Makna 1 Timotius 4:12 Dan Penerapannya Bagi Generasi Z (original) (raw)
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In the current era of globalization, many things are a problem in this world, especially in the attitudes and actions of a person towards others who tend to undermine their fellow man. One of them is the act of slandering and also positioning himself as a judge of the actions of others. So that this shows an attitude that is arrogant and also distorts the truth and especially undermines the dignity of God's holiness. In the Book of James 2:11-12 there is a commandment to guard every word against others. James explicitly forbids his congregation from speaking evil or in other words, slander. The reason why this is prohibited is because evil speech/slander can harm oneself and others, this action is a denial of the main law that we must love others as we love ourselves. The method used in this research is a text analysis approach that focuses on the text itself by using the 4 layers of meaning exegesis method of the Bible. The 4 layers of meaning are Historia, theoria, moral and anagogic. The result of the textual research is to speak lovingly, and to obey God's law. So everyone who obeys God's law means that he can love his neighbor through his actions and words.
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Excelsis Deo: Jurnal Teologi, Misiologi, dan Pendidikan
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Tafsir 1 Yohanes 4 Ayat 7 sampai 12
Tema utama teks ini adalah "Marilah mengasihi satu sama lain." Penafsiran akan menggunakan metode analisis diskursus. Pemaparan makalah dimulai dengan penelitian naskah, relasi intratekstual, struktur komposisi, konsep teologis, dan rancangan khotbah.
Pengembangan Kualitas Diri Pemimpin: Suatu TinjaunTeologis Menurut 1 Timotius 4: 12-13
Kepemimpinan adalah suatu kemampuan pribadi secara spritual yang dimiliki, ditunjukkan melalui peran dan fungsi, diwujudkan dalam bentuk moral yang dapat memberi inspirasi bagi orang lain. Artinya kepemimpinan yang dapat menimbulkan kepercayaan bagi orang lain tidak hanya dibangun oleh faktor otoritas atau rohani semata-mata dalam suatu jabatan dan kekuasaan melainkan dengan adanya keteladanan. Berbicara tentang kepemimpinan dalam konteks orang percaya tentu berkaitan erat dengan pertanggungjawaban moral yang dimiliki. Hal ini tidak saja menjadi standard dalam membangun jati diri sebagai manusia rohani yang terlebih dahulu perlu dicapai dan dapat membangun, membangkitkan orang-orang disekitarnya. Pengembangan kualitas diri menjadi suatu pola yang strategis meningkatkan kemampuan kepemimpinan yang memiliki kesaksian dalam ruang lingkup dan cakupan yang lebih luas. Disatu sisi kepemimpinan yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas diri akan bergerak secara dinamis baik secara internal maupun eksternal. Hal ini dapat terjadi karena manfaat yang ditimbulkan,menembus ruang dan waktu sesuai dengan kapasitas yang dimiliki. Dalam merekonstruksi kepemimpinan yang berkualitas perlu diwujudkan melalui tatanan nilai-nilai moralitas yang terukur bagi orang lain. Dengan kata lain kuasa yang menggerakkan kepemimpinan yang bersumber dari Roh Kudus dapat dimaknai pada pendekatan melalui pola dan tingkah laku yang bertanggung jawab terhadap mandat yang diberikan oleh Kristus untuk menjadi saksi. Implementasi kepemimpinan adalah merepresentasikan Kristus dengan nilai-nilai dan karakteristik Kerajaan Sorga. Pengembangan kualitas diri pemimpin akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi kualifikasi kepemimpinan. Kemampuan yang dimiliki dalam memberikan kesaksian pada Diterima :
Happiness is something that every individual wants. That's why everyone will do anything to achieve that happiness. Even though sometimes that happiness is not true happiness. This is because most scholars and philosophers teach false happiness, worldly happiness. This research discusses the happiness taught by Jesus based on Matthew 5, to see and find eternal and ultimate happiness. By using qualitative research methods, especially literature review, the research results show how different the happiness of Jesus and the happiness of this world are. People who feel happiness according to Jesus' teachings are those who are spiritually poor so that they always have a desire to be satisfied by the power and word of God; those who mourn over sin, evil and unrighteousness; those who are meek; those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, because they will always be satisfied by God; those who are generous because they will receive a reward; those who are pure in heart because they will see God; and those who are peacemakers, who are persecuted for righteousness' sake and who for Jesus' sake are persecuted, reproached, and maligned.
Keberpihakan Yesus (Analisis Sosio-Teologis Terhadap Teks Yohanes 4:1-42)
Jurnal Teologi Berita Hidup
The context of the text's story and the social context of this text's society shows the people with cultural backgrounds are superior because of the election of Yahweh. This gives rise to a perspective and attitude that they are first class people while Samaritans and others are second class. the problem of unmoderated social differences. The Jewish clergy in power and status cannot exercise social control in the midst of the socio-religious power structure of their society that perpetuates differences and segregation. Jesus has a siding mind set and acts by building the siding of conversations with Samaritan women. The conclusion is that Jesus-style the siding is a disaster for exclusivism and the dominance of the established Jewish community in its social class, on the contrary, it is a hope for structuring the social construct of a moderate society that experiences universal salvation. The novelty of the research is that Jesus-style the siding of transforms the building of shared social spaces in differences that present universal salvation, starting with attitudes and dialogical actions with Samaritan women.