Changes in chest compression indexes with breathing underestimate surgical candidacy in patients with pectus excavatum: A computed tomography pilot study (original) (raw)

Multicenter Study of Pectus Excavatum, Final Report: Complications, Static/Exercise Pulmonary Function, and Anatomic Outcomes

Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2013

BACKGROUND: A multicenter study of pectus excavatum was described previously. This report presents our final results. STUDY DESIGN: Patients treated surgically at 11 centers were followed prospectively. Each underwent a preoperative evaluation with CT scan, pulmonary function tests, and body image survey. Data were collected about associated conditions, complications, and perioperative pain. One year after treatment, patients underwent repeat chest CT scan, pulmonary function tests, and body image survey. A subset of 50 underwent exercise pulmonary function testing.

Preoperative imaging of clinically relevant intrathoracic abnormalities in pectus excavatum patients

Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery

Background: Preoperative radiological imaging in pectus excavatum sometimes coincidentally yields additional intrathoracic abnormalities. In the context of a larger research project investigating replacement of CT scans by 3D-surface scanning as routine preoperative work-up for pectus excavatum, this study aims to quantify the incidence of clinically relevant intrathoracic abnormalities found incidentally using conventional CT in pectus excavatum patients. Methods: A single-center retrospective cohort study was conducted including pectus excavatum patients, receiving CT between 2012 and 2021 as part of their preoperative evaluation. Radiology reports were reviewed for additional intrathoracic abnormalities and scored into three subclasses: non-clinically relevant, potentially clinically relevant or clinically relevant findings. Also, two-view plain chest radiographs reports, if available, were evaluated for those patients with a clinically relevant finding. Subgroup analysis was performed to compare adolescents and adults. Results: In total, 382 patients were included, of whom 117 were adolescent. Although in 41 patients (11%) an additional intrathoracic abnormality was found, only two patients (0.5%) presented with a clinically relevant abnormality requiring additional diagnostics, postponing surgical correction. In only one of the two patients, plain chest radiographs were available, which did not show the abnormality. Subgroup analyses revealed no differences in (potentially) clinically relevant abnormalities between adolescents and adults. Conclusions: The prevalence of clinically relevant intrathoracic abnormalities in pectus excavatum patients was low, supporting the notion that CT and plain radiographs can be safely replaced by 3D-surface scanning in the preoperative work-up for pectus excavatum repair.

Impact of Pectus Excavatum on Cardiopulmonary Function

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2018

Background. Pectus excavatum is classified using the Haller Index (HI) or the Correction Index. However, no correlation between the HI and CI and cardiopulmonary impairment has been described in detail. Methods. This prospective cohort study included 99 otherwise healthy patients with pectus excavatum who underwent cardiopulmonary exercise testing and magnetic resonance imaging at inspiration and expiration to correlate cardiopulmonary function with the grade of thoracic dysmorphia. Results. Probands with an HI exceeding 3.25 had first an increase in heart rate at anaerobic threshold (from 148.0 ± 16.0 beats/min to 155.9 ± 15.0 beats/min, p [ 0.036), with an HI of more than 3.6 a reduction in oxygen pulse at anaerobic threshold (from 10.7 ± 2.6 mL/ beat to 9.3 ± 2.9 mL/beat, p [ 0.017), with an HI exceeding 3.8 a reduction of maximum oxygen pulse (from 13.9 ± 3.4 mL/beat to 11.9 ± 3.7 mL/beat,

Comparison of Haller index values calculated with chest radiographs versus CT for pectus excavatum evaluation

Pediatric Radiology, 2010

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Reliability of a standardized protocol to calculate cross-sectional chest area and severity indices to evaluate pectus excavatum

Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 2006

In evaluating the impact of surgical repair of pectus excavatum, the Haller index developed for preoperative decision-making purposes may be inadequate to quantify postoperative changes in shape of the chest. Individual patients may also have chest characteristics that impact the success of repair, many of which would be unlikely to be measured by the Haller index alone. We have developed a protocol that measures the cross-sectional chest area and the asymmetry index along with the Haller index to more completely quantify the nature of the deformity. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of this protocol in the interpretation of chest computed tomography images from multiple sites. The protocol was developed as part of a multicenter study of clinical outcomes after surgical repair of pectus excavatum. Two radiologists independently selected 5 images from each of 32 computed tomography scans from multicenter study participants according to the protocol. A digitizer was used to measure the diameters and cross-sectional areas of the images selected; these results were used to calculate the Haller and asymmetry indices. The protocol was tested for intradigitizer and interradiologist reliability. Using the Haller and asymmetry indices, we also assessed agreement between radiologists classifying patients as abnormal. Agreement was uniformly high for all comparisons (all Lin's concordance coefficients >0.99 and all Cohen's kappa's >0.85, all agreement on classification of patients >95%) indicating almost perfect agreement. Disagreement on classification of patients using the Haller and asymmetry index was at the cut points for abnormality. The protocol was found to be a highly reliable method for deriving the cross-sectional area of the chest and the Haller and asymmetry indices and for classifying patients for surgical eligibility. Borderline cases should be examined carefully to determine the appropriateness of surgical intervention. Cross-sectional area can be measured reliably using this protocol and thus may be useful in quantifying the success of surgical intervention.

Pectus Excavatum: Consensus and Controversies in Clinical Practice

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2023

BACKGROUND Pectus excavatum is the most common congenital anterior chest wall deformity. Currently, a wide variety of diagnostic protocols and criteria for corrective surgery are being used. Their use is predominantly based on local preferences and experience. To date, no guideline is available, introducing heterogeneity of care as observed in current daily practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate consensus and controversies regarding the diagnostic protocol, indications for surgical correction, and postoperative evaluation of pectus excavatum. METHODS The study consisted of 3 consecutive survey rounds evaluating agreement on different statements regarding pectus excavatum care. Consensus was achieved if at least 70% of participants provided a concurring opinion. RESULTS All 3 rounds were completed by 57 participants (18% response rate). Consensus was achieved on 18 of 62 statements (29%). Regarding the diagnostic protocol, participants agreed to routinely include conventional photography. In the presence of cardiac impairment, electrocardiography and echocardiography were indicated. Upon suspicion of pulmonary impairment, spirometry was recommended. In addition, consensus was reached on the indications for corrective surgery, including symptomatic pectus excavatum and progression. Participants moreover agreed that a plain chest radiograph must be acquired directly after surgery, whereas conventional photography and physical examination should both be part of routine postoperative follow-up. CONCLUSIONS Through a multiround survey, international consensus was formed on multiple topics to aid standardization of pectus excavatum care.

Pectus excavatum imaging: enough but not too much

Pediatric Radiology, 2010

Background Pectus excavatum (pectus) is a common congenital deformity of the chest wall resulting in a diminished anterior-posterior dimension. Chest CT has become a common study for preoperative assessment. CT evaluation was initially described using a single CT image; it is now common to perform a CT of the entire chest to evaluate pectus. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of chest radiographs compared to chest CT in identifying additional clinically significant abnormalities in the preoperative evaluation of children with pectus. Materials and methods We reviewed the chest CT scans of 209 children and young adults who had been evaluated for possible surgical repair of pectus. Additional abnormalities were categorized as (1) incidental, (2) potentially significant, and (3) findings that affected the decision to perform surgery. Chest radiographs were reviewed for category 3 findings. Results Seventy-six scans showed additional abnormalities, five in group 2 and two in group 3. Both group 3 findings, a vascular ring and an acute pneumonia, were identified on chest radiographs. Conclusion Conventional radiographs identified clinically important findings in children and young adults evaluated for pectus surgery. Radiation risks and medical costs might be substantially decreased by obtaining a chest radiograph and using a limited CT technique when a CT scan is ordered for the purpose of obtaining a Haller index.

The Correction Index: Setting the Standard for Recommending Operative Repair of Pectus Excavatum

The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 2014

Background. The Haller index, derived from a chest computed tomography scan, remains the standard for determining candidacy for pectus excavatum repair (Haller index ‡3.25). However, it has been suggested that this index may not accurately reflect pectus severity in patients with abnormal chest wall morphologies. This study explores a new, more appropriate criteria for recommending repair based on a correction index, while still incorporating the standard set by the Haller index.

Diminished pulmonary function in pectus excavatum: from denying the problem to finding the mechanism

Annals of Cardiothoracic Surgery, 2016

Background: Recently, technical improvement in the ability to measure lung function and the severity of chest deformity have enabled progress in understanding the mechanism of limitations of lung function in pectus excavatum. Methods: After establishing that most patients with pectus excavatum do have symptoms of exercise intolerance, easy fatigability, and shortness of breath with exertion, lung function has been evaluated by a variety of methods in different centers. Spirometry, plethysmography, exercise testing, oculo electronic plethysmography, and imaging methods have been used to assess lung function in pectus excavatum and its response to surgery. Results: Not all patients with pectus excavatum have subnormal static pulmonary function testing; some have above-average values. However, in more than 1500 adult and pediatric surgical patients with anatomically severe pectus excavatum at a single center, the bell curve of FVC, FEV1, and FEF 25-75 is shifted to significantly lower values in pectus excavatum. The curve is shifted to higher values after operation by approximately one standard deviation. Previous work has demonstrated that patients with more anatomically severe pectus excavatum are more likely to have diminished PFT's. A mechanism for this effect is seen by oculo electronic plethysmography, which demonstrates that the depressed portion of the chest does not move on respiration. After Nuss procedure, the chest wall motion used to create suction to draw air into the lungs is indistinguishable from that of persons with a normal chest, and the intrathoracic volume is markedly increased. Conclusions: Pectus excavatum is accompanied in most patients by diminished static pulmonary function. Correction by Nuss procedure results in improvement in chest wall motion; this improvement in the thoracic bellows action is accompanied by improvement in pulmonary function testing.