On the asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations (original) (raw)
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International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics, 2015
The importance of differential equations in scientific world is a crystal-clear fact. Many problems in physics, ecology, biology, engineering etc. can be modeled by ordinary differential equations and very few of them can be solved in terms of elementary functions. However, it is possible to reveal the main features of the solutions by the help of qualitative methods. In this study, we try to show that the conditions for some nonlinear equations to be asymptotically stable.
A Note on the Asymptotic Stability
In this paper, we stude the influence of the perturbing term in equation x' = f(t, x) + g(t, x), on the asymptotically behavior of x' = f(t, x).
The asymptotic behaviour of solutions to linear systems of ordinary differential equations
Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1970
This paper is concerned with the system of differential equations (1) x' = A(t)x, te[0,ώ) where A(t) is an n x n matrix of locally integrable complexvalued functions on [0, ώ) and x(t) is an ?z-dimensional column vector. The class of matrices A(t) such that (1) has a nontrivial solution x o (t) satisfying lim*-™ | x o (t) | = 0 is denoted by Ω o ; the class of matrices Ait) such that (1) has a solution Xoo(t) satisfying lim*ω I Xco(t) I-+ oo is denoted by Ωco. If P is a projection then ΩP 0 denotes the class of matrices A(t) such that (1) has a nontrivial solution x o (t) satisfying lim^ω I Pxo{t) I = 0. Sufficient conditions are given for A(t) G Ω o , A(t) e Ω^ and A(t) e ΩP 0 ; the result, obtained include as special cases theorems of Coppel, Hart man, and Milloux.
Stability and Asymptotic Estimates in Nonautonomous Linear Differential Systems
Siam Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 1985
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Asymptotic stability of differential systems of neutral type
Applied Mathematics Letters, 2000
we offer sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of linear neutral differential systems. An application of our results to a family of artificial neural networks of neutral type is also illustrated.
Proceedings of The 9'th Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (June 28-July 1, 2011, Szeged, Hungary) edited by: László Hatvani, Tibor Krisztin and Róbert Vajda, 2012
In this paper we consider the global and local stability and instability of solutions of a scalar nonlinear differential equation with non-negative solutions. The differential equation is a perturbed version of a globally stable autonomous equation with unique zero equilibrium where the perturbation is additive and independent of the state. It is assumed that the restoring force is asymptotically negligible as the solution becomes large, and that the perturbation tends to zero as time becomes indefinitely large. It is shown that solutions are always locally stable, and that solutions either tend to zero or to infinity as time tends to infinity. In the case when the perturbation is integrable, the zero solution is globally asymptotically stable. If the perturbation is non-integrable, and tends to zero faster than a critical rate which depends on the strength of the restoring force, then solutions are globally stable. However, if the perturbation tends to zero more slowly than this critical rate, and the initial condition is sufficiently large, the solution tends to infinity. Moreover, for every initial condition, there exists a perturbation which tends to zero more slowly than the critical rate, for which the solution once again escapes to infinity. Some extensions to general scalar equations as well as to finitedimensional systems are also presented, as well as global convergence results using Liapunov techniques.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 2011
The present paper deals with the following system:\begin{align*}x^{\prime}&=-e(t)x+f(t)\phi_{p^*}(y),\\y^{\prime}&=-(p-1)g(t)\phi_p(x)-(p-1)h(t)y,\end{align*}wherepandp*are positive numbers satisfying 1/p+ 1/p*= 1, andϕq(z) = |z|q−2zforq=porq=p*. This system is referred to as a half-linear system. We herein establish conditions on time-varying coefficientse(t),f(t),g(t) andh(t) for the zero solution to be uniformly globally asymptotically stable. If (e(t),f(t)) ≡ (h(t),g(t)), then the half-linear system is integrable. We consider two cases: the integrable case (e(t),f(t)) ≡ (h(t),g(t)) and the non-integrable case (e(t),f(t)) ≢ (h(t),g(t)). Finally, some simple examples are presented to illustrate our results.