Komik Sebagai Media Dakwah (original) (raw)

Representasi Dakwah dalam Komik

Tabligh: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam

Dakwah tidak hanya dilakukan menggunakan media komunikasi langsung. Dengan berkembangan zaman kegiatan dakwah dapat disampaikan melalui media cetak, salah satunya menggunakan komik. Dengan adanya komik yang bertemakan religi tidak hanya untuk menghibur pembacanya melainkan untuk menyampaikan informasi-informasi yang sangat bermanfaat dan sangat mendidik, saat ini untuk menemukan komik yang bertemakan religi sangat gampang ditemukan salah satunya Komik 99 Pesan Nabi karya Vbi_Djenggotten. Dalam komik tersebut terdapat cerita yang ringan agar dapat diteapkan pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Bertujuan untuk mengetahui kategorisasi, sistematika dan himbauan pesan dakwah meliputi pesan akhlak, aqidah serta syari’ah yang terdapat pada komik tersebut. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode analisis isi dengan menggunakan coding, setelah menganalisis penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa pesan-pesan dakwah pada Komik 99 Pesan Nabi sebanyak 99 pesan, yang dikatego...

Keefektifan Sense of Humor sebagai Media Dakwah


In preaching, using humor inserts in Islamic communication is something often practiced by some preachers. Humor aims to attract the attention of da'wah listeners and the part that listeners look forward to even though humor is only a complement an Islamic communication. However, the use of humor in da'wah sometimes becomes a boomerang for preachers who don’t pay attention to ethical boundaries and the provisions of applicable norms. So from the results of the author's analysis that the use of humor in Islamic communication is allowed to be a good way as long as the preacher pays attention that in inserting his humor he doesn’t forget the courtesy stipulated in the Hadith & Qur'an. Due to technological advances in preaching, at this time preachers and listeners don’t need to meet in person in one place, but with technological advances, there are a lot of media that can be used in online preaching on social media. In this study, we used quantitative methods by using d...

Pengembangan Media Komik Tematik Islami

School Education Journal PGSD FIP Unimed, 2021

This study aims to develop Islamic Thematic Comics as a valid, practical and effective learning media. The methods used in this study were validation sheets, questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. The type of this research is R&R research with Borg and Gall research design. The results showed that the Islamic Thematic Comic product based on the value given by the valid validator obtained a value of 94.01% in the "Very Eligible" category, the practicality level obtained a value of 77.60% in the "Very Eligible" category and was declared effective with an increase in the value of 76.00 and after using Comics, which is 81.67. Based on the results of the tests carried out, it can be concluded that the development of Islamic Thematic Comics products to improve student learning outcomes is declared valid, practical, and effective. Keywords: Islamic, Thematic, Comic Media.

Humor Dalam Pesan Dakwah

Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah, 2019

Humor in dakwah has an important position. The difficult material can be accepted by mad'u easily. Beside to attract attention, humor also can be used as a tool of education for mad'u and as a tool critic to against inequality that happens in society without loss the basic character of smooth and not provocative. Using improper of humor will cause a blurring the essence and purpose dakwah. There are four ethical criteria of humor which must be considered by dai. First, humor educative is humor which has the content of educating and the mission of enlightenment. Second, critical humor is humor who stimulate dai to do analysis a number of inequality and imbalance reality of life. Third, not racist, humor not contains insult, desecration, stigmatic against someone, institution, religion, race, and class. Fourth, doesn’t contain pornographic. Humor is not exploit sensational body through talk of dirty and porn.***Humor dalam dakwah menempati posisi penting. Materi yang sulit dap...

Televisi Sebagai Media Dakwah

Al-Mishbah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2017

Islam is one of the divine religions that emphasizes the importance of da’wah (Islamic preaching) activities. Therefore, da'wah becomes one of the activities of every Muslim in his life. Da’wah can be done through various ways and media, both visual and audio visual, such as television and others. Television is very effective in delivering content of da’wah, because in this modern era television has been entering in almost all the homes of the people as audiences of da’wah. The most important is to display the right content with competent speakers, and with the right program or event as well. In this case, Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI) Central Sulawesi created a program called Lentera Hati. This is a program of Islamic da’wah that is broadcasted on every Thursday at 20.00 pm. The content is delivered through the presentation of the material by a competent speaker. Thus, the goal of da’wah to the people of Central Sulawesi as audiences can be achieved.

Media dan Komodifikasi Dakwah

Al-I'lam: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam

Abstrak: Islam pada dasarnya, bukanlah agama yang hanya tertuang dalam simbol tekstual dalam al-Quran dan Hadist semata. Islam sejatinya adalah agama yang tidak bisa menafikan gejala historis, sosial, budaya, politik, dan seterusnya. Dengan jumlah penganut yang tidak sedikit, serta tersebar diberbagai belahan dunia, termasuk Indonesia, Islam pun menjelma menjadi semacam ''gejala pasar''. Sebagai konsekuensi dari ''gejala pasar'', maka Islam pun mengalami proses komodifikasi. Dakwah sebagai bagian dari ajaran agama, juga tidak bisa mengelak dari komodifikasi, terutama semenjak lahirnya berbagai macam media informasi, termasuk media massa. Banyaknya program-program dakwah di media massa di satu sisi menambah transformasi nilai-nilai Islam, tapi di sisi lain terkadang merusak citra Islam, karena dakwah sebagai bagian suci dari ajaran agama, terkadang menjadi alat bagi media untuk meraih keuntungan dari keberadaan penduduk Indonesia yang mayoritas beragam...

Penggunaan Humor Dalam Dakwah Komunikasi Islam

Al-Din: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Keagamaan, 2020

The use of humor in da'wah of Islamic communication is something that is widely practiced by some preachers whether it is through religious pulpits or through the internet media called social media, humor is aimed to attract the attention of the audiences and be a part that is always awaited by the audiences in da'wah even though in fact, humor is only a complement in an Islamic da'wah, which is nothing else but to get attention from the audiences. However, the use of humor in the da'wah of Islamic communication sometimes backfires for those who do not pay attention to the standard criteria of humor such as ethical and aesthetic. Thus, based on the results of the analysis of the author that the use of humor in da'wah of Islamic communication is permissible and it becomes a good way as long as the preacher observes that in slipping his humor, he does not forget the propriety set out in the Qur'an and hadith.

Dakwah Melawan Hoax Menuju Literasi Media

Ath Thariq Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2018

Hadirnya informasi yang begitu pesat saat ini mampu membutakan masyarakat akan media, hal ini tentunya menuntut para pelaku dakwah untuk merubah paradigma dan prilaku masyarakat untuk melek media (literasi media). Dalam hal ini, salah satu peran dakwah adalah melawan hoax dan menjadikan masyarakat melek akan media, sehingga segala berita atau informasi yang diterima mampu difilter terlebih dahulu. Literasi media akan membawa masyarakat untuk bersikap kritis dalam menganalisa pesan serta berita yang tersebar di media massa maupun media sosial.

Dakwah dan new Media

Facebook merupakan media baru yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana penyebaran nilai-nilai Keislaman dan nilai-nilai kebaikan (dakwah). untuk mewujudkan kehidupan yang baik, dakwah melalui facebook perlu dirancang menjadi sebuah akun yang menarik dan bermuatan nasihat-nasehat yang berguna bagi ketentraman jiwa untuk menjadikan hidup lebih baik, harmoni dan sejahtera.

Dakwah di Media Siber

KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi

The Internet gives a new universal space for sharing information, and interacting. The use of the Internet network, in the context of da'wah is a breakthrough for the efficiency and effectiveness of da'wah. The birth of Islamic sites is a must for today's adult da'wah activists. However, da'wah should evolve and adapt to the ever-changing character of society, so da'wah can be well received. One of the sites containing Islamic values ​​is juguransyafaat.com. The method used in this study is semiotics, where this theory is used to interpret the meaning of the text, whether in the form of words or images. The result of this research explains that through the writings or articles it is seen that the discourse presented in juguransyafaat.com gives the characteristics of the propagation material, which when classified into three major parts, which includes aqidah, life, and morals to create innovative thinking which is expected to change the establishment of the u...