A Knowledge-Engine Architecture for a Competence Management Information System (original) (raw)

A Knowledge-Engine Architecture for a Competence Management Information


This paper describes the ongoing project to develop a knowledge-engine architecture that is being specified and developed by a Portuguese software development company called Shortcut. The primary goal of this work is create an architecture suitable for use, initially, in a Competence Management System (CMS) but also scalable for later use in more generic forms of Knowledge Management Systems (KMS). In general, Knowledge Management (KM) initiatives promote the management, i.e. the creation, storage and sharing, of knowledge assets within an organization. The practical focus of our work is to support the management of employees ’ competencies through using a KM approach to create a web based CMS based on a structured content management infrastructure. The system is designed using an ontology-driven framework that incorporates expert annotations which integrate aspects of less tangible knowledge, such as contextual information with more structured knowledge such as that stored in datab...

«A Framework for an Ontology-Based Information System for Competence Management»

Economy Informatics, 2008

The paper presents a framework for an intelligent information system for competence management based on ontologies in information technology organizations. There are described some theoretical concepts about ontologies, production rules and intelligent information systems. The information system will provide intelligent personalized access to concepts from an IT ontology and to a collection of relevant associated documents indexed according to the ontology's concepts. The declarative knowledge of the ontology and an associated set of production rules may be used for automatic inferences that will enable reasoning for getting intelligent answers to users' queries, under an expert system dialog. The paper uses examples from a first version of the ontology for Software Engineering concepts.

CommOn: A framework for developing knowledge-based systems dedicated to competency-based management


CommOn (competency management through ontologies) is a framework which aims at developing operational knowledge-based systems dedicated to the management of competencies. Such a competency-based system can be used for different purposes such as staff development and deployment, job analysis or economic evaluation. CommOn is based on two models (implemented with specific tools) which guide (i) the building of competency reference systems related to particular domains such as healthcare or information and telecommunication, (ii) the identification and the formal representation of competency profiles and (iii) the matching of competency profiles. Developed in the context of semantic Web technology, the CommOn framework allows one to build shareable ontologies and knowledge bases represented with semantic Web languages and to develop competency-based Web services dedicated to human resource management. The use of CommOn is illustrated in the context of a project (related to e-recruitment) which aims at developing the first Macedonian Web-based platform dedicated to the definition of an efficient networking of employment and training operators

An Ontology-centered Approach for Designing an Interactive Competence Management System for IT Companies

Informatica Economică, 2009

The paper presents a generic framework for an intelligent information system of competence management based on ontologies for information technology companies. In a first step it will be applied in an information technology (IT) small enterprise and then its applicability will be verified for other organizations of the same type. The work presented in the paper is performed under the project "CONTO -Ontology-based Competencies Management in Information Technology" funded by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, involving two universities, a research institute and an IT private company. A competence management system (CMS), in our vision has to achieve three functions: (a) to support the complete and systematic acquisition of knowledge about the competence of the members of an enterprise; (b) to provide the knowledge about competences and their owners; (c) to apply the available knowledge to serve a purpose. The core of the competence management information system is an ontology that plays the role of the declarative knowledge repository containing the basic concepts (such as: company-job, competence, domain, group, person etc.) and their relationships with other concepts, instances and properties. The Protégé environment was used for the development of this ontology. The structure of the ontology is conceived so that description logics can be used to represent the concept definitions of the application domain in a structured and formally well-understood way. Knowledge acquisition is performed in our approach by enriching the ontology, according to the requirements of the IT company. An advantage of using an ontology-based system is the possibility of the identification of new relations among concepts based on inferences starting from the existing knowledge. The user can choose to query instances of one type of concept. The paper also presents some use-cases.

Competence management in knowledge intensive organizations using consensual knowledge and ontologies

This article describes an architecture suitable for use in a competence management system for knowledge intensive organizations (KIOs). The underlying motivation for this work is to explore the practical problems of the use of codified knowledge in knowledge management systems (KMS) in KIOs. We explore some of the key issues associated with the use of tacit and codified knowledge in KMS, and describe an architecture based on an ontology-driven framework derived from collective and consensual knowledge that acts as a structure for a formal knowledge base. We describe, in outline, a prototype competence management system based on this architecture designed to support the management of competencies in a structured way. We conclude with some observations about our approach to the representation of knowledge in a KMS and its potential value to KIOs.

Knowledge management for competence management

Journal of Universal Knowledge Management, 2005

In companies, competence management involves several heavy processes that we have categorised in four classes: competence identification, competence assessment, competence acquisition, competence usage. Competence management, being the management of knowledge about competence, can also take advantage from the knowledge engineering techniques to support the mentioned processes. The paper classifies the knowledge engineering techniques proposed in the existing literature to support the competence management according to its processes. According to the performed classification and based on the authors' previous work on competence management information systems (CRAI approach), the paper provides a critical discussion of the mentioned knowledge engineering techniques: their strengths and benefits in the context of the processes carried out.

An ontology and a software framework for competency modeling and management

Subscription Prices and Ordering Information, 2007

The importance given to competency management is well justified. Acquiring new competencies is the central goal of any education or knowledge management process. Thus, it must be embedded in any software framework as an instructional engineering tool, to inform the runtime environment of the knowledge that is processed by actors, and their situation towards achieving competency acquisition objectives. We present here some of our results in the last ten years that have led to an ontology for designing competency-based learning and knowledge management applications. Based on this ontology, we present a software framework for eLearning systems that are ontology driven.

An ontology-based model for competence management

Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2017

In the last years, the need for developing strategies, models and tools to manage competences clearly emerges in numerous scenarios. For instance, this emergence especially raises when it is required to realize effective recruiting platforms, decision support systems for human resource management, learning management systems and so on. This work proposes an ontology-based model for the representation of competences able to support a wide range of scenarios where it is fundamental to model, organize and represent professional competences, enable interoperability and cooperation among different and heterogeneous tools and, lastly, execute queries and inference operations over these competences. The proposed model starts from the outcomes of the specialized literature and the related R&D projects and produces a novel integrated model that represents both job offers and demands to support recruiting initiatives and to develop employability strategies aiming at a best matching as well as a careful skill gap analysis. The model has been evaluated by means of a three-level approach also in the context of the SIRET project whose goal is defining a recruiting and training integrated system able to represent the professional competences of users and to understand the supplies and the demands in order to find optimal agreements in the job market.

An Ontology-Based Modeling Approach for Developing a Competencies-Oriented Collective Intelligence


Expressing the user competences through domain ontology concepts is a prerogative for developing well managed and semantically enriched user profiles, transferable from a system to another. If, supplementary, the available documents are also ontology-based annotated, the add-on value will concern not only the document semantics, but also the relations and dependencies between users and documents. In such approach, the ontology constitutes the binder between peoples, as well as between peoples and documents, and also between documents. Its reasoning support sustains the development of a collective intelligence, as well as the most suitable knowledge sharing, according to the users common competencies. In this article we present such modeling approach, and also some methods for user and document model development, as well as the advantages for personalized and collaborative facilities.