Peace symbolism and iconography: The case of the symbols of Ghana National Peace Council (original) (raw)
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The topic on Symbolism, when taken in a philosophical context, is a rather too broad and too vague of a concept. While we almost always associated it to a simple graphical representation of a 'message' or 'value' whenever we heard the word "Symbol", it actually covers a much wider scope. In fact, even for the said simple graphical representation such as writings and drawing, depending on the medium, culture and common knowledge of the specific region that is identifying its inhabitant, each symbol itself may conveys different meanings and interpretations.
Symbol is nothing but the interpretative Art
"The world 'symbol' is derived from Greek 'symbolan' means a sign. The original source of symbols in the west is supposed to be the Egyptian pictography; but Indian symbols are more archaic in nature than those familiar to the west" (Pandey). To know Indian symbology it is essential to have proper knowledge of Indian philosophy and traditions. Symbolism is a form of expression, used by man for his ideas and concepts where language is a lengthy process of expression symbolism is an indirect and brief method of expression. Symbolic usage is getting popular day by day in different fields of knowledge, including science. The computer, the latest scientific device, is fed with the language of symbols and replies to our queries in symbolic language. Thus whether past or present, the use of symbols is inevitable in every field. ' Like language, symbols are also used by man for communicating his ideas but symbolism is an indirect and brief method of expression.(Symbols are used by man in his everyday life and history reveals their use in the past. 'Symbol' is defined as something that stand for, represents or denotes something else where as symbolism is define as the practice of representing things by symbol, or giving a symbolic character to object or acts.. Symbols are a special kind of sign, and they are distinguished from other signs by the fact that they are part of the thing they signify. Symbols frequently have been used in different art media. They occupy significant position almost in every kind of artistic expression. The symbols have served the purpose of decoration and space filling. (The abstract ideas were also expressed through symbolic language in Indian art. The language through which art came in a form was of symbols., "The symbols or sign depicting the divine and semi-divine the unexpressed concepts represent aspect of paramount truth as seen by men through the ages" (Savita). Man as a self-conscious individual and as distinct from the rest of creations, always created a language of symbols to express his identity. In pursuance of this inner need he had to invent not only conceptual symbols like 'God' but a fantastic range of other plastic symbols archetypal, temporary and even personal. Symbols represent the earliest record of man's urge for self expression. In Indian art, we find a large number of symbols occupying pre eminent position right from the time of Harappa culture. The symbols on coins, seals and sculpture have their artistic value. At the same time they have some religious or philosophical connotation also. "Symbols are used by human beings, not merely to communicate ideas, but also for lyrical expression and for the clarification of one's own ideas
Religious symbolism implies the use of unique symbols by a particular religion, that describe anything pertaining to its culture and psyche, including archetypes, events, natural phenomena or even the art that evolved in that land over a period of time. All religions of the world, irrespective of how ancient or modern they are, use symbols to help create a resonant ethos, which in turn, reflects the moral values, teachings and culture of that society. Further, adhering to this religious symbolism also helps foster solidarity among the followers, keeping them secure as a unit, helping them focus better on their object of worship. The concept of religious symbolism is very ancient and may well have had its roots from the start of mankind itself. In this article, we bring you a detailed study of the symbolisms of the major religions of the world.
Introduction As soon as we recognise that language is central to culture we are forced to recognise that cultural communication is very much tied up with the use of signs. In what follows, I will try to give some idea of what humans are capable of accomplishing through our use of signs and how our signs, always culturally conditioned, both enrich and complicate our ability to communicate as cultural beings.
Signs and Symbols-a Contemporary Understanding
ECO Theology Resource: The Lord's Supper, 2021
Short paper advancing a modern semiotics influenced take on symbolic meaning especially as pertaining to Calvin's view of the Lord's Supper. It argues that historical theological debates can be improved upon by reference to a more contextually appropriate semiotics that were operative in Second Temple Judaism.
Culture and Symbolism Nexus in Anthropology
Janapriya Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Study of symbols or the theory of symbolism makes micro study of the culture. Symbols are the gestures, objects and language, which form the basis of human communication. Interpretation of symbol may differ according to the culture. At the same time a symbol may have one meaning in one culture another meaning in another culture. Symbols represent signs which are used to signify objects, real or imaginary. Symbols are arbitrary based on convention of culture. Interpretation of symbol depends on culture. Symbols are means of Communication of language, a form of ritual expression, cultural interpretation, expression of art and belief. Symbols should not be looked at in an abstract way and at meaning as constructed apart from human action but rather at the way meaning is constructed and used in the context of this action. Symbolism studies how a culture functions on the basis of its meanings, how a symbol is interpreted and so on. Symbolism studies the interrelationship between culture,...
Signs and Symbols: Religios and National Dimensions
Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2017
The central issues of this paper are the semantic content and the conceptual interpretation of the notions of symbol and sign in philosophical and religious, linguistic and cultural contexts; the relationship between the logic of symbolic thought and communication. The paper highlights the importance of symbols and signs for transmitting information in religious and national universums
Symbolism: Theory, Function, Characteristics and Dimension
The use of symbols to express or represent ideas or qualities in literature, art, science etc. is called symbolism. This paper would try to find out the definition of symbolism with its different types and dimensions. After that, some unique characteristic of symbolism would try to be given with the theoretical explanation of symbolism. And Symbolism in Bangladesh and other native population would be discussed at the final.