Superdualities, brane tensions and massive IIA/IIB duality (original) (raw)

An Sl(2, Z) multiplet of nine-dimensional type II supergravity theories

Nuclear Physics B, 1999

We show that only by performing generalized dimensional reductions all possible brane configurations are taken into account and one gets the complete lowerdimensional theory. We apply this idea to the reduction of type IIB supergravity in an SL(2, R)-covariant way and establish T duality for the type II superstring effective action in the context of generalized dimensional reduction giving the corresponding generalized Buscher's T duality rules.

T-duality invariance, M2-brane bundles and type II classification of gauged supergravities


In this paper we obtain the complete classification of the M2-brane symplectic torus bundles classes with monodromy in SL(2,Z) and their precise T-duality relations among them. There are eight inequivalent classes of bundles which are, at low energies, in correspondence with the eight type II gauged supergravities in nine dimensions. In a previous work we have already obtained four of those. Here we provide the explicit realization of the remaining four classes. We also generalize our previous results for the T-duality acting on supermembrane bundles. We provide the most general expression for the T-duality transformation acting at the level of the mass operator as well as on the geometrical bundle structure of the theory. By using these results we are able to establish the precise T-duality relations between the eight inequivalent classes. We find that the gauging groups -classifying the eight types of II gauged supergravity in nine dimensions- are determined by the inequivalent co...

Duality of type-II 7-branes and 8-branes

Nuclear Physics B, 1996

We present a version of ten-dimensional IIA supergravity containing a 9-form potential for which the field equations are equivalent to those of the standard, massless, IIA theory for vanishing 10-form field strength, F10, and to those of the ‘massive’ IIA theory for non-vanishing F10. We present a multi 8-brane solution of these equations that generalizes the 8-brane of Polchinski and Witten. We show that this solution is T-dual to a new multi 7-brane solution of S1 compactified IIIB supergravity, and that the latter is T-dual to the IIA 6-brane. When combined with the ) U-duality of the type-IIB superstring, the T-duality between type-11 7-branes and 8-branes implies a quantization of the cosmological constant of type-IIA superstring theory. These results are made possible by the construction of a new massiveN = 2 D = 9 supergravity theory. We also discuss the 11-dimensional interpretation of these type-II p-branes.

IIB-branes and new spacetime superalgebras

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2000

We provide a classification of the IIB Dp-and NSp-branes in which the brane action exists due to a non-trivial class of the Chevalley-Eilenberg cohomology of free differential algebras. We then present a new geometric formulation of the IIB Dp-and NSp-branes (p ≤ 5) in which the manifestly superinvariant Wess-Zumino terms are constructed in terms of the supersymmetric currents. The supercurrents are obtained by using supergroup manifolds corresponding to the IIB-brane superalgebra, which is characterized by the generators of D3-, D5-, NS5-and KK5-branes in addition to the previously introduced generators of supertranslations, F-and D-strings. The charges of D1-, F1-and D3-branes are related to those of the M-algebra, but some charges of D5-and NS5-branes are not. The S-duality of the type-IIB theory is realized as transformations of the supercurrents generalizing the SO(2) R-symmetry of the superalgebra. We thus find that the superalgebra is lifted into twelve-dimensions with signature (11,1).

Heterotic/type-II duality and its field theory avatars


In these lecture notes, I will describe heterotic/type-II duality in six and four dimensions. When supersymmetry is the maximal it will be shown that the duality reduces in the field theory limit to the Montonen-Olive duality of Super Yang-Mills theory. We will consider further compactifications of type II theory on Calabi-Yau manifolds. We will understand the physical meaning of geometric conifold singularities and the dynamics of conifold transitions.

Non-abelian T-duality and consistent truncations in type-II supergravity

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012

For a general class of SO(4) symmetric backgrounds in type-II supergravity, we show that the action of non-Abelian T-duality can be described via consistent truncation to seven dimensional theories with seemingly massive modes. As such, any solution to these theories uplifts to both massive type IIA and IIB supergravities presenting an invertible map between the two. For supersymmetric backgrounds, we show that for spinors transforming under SO(4) non-Abelian T-duality breaks the original supersymmetry by half. We use these mappings to generate the non-Abelian T-duals of the maximally supersymmetric pp-wave, the Lin, Lunin, Maldacena geometries and spacetimes with Lifshitz symmetry. a, b, c, d

Massive T-duality in six dimensions

Nuclear Physics B, 2001

A massive version of T-duality in six dimensions is given, that maps the K3 compactification of Romans' theory onto the K3 compactification of Type IIB theory. This is done by performing a (standard) Kaluza-Klein reduction on six-dimensional massive Type IIA and a Scherk-Schwarz reduction on Type IIB, mapping both theories onto the same fivedimensional theory. We also comment shortly on the difficulties arising if one intends to construct a massive generalisation of the six-dimensional string-string duality.

New type IIB backgrounds and aspects of their field theory duals

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014

In this paper we study aspects of geometries in Type IIA and Type IIB String theory and elaborate on their field theory dual pairs. The backgrounds are associated with reductions to Type IIA of solutions with G 2 holonomy in eleven dimensions. We classify these backgrounds according to their G-structure, perform a non-Abelian T-duality on them and find new Type IIB configurations presenting dynamical SU(2)-structure. We study some aspects of the associated field theories defined by these new backgrounds. Various technical details are clearly spelled out.

On M-theory and the symmetries of type II string effective actions

Nuclear Physics B, 1996

We study the "ordinary" Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction of the bosonic sector of the low energy effective action of a hypothetical M-theory on S 1 × S 1 ∼ = T 2. We thus obtain the low energy effective actions of type IIA string theory in both ten and nine space-time dimensions. We point out how to obtain the O(1, 1) invariance of the NS-NS sector of the string effective action correctly in nine dimensions. We dimensionally reduce the type IIB string effective action on S 1 and show that the resulting nine dimensional theory can be mapped, purely from the bosonic consideration, exactly to the type IIA theory by an O(1, 1) or Buscher's T-duality transformations. We then give a dynamical argument, in analogy with that for the type IIB theory in ten dimensions, to show how an S-duality in the type IIA theory can be understood from the underlying nine dimensional theory by compactifying M-theory on a T-dual torusT 2 .

Supersymmetry and non-Abelian T-duality in type II supergravity

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2015

We study the effect of T-duality on supersymmetry in the context of type II supergravity. For both U(1) Abelian and SU(2) non-Abelian T-duality, we demonstrate that the supersymmetry variations after T-duality are related to the variations before T-duality through the Kosmann spinorial Lie derivative, which vanishes when the Killing spinors are independent of the T-duality directions. As a byproduct of our analysis, we present closed expressions for SU(2) T-duality in a class of spacetimes with diagonal Bianchi IX symmetry and comment on specific examples of T-dual geometries, including a novel AdS 3 geometry with large N = (0, 4) superconformal symmetry.