The Effect of Financial Literacy, Income and Self Control on Financial Behavior Generation Z (Study on Generation Z Financial Behavior in Bekasi Regency) (original) (raw)

Financial Literacy, Income and Self-Control on Financial Management Behavior of Generation Z

BASKARA : Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship

In the current era of globalization, economic circulation continues to change and gradually spread throughout the world, including Indonesia. One of the factors influencing these changes is financial behavior. Therefore, financial knowledge is absolutely important the community, because financial knowledge covers how individuals manage their finances properly. Often, individuals fail to manage their finances not because of their low income but because of their ignorance in managing and allocating their finances properly. The purpose of this study was to find out whether there is influence from financial literacy, income, and self-control variables on the financial management behavior of Generation Z, especially students at universities like Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The method used in this study is a quantitative approach with primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique used by the researcher uses the classical assumption test, multiple linear reg...

The Effect of Financial Behavior, Financial Knowledge and Self-Control on the Financial Well-Being of Generation Z in Indonesia

Advances in economics, business and management research, 2022

This study aimed to determine the effect of financial behaviour, financial knowledge and self-control on the financial well-being of Generation Z in Indonesia. Supervision was sought out by 255 respondents of Generation Z in Indonesia. The research method used is quantitative. The data used in this research is primary data collected through questionnaires distributed online using g-forms to the respondents of Generation Z in Indonesia. Data management in this study will use SPSS 23 for Windows. The results of this study indicated that financial behaviour and financial knowledge have a positive and significant effect on financial well-being, which proves that higher financial behaviour and knowledge can affect the increase of financial well-being. At the same time, self-control does not affect financial well-being. This research can be a new literature to show the effect of self-control on financial well-being.

The Influence of Economic Status, Financial Literacy, Financial Management on Z Generation’s Lifestyle using Consumptive Behavior as Moderation Variable


With the existence of internet technology and wireless telecommunication networks, it is easier for humans to connect. The generation that is most exposed to changes in information is the Z generation. Generation Z or Gen Z or also known as iGeneration, the net generation or the internet generation are the generations born between 1996 and 2012. Today's lifestyle has become an individual and group identity. People's interest in various goods is influenced by their lifestyle and the goods they buy reflect that lifestyle. This type of research uses quantitative research. The population in this study is generation Z in Surabaya. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling using the Lameshow formula. This study uses sem analysis (structural equation modelling) based on components or variants, namely partial least squares (pls), using smart pls 3.0 software which consists of an inner model and an outer model. Financial literacy has a significant effect on lifestyle with the su...

The Influence of Financial Literacy Towards Financial Behavior and its Implication on Financial Decisions: A survey of President University Students in Cikarang - Bekasi


Financial literacy consists of financial knowledge, financial attitudes, and financial behavior. To be financially literate is important in order to make a good financial decision. Young adult especially college students are facing tough financial decision in today’s demanding financial environment which will affect their financial behavior. This research objective is to find out the influence of financial literacy on financial behavior and how financial behavior influences on financial decision among college students. The research applied quantitative method with 337 samples as respondents taken from President University students. This research applied convenience sampling technique. The results of this research show that there’s a significant relation between financial literacy to financial behavior and from financial behavior to financial decision. Since parents are the first people for the children, they should give good understanding about financial matter towards their childre...


JMK, VOL 22, No. 2, SEPTEMBER 2020, 142–151, 2020

The current economic condition of generation Z was pretty unexpected. It might trigger problems personally or even their families. This study aimed to reveal the factors influencing the financial well-being and altering personality problems of generation Z. There were more than 800,000 peoples in population and the number of the sample was 239 peoples using a combination of purposive and convenience sampling methods. The data was then analyzed using multiple linear regression. The researchers used primary data by distributing questionnaires based on a Likert Scale. All classic assumptions met the criteria and testing produced financial self-efficacy, financial attitude, financial knowledge, financial behavior, and had a significant positive effect on financial well-being. However, locus of control had no significant effect on financial well-being. Generation Z must increase their independence and confidence to achieve what they want. It would be good to have financial attitude and investment behavior along with financial knowledge. They must also believe that only theirself can provide personal well-being. Generation Z needed character education, more mature, and independent thinking models to deal with economic problems.

The Influence of Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude, and Personality on Financial Management Behavior on XYZ Islamic Boarding School Ponorogo

Kinerja: Journal of Business and Economics, 2021

The presence of financial technology that often offers and discounts impacting on individual consumptive attitudes, which often makes individuals experience a condition of a financial deficit. This study aims to analyze the effect of financial knowledge, financial attitudes, and personality traits on personal financial management behavior. The population of this research is the teaching staff at one of the Islamic boarding schools in Ponorogo City. The sampling technique used in this study is the saturated sampling technique with a sample size of 31 respondents. The data analysis technique in this study used the PLS structural equation model with the help of the SmartPLS 3.0 program. There is a significant positive effect between financial attitudes and personal financial management behavior.

The influence of demographic factors and financial literacy on the financial behavior

Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Bisnis, 2021

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) pengaruh faktor demografi terhadap perilaku keuangan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sanata Dharma; dan (2) pengaruh literasi keuangan terhadap perilaku keuangan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sanata Dharma. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Penelitian ini membagikan 100 kuesioner untuk memperoleh data responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis crosstabulation dan analisis Chi Square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor demografi (pekerjaan orangtua, pendidikan orangtua, dan pendapatan orangtua) tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku keuangan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sanata Dharma. Sedangkan, literasi keuangan berpengaruh terhadap perilaku keuangan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sanata Dharma. Implikasi penelitian ini, meningkatnya literasi keuangan mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sanata Dharma di...

The Effect of Financial Literacy, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Money Saving to Use Decision Financial Technology in the Millennial Generation in North Bekasi

East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

This study was used to The Effect of Financial Literacy, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Money Saving To Use Decision Financial Technology In The Millennial Generation in North Bekasi. This research is quantitative research where the object used is an employee in a use decision financial technology millennial generation in north Bekasi. This research was conducted using a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling method. The number of samples used in this study was 152 respondents. The design used in this study is hypothesis testing using a structural equitation model (SEM) – SmartPLS 4.0. The results of this study provide an explanation that the financial literacy variable affects the use of decision financial technology, performance expectancy affects the use of decision financial technology, effort expectancy affects the use of decision financial technology, and money saving affects the use of decision financial technology.

Analysis of Factors Affecting Financial Behavior

Proceedings of the 2nd Universitas Kuningan International Conference on System, Engineering, and Technology, UNISET 2021, 2 December 2021, Kuningan, West Java, Indonesia, 2022

Financial behavior is a core factor in the development of a country's economic progress. With the pandemic situation that has been going on for more than a year, the country's current economic growth is declining, even having a negative value. We try to photograph financial behavior in a pandemic situation. Based on the results of the initial survey, only 32% understand financial behavior well. Based on these conditions and several previous studies that are still not aligned, the researchers are interested in knowing what are the factors that influence financial behavior, in this case students of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Kuningan. In this study, the variables taken by the researcher were financial knowledge and self-control. This is very important because students must have good financial knowledge because they have already received such knowledge and knowledge during lectures. The method used in this research is descriptive and verification. While the population used is the students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Kuningan with the sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The result shows that Financial Knowledge has positive effect to financial behavior, Self Control has positive and significant effect to financial behavior, Financial Knowledge and Self Control have a simultaneous and significant effect to financial behavior.

The Effect of Financial Literacy and Self-Control on the Consumptive Behavior of State Senior High School Students in East Jakarta

Transekonomika: Akuntansi, Bisnis dan Keuangan

This research with a quantitative approach aims to describe the direct and indirect effects of financial literacy on self-control and consumptive behavior, as well as the role of self-control as a mediating variable between the influence of financial literacy and consumptive behavior. The population in this study were SMA Negeri students in East Jakarta, with a total of 285 students being the sample, which was determined by a proportionate random sampling technique. Data was obtained using a questionnaire distributed through Google Form, then analyzed using path analysis with the help of IBM SPSS Version 25 software. The results showed that: (1) There is a direct influence of financial literacy on consumptive behavior; (2) There is a direct influence of self-control on consumptive behavior; (3) There is a direct influence of financial literacy on self-control; and (4) Self-control is able to mediate the effect of financial literacy on the consumptive behavior of State Senior High Sc...