Online ESP teaching in non-philology universities: Provided suggestions and proposal (original) (raw)
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Journal of critical reviews, 2020
This article will focus on the importance of training teachers of English in non-philological Universities. The authors discuss the problems of training teachers of English for non-specialists, history and current situation in this process. The problems of developing ESP programs and textbooks are also rendered as the ones that can be regarded as obstacles for the development of this sphere in Uzbekistan. Some issues concerning the system of preparing ESP teachers in Uzbekistan and the role of teacher training courses are also discussed in the present article. The article also provides useful information about some strategies for training English teachers for non-specialists in the world and in Uzbekistan.
World Journal of English Language
Several higher educational institutions (HEI) have launched English-Medium programs in order to recruit foreign students and increase graduate qualification for better employability. The present study reports on the results of an online survey and semi-structured interviews of administrators, instructors and students towards the use of English as a medium of instruction in tertiary level in Uzbekistan, where Uzbek is the native language of the students and the pedagogical staff. The sample of the study consisted of 34 participants: 13 instructors, 15 students and 6 administrators at the universities of Uzbekistan. The results of the questionnaire and interviews show that implementing an EMI approach would attribute responsibility on the teaching staff and require very carefully designed curricula. The findings also suggest that EMI courses improve English proficiency, contribute to instructors’ professional development, career, and income and enhance students’ interaction with their...
Juraj, Datko; Jana, Puschenreiterová (szerk.) e-TEFL : Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie : Proceedings from the International Scientific Conference, 2014
Higher educational institutions face new requirements in the competition for students. First, employees, especially professionals, should acquire new knowledge and train themselves to maintain up-to-date, to be able to meet new demands and challenges. On the other hand, people can spend less time (and sometimes less money) on studying: traditional classroom teaching does not often suit the needs of adult learners, including higher educational students. Moreover, generation Y, who study in higher education and work as young employees, prefer using digital technology to acquire new information to browsing heavy books. It is essential to them to download materials on their smart phones or tablets and read, listen and learn during journeys. Although traditional learning and teaching forms are still play significant role in overall education, non-traditional or atypical forms are becoming well-known, wide-spread and appreciated especially in higher and adult education. Second, speaking in English seems to be essential for employees in professional positions: employers expect employees to have and apply language knowledge and skills adequate to the particular job. To achieve suitable skills non-native English students should develop their knowledge of understanding and speaking English in specific context. Focusing on these requirements, universities should offer e-learning courses to save time for their students and ESP (English for Specific Purposes) courses to improve their students’ proficiency in specific disciplines so that they could be more successful in the labour market. Many higher educational institutes have recognised the requirements of the labour market: it wants employees who can speak not only general English but they also know specific vocabulary. If ESP courses are offered even online, it matches the expectation of the new generations and fits the timetable of busy professionals. The College of Dunaújváros, Hungary has recognised these double needs and started to develop ESP e-learning courses in the Social Renewal Operative Program 4.1.1.C. This study intends to present e-learning materials developed by the College of Dunaújváros from two points of view: on the one hand, focusing on the structure and the elements of the e-learning course, on the other hand, as an ESP course, i.e. how it helps students to improve their language skills in specific fields.
SHS Web of Conferences, 2022
The forced transition to distance learning contributed to the rapid development of online learning and the active implementation of educational platforms in the educational process. The previously free choice of online education or mixed formats in a pandemic is being replaced by forced online education. This article examines the process of implementing online foreign language teaching for students of non-linguistic specialties through the Skyes University learning platform. The Institute of Modern Languages and International Studies of the North-Eastern Federal University began teaching 1st year students of non-linguistic specialties English through the Skyes digital learning platform (DLP). Skyes University's digital learning environment contains a large number of regularly updated training courses. The purpose of this training is to develop the communicative competence of students of nonlinguistic specialties. The article provides an overview of the scientific works of domest...
Possible Problems in Online Foreign Language Teaching at a University Context
International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 2019
Online language teaching and learning contexts yield both merits and drawbacks for professionals and learners. Within this scope, this study investigated the views of instructors on possible problems of online foreign language teaching with regard to language skills, language areas, and classroom management. A questionnaire consisting of 19 items was developed and implemented by the researcher. The study involved 30 language instructors selected purposefully at a state university context in Turkey, and they took part in the process voluntarily. They had varying educational backgrounds and teaching experiences. Frequencies (f) and percentages (%) were used in analyzing the data. The results were reported descriptively at the end. The results demonstrated that the participants supported online foreign language teaching with regard to language skills and language areas while they considered some aspects problematic in relation to classroom management. Finally, limitations of the inquiry and implications for future studies were discussed based on the results.
Teaching language online: What it is and how it works
Bu kitabın basım, yayın, satış hakları Eğiten Kitap Yayın Organizasyon Ltd. Şti. 'ne aittir. Anılan kuruluşun izni alınmadan kitabın tümü ya da bölümleri fotokopi yoluyla, mekanik, elektronik, manyetik ya da başka yöntemlerle çoğaltılamaz, basılamaz, dağıtılamaz. Kitabın içeriğinden yazarları sorumludur.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
Every year the interest in the study of the Uzbek language and Uzbek literature is increased in the world. Nowadays, e-learning materials containing a multimedia textbook, a multilingual dictionary, audio of conversational phrasebooks and a glossary of the non-equivalent national-cultural vocabulary of the modern literary Uzbek language are needed for students of the Uzbek language outside Uzbekistan. The authors propose new approaches to the creation of this electronic educational complex.
Esp Projects That Changed Traditional Teaching Habits in Uzbekistan
From 2016 many educational projects organized for Higher Educational Institutions of Uzbekistan and one of them is EnSPIRE-U (English for Specific Purposes Integrated Reform in Uzbekistan) organized by British Council. Moving from centralized, course book-based system to sudden freedom has brought its fair share of challenges. The purpose of this article is to look new trends teaching ESP in Uzbekistan with the project EnSPIRE-U and piloting new syllabus for the 1 st year students of pharmaceutical directions in three institutions of Uzbekistan: Tashkent pharmaceutical Institute, Nukus Medical Institute (pharmaceutical direction) and Andijan Medical Institute (pharmaceutical direction). Research had started in 2016 with baseline study identifying learning needs of pharmaceutical students in Uzbekistan. Further, from 2018 designing and piloting materials in ESP lessons. Results of this study show that using authentic materials developed professional communicative competence in English of future pharmacists.
Attitudes towards online English teaching and preferences of EFL teachers from Azerbaijan
This empirical study investigates the preferences of local EFL teachers from Azerbaijan for conducting online English classes and their beliefs about modes of teaching. Furthermore, it presents information on platforms for an online language class and compares tools that are categorised into six types based on a specific language skill the teacher intends to improve. A questionnaire containing 19 questions was carried out to collect the necessary data. 48 EFL teachers from Azerbaijan with various academic backgrounds and working in either private and/or public sectors participated in the questionnaire. The results revealed Zoom to be the most widely used platform and the quality of audio/video to be the main factor when choosing a platform. Aside from that, YouTube, Padlet, Microsoft Word, Wordwall, Quizlet were the most favoured tools amongst the participants. The study also found that EFL teachers from Azerbaijan still like offline teaching better.