Small noncleaved follicular center cell (FCC) lymphoma: Burkitt and non-Burkitt variants in the United States. I. Clinical features (original) (raw)
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PubMed, 2011
Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a well characterized entity. For atypical findings a term Burkitt-like lymphoma (B-LL) was applied in the past, but the interpretation of the morphological appearances was subjective and poorly reproducible. We used a combined approach (morphology using classical histological staining; immunohistochemistry-IHC; fluorescence in situ hybridization-FISH on interphase nuclei; cytogenetics) to perform a retrospective study on 39 patients diagnosed as BL and B-LL at our department in the years 1982 to 2002. By FISH we demonstrated t(8;14)(q24;q32) in 31 patients; in further two we found a break at 8q24, suggestive of a variant translocation. In three patients with the cytogenetic investigation available we confirmed the findings of FISH--two lymphomas had the t(8;14)(q24;q32), one had t(2;8)(p12;q24). IHC showed CD20, CD10, BCL-6, p53 expression, and Ki-67 antigen in > 95% of the tumor cell population in a majority of the patients. There was a group of 4 patients in whom the t(8;14)(q24;q32) or a break at 8q24 were not found (FISH). These cases were reclassified within the WHO defined grey zone subgroup of B-cell lymphoma unclassifiable with features intermediate between diffuse large cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and Burkitt lymphoma--I-DLBCL/BL. Two further cases were reclassified as DLBCL based on a combined IHC and FISH findings. A lymphoma of one of these patients had breaks at 3q27 (BCL6) and at 14q32 (IGH) suggestive of t(3;14)(q27;q32). The overall survival estimate of 33 patients with the diagnosis of BL was 54%. Most of deaths occurred within 6 months after the tumor diagnosis. The unfavorable clinical outcome appears to be associated with a strong expression of the p53 protein in the tumor cell population. Individually utilized methods in the diagnosis of BL may lead to false diagnostic conclusions. A combined approach helps to establish a more reliable diagnosis of BL and to separate grey zone lymphomas I-DLBCL/BL and DLBCL with morphological mimics of BL to start adequate treatment. I-DLBCL/BL is a non-homogenous group of lymphomas necessitating further analysis in a prospective study.
IP innovative publication pvt ltd, 2020
Introduction: Burkitt lymphoma is an aggressive type B-cell NHL. It is an infrequently occurring aggressive B-cell NHL, which occurs in children and young adults and it is probably the fastest growing tumor in humans, with exuberant proliferation. However, it is now one of the most curable conditions in the developed world. Objective: The aim of this study to analyze the clinico-pathologic, immunophenotypic, cytogenetic and molecular pathology of cases diagnosed as Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia. Materials and Methods: All cases diagnosed as Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia (BL) between2008 and 2016 were included in this study. All the relevant data was collected from Pathology and Oncology records. Peripheral blood, bone marrow smears and histopathology slides were reviewed. Stains like Giemsa, Oil -Red-O and Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) were reviewed. Immunohistochemistry with lymphoma markers were done on tissue sections. Immunophenotyping on marrow aspirates was done with 4-color flowcytometry. Flourescence In-situ Hybridization (FISH) assay was performed on some bone marrow aspirate samples. Results: During this study period, 37 cases were diagnosed as Burkitt leukemia / Lymphoma. There were25 male and 12 female (M: F: 2.2:1). Ten patients had hepatosplenomegaly and 8 had lymphadenopathy. B-type symptoms in 21 patients and raised LDH levels in 17 cases were observed. There were 25 patients diagnosed on bone marrow studies (21 fresh cases and 4 cases of relapse). Twelve patients were diagnosed as high grade NHL on histopathological examination (HPE). Flow analysis was done in 6 cases, which were positive for CD10, CD19, and CD20. Immuno histochemistry on biopsy specimens was done in 12 cases and 3 trephine biopsy sections were positive for B-cell lymphoma markers with high Ki67. FISH analysis was performed on 5 specimens and showed c -MYC rearrangement and t (8-14) translocation Conclusion: Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia is an aggressive variant of B cell NHL. It has classical morphology with monomorphic large lymphoid cells with prominent punched out vacuoles, positive for lipid vacuoles. Even with aggressive chemotherapy, seven cases were in remission and majority patients expired. As per our knowledge this is the largest case series from India.
Burkitt Lymphoma: A Case Report
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
Introduction: Burkitt lymphoma is highly metastatic active malignant B- cell Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma characterized by translocation and deregulation of the d- MYC gene on chromosome no.8 on DNA strand. Background: Burkitt lymphoma (BL) accounts for 30–50% of all peadiatric lymphomas, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) is the fourth most common malignant tumor in children. In the sex distribution, there was a male predominance, especially among children Case Presentation: A 12 year old female child was brought to Acharya Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha, Maharashtra, India on date 12/01/2020 with complaints of breathlessness since 5 days, high grade fever since 10 days and retrosternal chest pain since 10- 15 days along with anorexia. The patient had a complete blood count, which revealed that his hemoglobin percent, total red blood count, hematocrit and Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin were all low. Pleural Fluid cytology analysis, Virology investigation, CECT Chest and C...
Burkitt 's lymphoma, its rapid progression and the importance of early diagnosis: Case report (Atena Editora), 2022
LCI, 37 years old, female, hypothyroid. On admission, he complained of severe low back pain for 1 month, associated with headache, facial paresthesia and metrorrhagia. In the blood count, microcytic and hypochromic anemia, normal RDW, 2 erythrocytes/100 cells, leukocytosis with a left shift, a gynecological examination showed a lesion. in the vaginal wall in which a biopsy was performed. Abdominal and skull CT scans, lumbosacral resonance without alterations. It evolves during hospitalization with worsening of symptoms, subfebrile condition and noted on physical examination palpable nodule in the left breast, and then performed breast ultrasound with 4C birrads result, and in a new blood count maintaining microcytic anemia hypochromic with confirmed thrombocytopenia. Performed then, investigation with peripheral smear showing left shift staggered to blasts (2%). Myelogram with monotenicity of the cells, blasts of medium size, with regular nuclear membrane, dense chromatin, with most of the cells presenting nucleolus. Small band of cytoplasm without granules, but cellular with numerous and tiny vacuoles. After the results, the patient was urgently referred to a center specializing in onco hematology, where new exams showed an expansive mass in the central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, new myelogram and breast nodule puncture with immunophenotyping and showing histology of cells in "starry sky", confirming the diagnosis of Burkitt Lymphoma.
Burkitt's Lymphoma: Clinicopathologic Features and Differential Diagnosis
The Oncologist, 2006
Learning Objectives After completing this course, the reader will be able to: Describe the events leading to the initial identification and description of Burkitt's lymphoma and the discovery of its association with the Epstein-Barr virus.Outline the WHO Classification of Burkitt's lymphoma, including the clinical and pathological variants of this lymphoma.Discuss the treatment strategies used for treating Burkitt's lymphoma.List the criteria for establishing a diagnosis of Burkitt's lymphoma and discuss the entities that may enter its differential diagnosis. Access and take the CME test online and receive 1 AMA PRA category 1 credit at Burkitt's lymphoma is a highly aggressive lymphoma identified and described in the last century by Denis Burkitt in Africa, in areas endemic for malaria. Since its description in African children, it has been recognized outside areas with endemic malaria, frequently also in children as well as among individua...
Burkitt's lymphoma. A clinical study of 110 patients
Cancer, 1976
O n e hundred and ten previously untreated patients with Burkitt's lymphoma were studied prospectively over a period ranging from over 1 year to 5 years. Of 103 patients who were treated with cyclophosphamide as a single agent, 79 (77%) achieved complete remission. Vincristine plus methotrexate o r cytosine arabinoside induced complete remissions in only two of 24 patients who failed to respond to cyclophosphamide. Fifty-two percent of patients who entered complete remission subsequently relapsed with tumor. Relapse was significantly higher in patients who presented with disseminated disease (Stage 111-IV) than in patients with localized disease (Stage 1-11). Patients who relapsed early (remission duration < 12 weeks) had a significantly worse prognosis than patients who relapsed late (remission duration > 12 weeks). Actuarial calculated 2-a n d 4-year survival for all patients was 44% and 38%, respectively. Factors that adversely affected survival were primary resistance to cyclophosphamide, early tumor relapse, central nervous system disease, and involvement of abdominal organs. Cancer 37:671-676, 1976. INCE THE INITIAL DESCRIPTION OF A LYM-S phoma involving jaws and abdominal viscera in African children by Burkitt in 1958,z major contributions towards effective chemotherapy of this neoplasm have mainly come from workers in East Afri~a.~a10.~ However, over the past 6 years the Burkitt's Lymphoma Research Unit, a collaborative project of the Ghana Medical School and the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, has directed its major attention to the chemotherapy and other clinical aspects of this most common childhood malignancy in Africa.' Emphasis has been placed on up-to-date and continuous follow-up of patients in order to obtain pertinent information on response to chemotherapy, the clinical course of the disease, and factors that affect survival.
Clinical Aspects and Therapy of Sporadic Burkitt Lymphoma
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases, 2009
Burkitt's lymphoma is a highly aggressive endemic, sporadic, and immunodeficiency immunophenotypic features. It is characterized by a high proliferation rate and propensity for extranodal sites such as gastrointestinal tract and reproductive organs. Brief high-intensity chemotherapy regimens prophylaxis have had remarkable success in the treatment of this disease in the sporad with very high complete remission rate and overall survival lymphoma is extremely chemosensitive, biologically targeted therapies because current treatment options are suboptimal or with relapsed disease. Introduction: Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) is a small non-cleaved cell lymphoma with a high proliferation rate and characteristic molecular changes involving the c-MYC oncogene. It is a clinically distinct and aggressive disease, that frequently involves extranodal sites, such as the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system (CNS), so that it requires urgent treatment. In the WHO classification three clinical variants are recognized: endemic, sporadic and immunodeficiency-associated 1. The three subtypes are identical according to histological pattern, and they all possess chromosomal rearrangements of the c-MYC oncogene, that contribut magenesis altering the mechanisms of cell cycle regulation, cellular differentiation, apoptosis, cellular adhesion, and metabolism. BL is common in children, accounting for 40-50% of childhood ; Open Journal System