for solar incidence angle of 60°. We also tested the heterogeneity effects on new algorithms that allow retrieving cloud droplet size distribution and cloud top pressures and also aerosol above clouds. 25 Contrarily to the bi-spectral method, the retrieved cloud droplet size parameters are not significantly affected by the cloud heterogeneity, which proves to be a great advantage of using polarized measurements. However the cloud top pressure obtained from molecular scattering in the forward direction can be biased up to 120 hPa (around 1 km). Concerning the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) above cloud, the results are different depending on the available angular information. Above the fractional cloud, when only side scattering angles are available, the AOT can be underestimated because of the plane-30 parallel bias. For solar zenith angle of 60°, on contrary, it is overestimated because the polarized reflectances are increased in forward directions.
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
The principles of cloud droplet size retrieval via Polarization and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectance (POLDER) requires that clouds be horizontally homogeneous. The retrieval is performed by combining all measurements from an area of 150 km × 150 km to compensate for POLDER's insufficient directional sampling. Using POLDER-like data simulated with the RT3 model, we investigate the impact of cloud horizontal inhomogeneity and directional sampling on the retrieval and analyze which spatial resolution is potentially accessible from the measurements. Case studies show that the sub-grid-scale variability in droplet effective radius (CDR) can significantly reduce valid retrievals and introduce small biases to the CDR (~ 1.5 μm) and effective variance (EV) estimates. Nevertheless, the sub-grid-scale variations in EV and cloud optical thickness (COT) only influence the EV retrievals and not the CDR estimate. In the directional sampling cases studied, the retrieval using limi...
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 1990
A method is presented for determining the optical thickness and effective particle radius of stratiform cloud layers from reflected solar radiation measurements. A detailed study is presented which shows that the cloud optical thickness (7,) and effective particle radius (r,) of water clouds can be determined solely from reflection function measurements at 0.75 and 2. I6 pm, provided rc B 4 and rc Z 6 pm. For optically thin clouds the retrieval becomes ambiguous, resulting in two possible solutions for the effective radius and optical thickness. Adding a third channel near 1.65 am does not improve the situation noticeably, whereas the addition of a channel near 3.70 pm reduces the ambiguity in deriving the effective radius. The effective radius determined by the above procedure corresponds to the droplet radius at some optical depth within the cloud layer. For clouds having +< L 8, the effective radius determined using the 0.75 and 2.16 pm channels can be regarded as 85%95% of the radius at cloud top, which corresponds in turn to an optical depth 209'~40% of the total optical thickness of the cloud layer.