Viktor Novytsky: an attempt at a scientific biography (original) (raw)

Volodymyr Boshko: an attempt to make a scientific biography of a scholar

Law Review of Kyiv University of Law, 2019

On the basis of the sources published and new archival materials, more accurate information on well-known jurist Volodymyr Boshko’s life and his scientific, teaching and public activities is provided. For the first time, information on the unlawful repression of the scientist’s daughter and older brother is given. The main stages of his life, career, and scientific heritage are described. The little known scientific works of the jurist have been returned to scientific circulation. Particular attention is paid to Boshko’s early social and political essays. His achievements in the spheres of history of law and family law have been identified. It is emphasized that professor Boshko was the author of the first Soviet textbook on history of political and legal studies, which had been the only one for 30 years. It also has been found out that his scientific works concerning problems of the legal status of spouses and illegitimate children, alimony law and factual marriage are still releva...

Academician Oleksa Novytskyi in Kyiv Shenchenko studies of 1920—1930s


У статті досліджується шевченкознавча наукова та популяризаторська діяльність академіка Всеукраїнської академії наук Олекси Петровича Новицького. Визначено головний внесок вченого у дослідження мистецької спадщини КобзаряВ статье исследуется шевченковедческая научная и популяризаторская деятельность академика Всеукраинской академии наук Олексы Петровича Новицкого. Определено главный вклад учёного в исследование художественного наследия КобзаряThe article explores Shevchenko studies and promotional activities of Oleksa Novytskyi, the academician of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. It distinguishes the main scholar’s contribution into the research of artistic heritage of Kobzar

Andrey Ilyich Zemskov -a scientist, analyst and science writer

Scientific and Technical Libraries

The review of Andrey Zemskov’s research, library and information activities is dedicated to his 80-th anniversary. Andrey Zemskov, Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics), is a leading researcher of RNPLS&T. The reviewer comments on the celebrant’s several publications that reflect many vectors of his studies. The importance of his efforts in selecting and translating foreign science articles and in reviewing proceedings of international professional conferences is emphasized. The attached bibliography comprises the key A. Zemskov’s publications in the “Scientific and Technical Libraries” Journal within the topics: E-libraries, open access, and bibliometrics.

Oleksa Novytskyi and Serhii Hamchenko: the daily routine of the scientist in 1920th according to the epistolary sources

Materials and studies on archaeology of Sub-Carpathian and Volhynian area, 2019

Relations in intellectual societies play an important role. The scientific, personal, and cultural connections had a special significance during the totalitarian era. Due to developed epistolary culture which was common among scientific environment, we now can reconstruct those connections using scientists’ letters. As an example of those scientific and personal connections the letters exchange between the member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (UAS), fine arts expert and Head of the Ukrainian Archaeological Committee (UAC) Oleksa Petrovych Novytskyi and well-known archaeologist and museologist Serhiy Svyrydovych (Spyrydonovych) Hamchenko can be presented. The letters exchange between two scientists had not preserved completely. The fullest collection of letters is addressed to O. Novytskyi from S. Hamchenko are now stored in the archive of the academician in the Institute of Testaments of V. I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Only several short letters from Maria Novyt...

The first biography of Frantisk Malevsky


«Бегал тут когда-то Адась, но уехал с родителями, и всякий слух о нем пропал»,отвечала некогда жительница Новогрудка на расспросы о Мицкевиче. Анекдот этот вспомнился журналисту лодзинской газеты «Русский голос» в связи с примадонной виленского музыкального театра «Лютня», которую в Польше считали безвестно пропавшей, а между тем, уехав в 1940 г. вглубь России, она стала в свое время довольно популярной артисткой советской эстрады Ниной Кульчицкой 1. Анекдот всплывает в памяти при чтении новой книги белорусского ученого Александра Федуты, тем более, что ее герой-друг того самого Адася и член тайных студенческих обществ в Виленском университете: они вместе были отправлены в ссылку, а потом женились на сестрах, а позже дочь Франтишка Малевского вышла замуж за сына Мицкевича. Жизнь Малевского до начала 1830-х годов довольно детально описывалась, но с отъездом Мицкевича из России подробности расплываются и затуманиваются, а во второй половине жизни бывшего филомата едва ли не «всякий слух о нем пропал». Книга последовательно, шаг за шагом, описывает жизнь Малевского по архивным документам, опубликованным и неопубликованным дневникам, письмам, воспоминаниям, публикациям современной польской и русской печати, с привлечением трудов белорусских, литовских, польских, российских историков, а также работ Валентины Брио (Израиль) и Ричарда Уортмана (США). Детали биографии и учебы Малевского, данные о служебной деятельности его отца в Виленском университете, исповедальные показания по делу филоматов и другие сопутствующие процессу 1823-1824 гг. записки, письма, прошения извлечены из документов Литовского государственного исторического архива; сведения о перемещениях ссыльных участников тайных обществ обнаружены в Центральном государственном архиве г. Москвы. Служебные документы Малевского отысканы в Российском государственном исто

Boris Vladimirovich Zalessky (1887—1966): Unknown Pages of the Biography of the Scientist

Nauchnyi dialog, 2021

New biographical data about the Russian scientist-geologist, specialist in the field of petrography B. V. Zalessky are identified and specified. The links in the history of the Zalessky (Zalesky) family, which belonged to the hereditary nobility of the Kazan province, who had estates in the Vyatka, Kazan and Kostroma provinces, are being restored. Verified information about the closest relatives of B. V. Zalessky is provided: his great-grandfather — the honorary caretaker of the Yaransky district school P.A. Zalessky; grandfather — a member of the city council of Kazan, comrade of the mayor and acting mayor N. P. Zalessky; father — the prosecutor of the Vyatka, then the Kazan district court, later the assistant to the chief prosecutor of the Criminal Cassation Department of the Government Senate V. N. Zalessky (erroneously presented in the works of a number of researchers as “Zalsky”), etc. The characteristic of the personality, scientific activity and social circle of B. V. Zalessk...

Viktor V. Zheltov, the Most Prominent Political Scientist in Siberia

Bulletin of Kemerovo State University. Series: Political, Sociological and Economic sciences, 2020

The article is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Viktor Vasilievich Zheltov, the first Dean of the Department of Political Sciences and Sociology of Kemerovo State University, the Head of the Department of Political Sciences (2003–2016), and the Head of the Dissertation Council on political and sociological sciences (1994–2007). Today V. V. Zheltov is a recognized expert in all areas of modern political science and sociology. The article contains information on his main achievements as a scientist and a leader. The authors used historical and biographical methods, document analysis, indepth interviews, and event analysis. The paper pays a tribute to V. V. Zheltov’s contribution to the development of Kemerovo State University.

The phenomenon of Theodosius Dobrzhansky: to the 100th anniversary of the beginning of his scientific research in Kyiv (1921–1924)

Visnik Nacional'noi' academii' nauk Ukrai'ni, 2021

The results of the research on the history of formation and growth of Theodosius Dobrzhansky as a scientist in his first and most important Kyiv period are presented. This period lasted from 1909 to 1924 (15 years in total) and included studies at the First Kyiv Gymnasium (until 1917), 4 years of study at the University of St. Volodymyr (1917–1921) and work at the Department of Zoology of the Kyiv Polytechnical Institute (1920–1923) and the Zoological Museum of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1921–1922 [1923?]). The essay has been prepared considering numerous clarifications on misbeliefs accumulated in various sources, in particular on dates, places of residence and work, names of institutions, organisations, etc. Peculiarities of his work and activity in the Ukrainian Scientific Society, in the Department of Zoology of Kyiv Polytechnic, and in the Zoological Museum (Zoological Cabinet) of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences are analysed. Information on places of study and work, t...

Dmitri Bantysh-Kamensky (1788–1850): A Portrait of the Historian Within His Era

Rusin, 2018

Авторское резюме Дмитрий Николаевич Бантыш-Каменский внес весомый вклад в развитие исторической науки, архивоведения и источниковедения. Значительная часть его жизни была связана с Московским архивом Коллегии иностранных дел, работая в котором, он подготовил и опубликовал целый ряд ценных научных трудов, составивших его историческое наследие. Среди них наиболее известными были «История Малой России», «Словарь достопамятных людей русской земли», а также «Путешествие в Молдавию, Валахию и Сербию». Д. Бантыш-Каменский не только посвятил себя научным изысканиям, но и длительное время находился на государственной службе, занимая различные ответственные должности, в том числе тобольского губернатора.