Revealing Regional Development Through the Gerbang Kaca Program: A Study in Fakfak Regency, West Papua (original) (raw)

Implementation of Policies to Build Prosperous Papuan Generations and Families in Asmat District


The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of the BANGGA Papua policy in the Asmat district, Papua Province. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach, with the aim of presenting a complete picture of the problem under study. Data collection by interviews, observation, documentation studies and data analysis techniques through data reduction and drawing conclusions with a total of 42 informants. The results and discussion of the implementation of the BANGGA Papua policy (Building a Prosperous Papuan Generation and Family) in Asmat District, Papua Province, explain that the productivity of the BANGGA Papua policy, as seen from the number of achievements of the target group of beneficiary communities, has not been productive because the target beneficiaries have not been achieved due to the cessation of the BANGGA Papua program which has not been running for five years. Then from the linearity dimension seen from the procedure, time, cost, pla...

Village Fund Management in Mimika District, Papua Province

This article describes the implementation of the special autonomy policy in Papua Province, through the management of the Village Fund (DD), the Village Development Strategic Plan Program (PROSPEK), and other programs in order to launch and advance development in Mimika Regency, Papua Province, then analyze and understand the procedures for managing the special autonomy funds themselves. By using qualitative research methods to describe, analyze and interpret various forms of Village Fund management procedures. The theory used is the theory of policy implementation which focuses on environmental conditions, relationships between organizations and the ability of implementing agents. The results of the study show that the management of Papua's special autonomy funds is weak in institutions, community participation in development is low and not yet effective. Therefore, the management of these funds must be transparent or open, honest and also involve the community in the preparation of regional development programs themselves.

A time for locally driven development in Papua and West Papua

Development in Practice

The vast biocultural diversity of Tanah Papua (Land of Papua) are important resources for local economic development, especially where their sustainable use incorporates affirmative action to ensure that indigenous communities capture the resulting benefits. Papuan stakeholders already have their own detailed plans, and there are some success stories to instil confidence in the abilities of the indigenous peoples of Papua to lead their own development. Multi-stakeholder approaches are known to work well, and in this case, locally driven initiatives are also known to be promising. This viewpoint suggests the need for a balance between inclusive participation in multi-stakeholder programmes and the enhancement of locally driven initiatives.

The Role of Tungku Tigo Sajarangan in The Community Development Planning of Minangkabau, Indonesia

Tungku Tigo Sajarangan holds a vital role in the deliberation process of the development in the Minangkabau community, regardless of the lack of synergy. This study aims to analyze and describe the position of this customary institution in the development planning of Bukik Batabuah Nagari in Candung District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra Province. The qualitative methods used in the data collection were semi-structured interview techniques comprising 20 informants, as well as field observations and documentation. Subsequently, the results showed that there was synergy from the perspective of individual and behavioral dimensions. Although this synergy was not observed from the position dimension, especially the Cadiak Pandai element, it can still be overcome by mutual control. Concerning the dimensions of the relationship with other parties, Tungku Tigo Sajarangan remains active and participates in providing recommendations and opinions. This activity was observed even though no village regulation came from the Bamus Nagari initiative in implementing the village administration. Consequently, it was concluded that Tungku Tigo Sajarangan has played an active role in the planning process for the development of Bukik Batabuah Nagari. Also, the research recommended that the leadership system should act as a civil society to participate consistently


Journal of Communication and Development Studies, 2022

Papua New Guinea's existing development models are politically driven and very isolated from the real-life situations that people face each day at the villages, settlements and rural communities throughout the nation. The Dictionary of Social Sciences (Reading, 1978) provides 39 functional definitions of a model. Four of which that are relevant to the discussions in this paper refers to it as, model of the way an individual or players chooses a course of action, a model in which change is involved, a model constructed by a subgroup of their own sociocultural system, or models which will only determine probabilities of certain future events (Reading, 1978, pp.133).

Revitalizing governance based on local wisdom in Papua

ETNOSIA : Jurnal Etnografi Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to analyze whether local wisdom can be the foundation in mobilizing contextual governance to stimulate the presence of governance arrangements towards Good Governance in Papua. This research is a qualitative descriptive research, using a literature review approach. The data are from literature reviews, book journals, documents or data sources related to research. Data analysis includes the stages of data reduction, data presentation and data interpretation. Validate data through member checks or examine findings using written interpretations from academics in the field. The results of the study indicate that governance adopts elements of the cultural values ​​of the local community (tribes) which have been the reference for thinking and acting. Without it, the implementation of governance will not produce a significant overall impact. In the context of governance, the overall perspective of local values ​​is very helpful in adjusting the implementation o...

The Direction of Papua Development: Is A New Autonomous Region the Answer?

Policy & Governance Review

This study aims to show what kind of problems and challenges occur in the middle of Papua Province development, as well as the extent of complexity of these development problems and the challenges of the New Autonomous Region to answer it. We use the systematic literature review method by showing a collection of literature from the Scopus database that discusses the development of Papua and analyzing the literature collection into several clusters. Bibliometric analysis is used to generate statistical models that show the relationship between each study. 151 literature sources were used in this study and produced three clusters namely development process, environment, and communication. From these aspects, several development efforts have been carried out by the government such as collaboration with the private sector, community capacity building through local value development, and the involvement of indigenous peoples. Moreover, there are several things that need to be considered ...

Regional Development Plan (RKPD) Policy Formulation by Musrenbang Based on Good Local Governance in Badung Regency, Bali Province

International Journal of Applied Sociology, 2015

Local autonomy facilitates the local government to manage its own regional area based on local socio-culture. Thus local autonomy becomes the basic for the innovation to formulate Regional Development Plan (RKPD) in the governance of Badung Regency. The integration of local culture into management of local government, for example the formulation of Regional Development Plan in Badung regency through Development Planning Meeting (Musrenbang) is important. Government' roles are to legalize or to catalyze. Government should maximize the sense of togetherness from every sector to produce Regional Development Plan based on good governance principles, such as effective, efficient, transparent, fair, and every stakeholder has a sense of belonging toward Regional Development Plan. Therefore the policy of Regional Development Plan declared by Badung government can obtains full supports from every sector. These can be achieved by adopting local values of Badung societies and by reforming the regulation of Badung local government. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative approach, gathering data by direct observation, interviews and documentation.

People-Centred Development: The Case of Development Projects in Papua Indonesia During the Special Autonomy System

Problems of Management in the 21st Century

In many developing countries, various development models have been used, but the results are far from expectations. This happens because this ideology only focuses on equitable development by focusing only on economic growth factors. Even so, we can assume developmental deviations are common because when applied in the field, we cannot study them completely thoroughly. However, based on the conditions above, we can take the most optimal approach to formulate an optimal mutually dependent and beneficial relationship between the community and the government as stipulated in legal policy. Therefore, this paper examines how the political economy and the role of the state shape the development of Papua in Special Autonomy System. With FGD data and research from the literature, we use a descriptive-qualitative strategy. According to the findings of the study, the background of economic exploitation in Papua and the sustainability of nature as a production space has a paradoxical relations...

Strategy to Improve the Status of Becoming an Advanced Village in Pakuhaji Village, West Bandung Regency-Indonesia (SOAR Model Application)

Dinamika Ekonomi

As stated in the 2020-2024 National Mid-Term Development Plan, to support efforts to achieve the development goals of rural areas, namely reducing the number of underdeveloped villages to developing villages by 7000 villages, and increasing the number of villages developing into independent villages by 3000 villages. To reach a developed village, an effective strategy is needed. The research objective was to identify an effective strategy towards a developed village in Pakuhaji Village by using the SOAR model application. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. This type of data consists of primary data obtained through observation and interviews with the Pakuhaji Village Officials as many as 10 respondents. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained from report documents, regulations, as well as research results related to the strategy to upgrade the status to a developed village in Pakuhaji Village. The results of this study indicate that the status of Pakuhaji Vil...