Penerapan Artificial Neural Network Untuk Klasifikasi Fertilitas Telur Itik Menggunakan Raspberry Pi (original) (raw)
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Techno Xplore : Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, 2018
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ELKOMIKA: Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi, & Teknik Elektronika
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Rancang Bangun Alat Pendeteksi Kualitas Telur Berbasis Arduino Dengan Sistem Fuzzy Logic
Journal of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Research
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Rancang Bangun Alat Deteksi Dan Sortasi Mutu Telur Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino Uno
Agroindustrial Technology Journal, 2020
In the industrial sector, current Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used as an effort to optimize the production process. At this time the industrial era entered into the industrial era 4.0, wheres the industry is required to develop techniques in the process of using automation in order to compete with other competitors. One of them is the chicken egg industry. This study aims to create an arduino uno-based detection instrument automation to facilitate the process of detecting and sorting egg quality, and to evaluate the system functionality in detecting and sorting eggs.The types of eggs detected were purebred eggs. Prototype Testing Arduino uno-based egg quality detection and sorting tools use the functional test method for each component or commonly called the Black Box method, testing the entire tool system and testing the measurement of egg thickness and thickness. The test results obtained that all components of the tool function properly and work in accordance with its function. This can be seen from the workings of the components in receiving commands from running program. The second trial that from the was the reliability testing tool by detecting and sorting egg quality by testing the level of accuracy of the tool in detecting egg quality and the accuracy of the tool in placing eggs into good or bad categories. In testing the reliability of the tool, the results show that the accuracy of the tool in detecting eggs is in the figure at 98% while in the egg sorting process is at 100%. The third test was testing the thickness and thinness of the egg to determine the quality of the egg, the results showed the thickness and thinness of the egg to be one indicator of egg quality. Good quality eggs has charachtersisticd such as thick, while bad eggs, indicate runny. The results showed the accuracy of the tools included in both categories so that they can run the program well. Eventually this tool can be used in the process of detecting and sorting egg quality in industry or business units to facilitate the process of detecting and sorting egg quality.
Inkubator Penetasan Telur Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Berbasis Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set
Eggs are a relatively inexpensive source of protein in addition to meat and nuts. Duck eggs havethe advantage of having a lot of vitamin content that can help children's growth anddevelopment. Duck eggs have a weakness in the reproductive process because duck motherscannot incubate their own eggs. So it is necessary to develop an egg incubator to make it easierfor the reproduction process of duck eggs. Raspberry Pi is a microcomputer capable ofmonitoring Arduino Uno as a microcontroller with various sensors and components installed.The Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (IFS) method was used in research to calculate the value ambiguityin the sensor. The sensors used are: DHT22, MQ135 and Water Level. The value generated bythe sensor is in the form of input for the Raspberry Pi, with this value the IFS method works todetermine a value in the form of output. The output value is a command for relays to drivehardware such as Mist Maker, Aerator and Water Pump Motor. The expected result is tha...
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan)
Telur merupakan salah satu sumber protein bagi masyarakat Indonesia dan selalu menjadi pilihan utama dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pangan sehari-hari. Hal ini dikarenakan pengolahannya yang praktis dan harganya yang cenderung relatif murah jika dibandingkan dengan sumber protein hewani lainnya. Saat ini kebutuhan telur ayam nasional telah mencapai 65% dengan didominasi oleh kategori telur ayam ras. Diprediksi bahwa kebutuhan telur secara nasional akan meningkat hingga tahun 2021 sebesar 4,87% dengan tingkat konsumsi sebesar 4,18% per tahun. Meskipun seperti itu, dalam pemilihan jenis telur yang berkualitas dari produsen, penjual dan terhadap konsumen masih terbilang konvensional dan belum terjamin apakah telur tersebut layak dikonsumsi atau tidak sehingga diperlukan adanya metode baru yang lebih efisien dan mengetahui ciri-ciri kualitas telur yang baik. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka dibentuklah sebuah alat praktis yang mudah digunakan bagi pedagang konvensional. Alat ini bekerja dengan menggunakan sensor BH1750 dan MQ-2 sebagai parameter dalam penentuan telur busuk yang kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan mikrokontroller Arduino-nano, selanjutnya pengolahan data tersebut menggunakan kecerdasan buatan fuzzy logic berdasarkan parameter yang telah disusun dari fungsi keanggotaan setiap parameter yang telah didapatkan dari sensor. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan pengumpulan informasi terlebih dahulu, lalu melakukan survei ke lokasi yang berupa pasar tradisional untuk mencari telur yang diambil secara acak dengan pengujian 3 sampel telur.Berdasarkan hasil dari tiga kali pengujian terhadap 3 sampel telur yang diambil secara acak,didapatkan bahwa telur 2 dengan nilai Ro sebesar sebesar 4,29 K.Ohm, 4,53 K.Ohm dan 4,79 K.Ohm dan memiliki nilai intensitas cahaya sebesar 10,00 lux dan 5,00 lux adalah telur yang memiliki kualitas terbaik dibandingkan dengan 2 telur lainnya.
Agribusiness nowadays is getting growing. Supported by the rapid growth of technology, encouraging companies to utilize modern technology in improving their productivities. Including the business engaged in the production of chicken eggs. At this time the manual system is still used in the activities of calculating the amount of production and control the selection of the feasibility of selling the production. The manual system takes a long time, human resources and calculation results are not accurate. It can also potentially lead to cheating of employees who are likely to manipulate production for personal gain. The loss of a company is an absolute consequence. One alternative solution to deal with the problem is to build an automated system. In the research that has been done, generated a system that is able to calculate and select the results of production that match the standards of selling and not appropriate. This system is built by combining hardware and software capabilities. The main components used, namely Ultrasonic Sensors that can detect every egg produced, Single Board Computare Raspberry Pi as master module who served as the main controller, light sensor to detect the quality of the feasibility of eggs and the database to record the amount of production. The system also integrates with the website and can be accessed via computer devices as well as other mobile devices. Thus the resulting system can minimize the loss of the company by producing an accurate production count calculation and production selection control produced according to the standard worthy of selling or not. This can make it easier for leaders and stakeholders to monitor mobile products. Abstrak Pertumbuhan bidang agrobisnis semakin berkembang. Didukungdengan pertumbuhan teknologi yang begitu pesat, mendorong perusahaan untuk memanfaatkan teknologi modern dalam meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan. Termasuk diantaranya usaha yang bergerak dibidang produksi telur ayam.Pada saat ini sistem manual masih digunakandalam kegiatan penghitungan jumlah produksi maupun kontrol seleksi kelayakan jual hasil produksi tersebut. Sistem manual membutuhkan waktu yang lama, sumber daya manusia dan hasil perhitungan yang tidak akurat. Hal ini juga dapat berpotensi terjadinya kecurangan dari karyawan yang berpeluang untuk memanipulasi hasil produksi untuk kepentingan pribadi. Kerugian perusahaan merupakan konsekuensi yang mutlak terjadi. Salah satu solusi alternatif untuk menangani permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan membangun sistem yang terotomatisasi. Pada penelitian yang telah dilakukan,dihasilkan sebuah sistem yang mampu melakukan penghitungan dan menyeleksi hasil produksi yang sesuai standar kelayakan jual dan yang tidak sesuai. Sistem ini dibangun dengan menggabungkan kemampuan hardware dan software. Komponen utama yang digunakan, yakni Sensor Ultrasonik yang dapat mendeteksi setiap butir telur yang dihasilkan,Single Board ComputareRaspberry Pi sebagai module master yang bertugas sebagai pengendali utama, sensor cahaya untuk mendeteksi kualitas kelayakan telur serta databaseuntuk merekam jumlah produksi. Sistem juga terintegrasi dengan website dan dapat diakses melalui perangkat komputer maupun perangkat mobile lainnya. Dengan demikian sistem yang dihasilkan dapat meminimalisirkerugian perusahaan dengan menghasilkan perhitungan jumlah produksi yang akurat dan kontrol seleksi produksi yang dihasilkan sesuai standar layak jual atau tidak. Hal ini dapat mempermudah pimpinan maupun pihak terkait untuk melakukan pemantauan terhadap hasil produksi secara mobile.
Jurnal Transformatika
Fertility eggs test are steps that must be performed in an attempt to hatch eggs. Fertility test usually use egg candling. The purpose of observation is to choose eggs fertile (eggs contained embryos) and infertile eggs (eggs that are no embryos). And then fertilized egg will be entered into the incubator for hatching eggs and infertile can be egg consumption. However, there are obstacles in the process of sorting the eggs are less time efficient and inaccuracies of human vision to distinguish between fertile and infertile eggs. To overcome this problem, it can be used Computer Vision technology is having such a principle of human vision. It used to identify an object based on certain characteristics, so that the object can be classified. The aim of this study to comparasion classify image fertile and infertile eggs with SVM (Support Vector Machine) algorithm and K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm based on input from bloodspot texture analysis and blood vessels with GLCM (Gray Level Co-ocurance Matrix). Eggs image studied are 6 day old eggs. It is expected that the proposed method is an appropriate method for classification image fertile and infertile eggs.