Politik Adiluhung (original) (raw)

Politik pilantropi

Bertambahnya jumlah televisi swasta nasional maupun lokal merupakan faktor penting dalam meningkatnya popularitas televisi di tengah-tengah masyarakat.

Kejahatan Politik

Sampai saat ini, istilah kejahatan politik atau delik politik lebih memiliki makna sosiologis daripada yuridis. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak ada satu pun rumusan di dalam perundang-undangan kita yang memberikan pengertian kejahatan politik atau delik politik. Padahal untuk kepentingan praktis, batasan pengertian kejahatan politik mempunyai arti penting dalam rangka menentukan apakah pelaku kejahatan politik dapat diekstradisi atau tidak. Dalam pasal 5 undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1979 Tentang Ekstradisi, disebutkan bahwa kejahatan politik tidak dapat diekstradisi. Akan tetapi pasal tersebut juga memberi pengecualian terhadap beberapa jenis kejahatan politik tertentu yang pelakunya dapat diekstradisikan sepanjang diperjanjikan antara negara Republik Indonesia dengan negara yang bersangkutan. Pasal 5 undang-undang tersebut lebih lanjut menyatakan bahwa pembunuhan atau percobaan pembunuhan terhadap kepala negara atau anggota keluarganya dianggap sebagai kejahatan politik. Selain pembatasan pembunuhan atau percobaan pembunuhan terhadap kepala negara atau anggota keluarganya dianggap bukan sebagai kejahatan politik, dalam undang-undang ekstradisi terdapat lampiran yang memuat beberapa jenis kejahatan yang dapat diekstradisi. Sungguhpun demikian, tidak dapat secara a contrarie jenis-jenis kejahatan di luar yang ditentukan di dalam lampiran itu merupakan kejahatan politik. Sebab, di luar jenis kejahatan yang disebutkan dalam lampiran tersebut, masih sangat banyak jenis kejahatan yang tidak masuk dalam pengertian kejahatan politik. Sehubungan dengan tidak adanya pengertian yuridis tentang kejahatan politik, maka kita harus mencari pengertian itu melalui berbagai referensi. Tulisan berikut ini akan mengulas tentang berbagai pengertian kejahatan politik dan parameter suatu perbuatan yang dapat dikualifikasikan sebagai kejahatan politik. B. Identifikasi Masalah

Politik Pemaafan

Jurnal Studi Agama, 2019

Forgiveness is often understood as an attitude to overcome negative things and judgment of a guilty person by not denying the pain itself, but with compassion, empathy, and love for those who hurt. Some things to know from forgiveness are what and how forgiveness, stages of forgiveness and forgiveness elements. In the political context, forgiveness is not just 'forgetting' the past, but instead remembers it again and then forgives. In this process it is necessary to try to remember past facts and make honest moral judgments about past mistakes, injustices, and injuries. Forgiveness in the context of action politics does not mean freeing punishment against perpetrators of past crimes, but means free from acts of revenge. Forgiveness starts from an encouragement of 'moral judgment' and control of revenge.

Gerakan Ta'Awun Muhammadiyah: Gerakan Sosial Politik Adiluhung

PAPATUNG: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Pemerintahan dan Politik

This study discusses the manifestation of the value of ta'awun in the Muhammadiyah organization which has succeeded in bringing the Muhammadiyah Organization as one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia with thousands of assets in the form of educational institutions, health institutions, social institutions and various other social institutions whose number continues to increase every year. Of course, making Muhammadiyah a community organization that has political bargaining power at the national level. This research uses the library research method, which is a research method whose data comes from various reading materials, including journals, books, and various other readings that are relevant to the title to be discussed. The result is that Muhammadiyah is able to become a political force that is respected by the central government because the political ta'awun movement is oriented towards high politics and ta'awun nationalism in the form of the theologic...

Etika Dan Kejujuran Dalam Berpolitik


Talking about the ethics of participating in politics in the life of a nation and a country, we have to admit that nowadays many among the political elite tends to be politicking with ethical dereliction of outstanding statesmanship. An awful lot of the fact that their politicking done without rationality, emotions and putting forward the interests of the group, and does not give priority to the interests of a nation. Politics is not a purely pragmatic nature of case, which concerns only a goal and how to achieve those goals, that can be handled with rationality. Looks more like a political ethics demand that a destination that is selected must be justified by common sense that can be tested, and how to achieve them must be defined can be tested with the moral criteria. Honesty in politics is very important in the efforts to improve the situation of the nation is full of falsehoods. High low moral integrity of a person in politics to determine high low integrity of the personality a...

Etika Politik Islam Pada Pileg 2019 Perspektif Nahdhatul Ulama Lubuklinggau

Ampera: A Research Journal on Politics and Islamic Civilization, 2022

Name : Reksi Saputra Name : 1730404057 Faculty : Adab dan Humaniora Study Program/ Year : Politik Islam/2022 Thesis Title : Etika Politik Islam Pada Saat Pemilihan Umum Dalam Perspektif Nahdlatul Ulama (Studi Pada Ulama dan Politisi Nahdlatul Ulama Kota Lubklinggau) xxii + 75 p + Appendix This thesis discusses Islamic Political Ethics During General Elections in the Perspective of Nahdlatul Ulama (Study of Nahdlatul Ulama Lubuklinggau Ulama and Politicians). This study uses a qualitative type of research method, this study aims to determine the ethics of Islamic politics at the time of the general election in the perspective of scholars and politicians from Nahdlatul Ulama, Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra Province. There were six informants in this study, consisting of three scholars and three politicians who joined the Nahdlatul ...