The biomechanical role of the chondrocranium and sutures in a lizard cranium (original) (raw)

Combined finite element and multibody dynamics analysis of biting in a Uromastyx hardwickii lizard skull

Journal of Anatomy, 2008

Lizard skulls vary greatly in shape and construction, and radical changes in skull form during evolution have made this an intriguing subject of research. The mechanics of feeding have surely been affected by this change in skull form, but whether this is the driving force behind the change is the underlying question that we are aiming to address in a programme of research. Here we have implemented a combined finite element analysis (FEA) and multibody dynamics analysis (MDA) to assess skull biomechanics during biting. A skull of Uromastyx hardwickii was assessed in the present study, where loading data (such as muscle force, bite force and joint reaction) for a biting cycle were obtained from an MDA and applied to load a finite element model. Fifty load steps corresponding to bilateral biting towards the front, middle and back of the dentition were implemented. Our results show the importance of performing MDA as a preliminary step to FEA, and provide an insight into the variation of stress during biting. Our findings show that higher stress occurs in regions where cranial sutures are located in functioning skulls, and as such support the hypothesis that sutures may play a pivotal role in relieving stress and producing a more uniform pattern of stress distribution across the skull. Additionally, we demonstrate how varying bite point affects stress distributions and relate stress distributions to the evolution of metakinesis in the amniote skull. FEA and MDA of biting in Uromastyx , M. Moazen et al.

Comparative cranial biomechanics in two lizard species: impact of variation in cranial design

Journal of Experimental Biology, 2021

Cranial morphology in lepidosaurs is highly disparate and characterised by the frequent loss or reduction of bony elements. In varanids and geckos, the loss of the postorbital bar is associated with changes in skull shape, but the mechanical principles underlying this variation remain poorly understood. Here, we sought to determine how the overall cranial architecture and the presence of the postorbital bar relate to the loading and deformation of the cranial bones during biting in lepidosaurs. Using computer-based simulation techniques, we compared cranial biomechanics in the varanid Varanus niloticus and the teiid Salvator merianae, two large, active foragers. The overall strain magnitude and distribution across the cranium were similar in the two species, despite lower strain gradients in V. niloticus. In S. merianae, the postorbital bar is important for resistance of the cranium to feeding loads. The postorbital ligament, which in varanids partially replaces the postorbital bar,...

Rigid-body analysis of a lizard skull: Modelling the skull of Uromastyx hardwickii

Journal of Biomechanics, 2008

Lizard skulls vary greatly in their detailed morphology. Theoretical models and practical studies have posited a definite relationship between skull morphology and bite performance, but this can be difficult to demonstrate in vivo. Computer modelling provides an alternative approach, as long as hard and soft tissue components can be integrated and the model can be validated. An anatomically accurate three-dimensional computer model of an Uromastyx hardwickii skull was developed for rigid-body dynamic analysis. The Uromastyx jaw was first opened under motion control, and then muscle forces were applied to produce biting simulations where bite forces and joint forces were calculated. Bite forces comparable to those reported in the literature were predicted, and detailed muscular force information was produced along with additional information on the stabilizing role of temporal ligaments in late jaw closing. r

Cranial sutures work collectively to distribute strain throughout the reptile skull

Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2013

The skull is composed of many bones that come together at sutures. These sutures are important sites of growth, and as growth ceases some become fused while others remain patent. Their mechanical behaviour and how they interact with changing form and loadings to ensure balanced craniofacial development is still poorly understood. Early suture fusion often leads to disfiguring syndromes, thus is it imperative that we understand the function of sutures more clearly. By applying advanced engineering modelling techniques, we reveal for the first time that patent sutures generate a more widely distributed, high level of strain throughout the reptile skull. Without patent sutures, large regions of the skull are only subjected to infrequent low-level strains that could weaken the bone and result in abnormal development. Sutures are therefore not only sites of bone growth, but could also be essential for the modulation of strains necessary for normal growth and development in reptiles.

The importance of accurate muscle modelling for biomechanical analyses: a case study with a lizard skull

Computer-based simulation techniques such as multi-body dynamics analysis are becoming increasingly popular in the field of skull mechanics. Multi-body models can be used for studying the relationships between skull architecture, muscle morphology and feeding performance. However, to be confident in the modelling results, models need to be validated against experimental data, and the effects of uncertainties or inaccuracies in the chosen model attributes need to be assessed with sensitivity analyses. Here, we compare the bite forces predicted by a multi-body model of a lizard (Tupinambis merianae) with in vivo measurements, using anatomical data collected from the same specimen. This subject-specific model predicts bite forces that are very close to the in vivo measurements and also shows a consistent increase in bite force as the bite position is moved posteriorly on the jaw. However, the model is very sensitive to changes in muscle attributes such as fibre length, intrinsic muscle strength and force orientation, with bite force predictions varying considerably when these three variables are altered. We conclude that accurate muscle measurements are crucial to building realistic multi-body models and that subject-specific data should be used whenever possible.

In vivo cranial bone strain and bite force in the agamid lizard Uromastyx geyri

Journal of Experimental Biology, 2014

In vivo bone strain data are the most direct evidence of deformation and strain regimes in the vertebrate cranium during feeding and can provide important insights into skull morphology. Strain data have been collected during feeding across a wide range of mammals; in contrast, in vivo cranial bone strain data have been collected from few sauropsid taxa. Here we present bone strain data recorded from the jugal of the herbivorous agamid lizard Uromastyx geyri along with simultaneously recorded bite force. Principal and shear strain magnitudes in Uromastyx geyri were lower than cranial bone strains recorded in Alligator mississippiensis, but higher than those reported from herbivorous mammals. Our results suggest that variations in principal strain orientations in the facial skeleton are largely due to differences in feeding behavior and bite location, whereas food type has little impact on strain orientations. Furthermore, mean principal strain orientations differ between male and female Uromastyx during feeding, potentially because of sexual dimorphism in skull morphology.

Bite force and cranial bone strain in four species of lizards

The Journal of Experimental Biology

In vivo bone strain data provide direct evidence of strain patterns in the cranium during biting. Compared to mammals, in vivo bone strains in lizard skulls are poorly documented. This paper presents strain data from the skulls of Anolis equestris, Gekko gecko, Iguana iguana and Salvator merianae during transducer biting. Analysis of variance was used to investigate effects of bite force, bite point, diet, cranial morphology and cranial kinesis on strain magnitudes. Within individuals the most consistent determinants of variance in bone strain magnitudes are gage location and bite point, with the importance of bite force varying between individuals. Inter-site variance in strain magnitudes—strain gradient—is present in all individuals, and varies with bite point. Between individuals within species, variance in strain magnitude is driven primarily by variation in bite force, not gage location or bite point, suggesting that inter-individual variation in patterns of strain magnitude is...

Using Finite-Element Analysis to Investigate Suture Morphology: a Case Study Using Large Carnivorous Dinosaurs

The Anatomical Record Part A: Discoveries in …, 2005

Finite-element analysis (FEA) can be used to investigate the mechanical significance of sutures and regions of intracranial flexibility in skulls. By modeling the stress response to feeding forces in a finite-element skull model (with appropriate boundary conditions), one can compare the axis of distortion and orientation of stress and strain in the model to the degree of movement at actual sutural contacts in the real skull. Hypotheses detailing the effect of introducing patency or flexibility on mechanical performance can be constructed and subsequently tested. In this study, the correlation between stress environment, cranial strength, and sutural morphology and mobility is investigated in the cranium of the large theropod dinosaur Allosaurus fragilis. Theropods are an especially interesting model system as their skulls were massive (over 100 cm in some cases), may have generated extremely large bite forces, yet patent sutures persisted between many of the facial bones. In this analysis, it was discovered that Allosaurus cranial sutures appear generally capable of accommodating stress and strain patterns generated during biting. This study highlights the potential of FEA in devising and testing hypotheses of form and function and argues that useful information can be obtained from finite-element models of extinct animals, providing that adequate assumptions are made and appropriate questions asked.

Palatal Biomechanics and Its Significance for Cranial Kinesis in Tyrannosaurus rex

The Anatomical Record, 2019

ABSTRACTThe extinct nonavian dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex, considered one of the hardest biting animals ever, is often hypothesized to have exhibited cranial kinesis, or, mobility of cranial joints relative to the braincase. Cranial kinesis in T. rex is a biomechanical paradox in that forcefully biting tetrapods usually possess rigid skulls instead of skulls with movable joints. We tested the biomechanical performance of a tyrannosaur skull using a series of static positions mimicking possible excursions of the palate to evaluate Postural Kinetic Competency in Tyrannosaurus. A functional extant phylogenetic bracket was employed using taxa, which exhibit measurable palatal excursions: Psittacus erithacus (fore–aft movement) and Gekko gecko (mediolateral movement). Static finite element models of Psittacus, Gekko, and Tyrannosaurus were constructed and tested with different palatal postures using anatomically informed material properties, loaded with muscle forces derived from dissectio...

The role of the sutures in biomechanical dynamic simulation of a macaque cranial finite element model: implications for the evolution of craniofacial form

Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), 2012

The global biomechanical impact of cranial sutures on the face and cranium during dynamic conditions is not well understood. It is hypothesized that sutures act as energy absorbers protecting skulls subjected to dynamic loads. This hypothesis predicts that sutures have a significant impact on global patterns of strain and cranial structural stiffness when analyzed using dynamic simulations; and that this global impact is influenced by suture material properties. In a finite element model developed from a juvenile Rhesus macaque cranium, five different sets of suture material properties for the zygomaticotemporal sutures were tested. The static and dynamic analyses produced similar results in terms of strain patterns and reaction forces, indicating that the zygomaticotemporal sutures have limited impact on global skull mechanics regardless of loading design. Contrary to the functional hypothesis tested in this study, the zygomaticotemporal sutures did not absorb significant amounts of energy during dynamic simulations regardless of loading speed. It is alternatively hypothesized that sutures are mechanically significant only insofar as they are weak points on the cranium that must be shielded from unduly high stresses so as not to disrupt vitally important growth processes. Thus, sutural and overall cranial form in some vertebrates may be optimized to minimize or otherwise modulate sutural stress and strain. Anat Rec, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.