Maxillary Ameloblastic Fibroma: Two Case Reports of a Rare Tumor (original) (raw)
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Case Reports in Pediatrics, 2015
Ameloblastic fibroma (AF) is an uncommon benign odontogenic tumour, with both epithelial and mesenchymal neoplastic proliferation. It occurs most frequently in the posterior region of the mandible, while its occurrence in the maxilla is extremely rare. They are usually encountered in children, emphasizing it as an important diagnostic consideration. Herein, we report the first case of a bilateral maxillary ameloblastic fibroma in a 2-year-old female child patient who presented with a chief complaint of swelling in the right mid facial region.
Mandibular Ameloblastic fibroma in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report
Ameloblastic fibroma is an unusual, benign, mixed, odontogenic tumor, usually asymptomatic, with prevalence in the first two decades of life, posterior region of the mandible. Because it is silent, it is usually discovered by routine imaging exams and requires a surgical approach for diagnosis and treatment, as they have characteristics similar to other tumors and cysts, in addition to having the potential to expand, reabsorbing bone and dental tissue. Treatment is widely discussed between a conservative and radical approach, and the choice must be made based on a thorough analysis of the lesion, as it may recur. Based on this, the present study aims to present a case with 2 years of follow-up of this rare pathology with enucleation and curettage of the region of the right mandibular angle and removal of tooth 47 germ from a 6-year-old child.Conservative treatment of ameloblastic fibroma in young patients presents itself as an effective option, since it has several advantages such as reduced morbidity and favors rehabilitation in an aesthetic and functional way.
Maxillary Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma in a 6-YEAR-OLD Boy
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, and Oral Radiology, 2020
Ameloblastic fibroma (AF), ameloblastic fibrodentinoma (AFD), and ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) comprise a group of benign odontogenic tumors histologically similar to a developing odontoma. AFD produces dentin matrix, and AFO produces both enamel and dentin. Due to histologic similarities, some authors believe that these lesions actually represent stages of a developing odontoma. Nevertheless, there are well-documented cases of these tumors presenting unexpected clinical behavior, such as progressive growth and considerable bone destruction. We report a case of a 6-year-old boy who presented with an expansive painless intraosseous mass in the posterior right maxillary region, diagnosed as AFD after incisional biopsy. CT scans showed an extensive, well-circumscribed, unilocular, hypodense lesion, containing a radiodense mass and displacing the 17-tooth germ to the infraorbital region. The tumor was surgically removed by conservative curettage. The following histopathologic exami...
Ameloblastic Fibro-Odontoma of the Maxilla in 4th Decade: An Infrequent Case Presentation
Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma represents a hamartomatous rather than a neoplastic odontogenic lesion. It is a mixed odontogenic lesion with the histologic features of both ameloblastic fibroma and complex odontoma. This report depicts the case of a 45-year-old man with Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma on the right anterior maxillary front tooth region. On histological examination, sections of excisional biopsy revealed small islands of odontogenic epithelium with peripheral tall columnar ameloblast-like cells with reversal of polarity, central stellate reticulum like cells, and conglomerate mass of enamel and dentin arranged in a disorganized pattern seen in close proximity of the epithelial islands. These features led to the diagnosis of Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma.
Ameloblastic Fibro-Dentinoma of Mandible: A Case Report
Summary: The reported case is a 10-year-old boy presented with a hard, non-tender, expansive swelling of the right mandibular body of 4 years duration. The case was diagnosed as ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma and enucleated through intra-oral approach. ...
Ameloblastic Fibroma of the Left Mandible
Journal of Medical & Surgical Pathology, 2017
Ameloblastic fibroma is a rare odontogenic tumour that can occur in the paediatric population. Morphologically, it may resemble an organized proliferation of developmental remnants of the dental lamina; however it can be reliably classified as a neoplastic process by its circumscription, bland mesenchymal component, islands of epithelium, and radiographic characteristics. Our case demonstrates the classic clinical presentation for this rare odontogenic tumour and briefly discusses histologic mimics.
Ameloblastic fibroma- a case report
Ameloblastic fibroma is a rare benign odontogenic tumor in which both epithelial and ectomesenchymal components are neoplastic. A 24-year-old male patient was referred to the Stomatology Department with difficulty to chew and swelling in the right posterior region of the mandible. The panoramic radiograph showed a well-circumscribed, unilocular radiolucent lesion with partially radiopaque borders involving first and second unerupted molars. Computed tomography imaging presented a hypodense image with well-delimited isodense content, bulging and rupture of cortical bones. The patient underwent an incisional biopsy. Microscopically, the lesion was composed of many mesenchymal tissue cells in strand form, arranged in cords, islands and nests of odontogenic epithelium; the diagnostic was ameloblastic fibroma. The patient was referred to the hospital for enucleation and curettage of the lesion and extraction of the associated teeth. After 8 months of follow-up, no recurrence was observed. This case emphasizes the importance of differential diagnosis, anatomopathological exam, and both clinical and imaging follow-up, since this kind of tumor can recur and progress to malignancy. DESCRIPTORS | Odontogenic Tumors; Oral Pathology; Ameloblastic Fibroma. RESUMO | Fibroma ameloblástico: um estudo de caso • O fibroma ameloblástico é um tumor odontogênico benigno raro no qual os componentes epiteliais e ectomesenquimais são neoplásicos. Paciente de 24 anos de idade foi encaminhado à clínica de Estomatologia devido à dificuldade de mastigar e edema na região posterior direita da mandíbula. A radiografia panorâmica evidenciou uma lesão radiolúcida unilocular, circunscrita, com bordas parcialmente radiopacas envolvendo o primeiro e segundo molar não irrompidos. A tomografia computadorizada apresentou imagem hipodensa, com conteúdo isodenso, bem delimitada, com abaulamento e rompimento das corticais ósseas. O paciente foi submetido a uma biópsia incisional. Microscopicamente, a lesão foi composta por tecido mesenquimal rico em células, formando cordões, ilhas e ninhos de epitélio odontogênico, cujo diagnóstico foi de fibroma ameloblástico. O paciente foi encaminhado ao hospital para enucleação e curetagem da lesão com extração dos dentes associados. Após 8 meses de acompanhamento, não se observou recorrência. Este caso enfatiza a importância do diagnóstico diferencial, exame anatomopatológico, e acompanhamento clínico e radiográfico, uma vez que este tumor pode recidivar e evoluir para malignidade.
Ameloblastic Fibroma of Maxilla and Maxillary Sinus A Case Report
Ameloblastic fibroma is a rare mixed odontogenic tumor; accounts for 2.5% of odontogenic tumors [2,3]. It occurs primarily in young individuals (70% of patients are younger than the age of 20 years at presentation). There is no sexual or racial predilection [4-6]. Ameloblastic fibroma arises in the mandible in most of the cases (about 80%) with remainder arising in the maxilla [4,5,7,8]. Patients with ameloblastic fibroma usually complain of swelling of the jaw, failure of tooth eruption and /or pain [2,4]. Radiographically, AF appears radiolucent multilocular or unilocular cyst with difficulty in distinguishing it from simple ameloblastoma [2,4,7].