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Happiness and well-being at work
The pursuit happiness and well-being has extended to organizations and has been attracting increased attention throughout positive psychology research. This paper aims to review the definition, the different factors predictor of happiness and well being at work and finally it is explained how to improve happiness based in the definition and antecedents. But there is a significant lack of research on its antecedents (Chivato Pérez et al., 2011). Thus we propose that happiness at work implies positive emotions, experiences, positive attitudes (e.g. job satisfaction, affective organizational commitment), personal development and feeling of purpose and significance of the work that contribute to something worthy. To give this definition we have based on eudaimonic and hedonic approach. We have found eight factors predictors of happiness: employee performance, job characteristics, use and development of strengths, positive relationships and positive leadership behavior, positive feedback, positive experiences at work and organizational culture.
A Conceptual Framework of Happiness at the Workplace
Asian Social Science, 2014
Happiness at the workplace refers to how satisfied people are with their work and lives. The idea of happiness is related to individual's subjective well-being. Happiness at the workplace is crucial for improving productivity in any organization. Happy people are productive people while those people who are unhappy may not pay full attention to any task. Some scholars believe that organizations which are able to maintain long-term happiness at the workplace could probably increase and sustain productivity. Therefore, they should know what factors could affect employee happiness in order to effectively enhance happiness at the workplace. But research on employee happiness was rarely seen in the past. The issue of happiness at the workplace needs to be properly conceptualized so that useful research on it could be conducted. This paper presents a potential conceptual framework of happiness at the workplace that could give valuable contribution to future research in this area.
Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way of living; it is not something to be achieved, it is something to be experienced. (Steve Maraboli). Happiness may be described as consisting of positive emotions and positive activities. There may be three kinds of happiness: pleasure, engagement, and meaning. Happiness is often derived as an ingredient that is churned out from Change. It is commonly said Change is the only constant and so true it is as the purpose of a Happiness of this study is to better understand the quality of life or the level of happiness of the employees and the impact it has on the employee's performance at the workplace which has "Change" as one of the ingredients. The objective of the study includes the efforts being taken by the human resources team of the large organization in creating an environment which makes the employees happy while they undergo change in Management, Culture, Work Processes and Leadership at large. The findings suggest that most employees are happy with their work life, barring a few members belonging to the older generation who are a little defiant in accepting the Change. The study aims at providing a view of the perceptions of the employees, so that the Human Resource teams may utilize their resources and reach out in their efforts to address the concerns of all employees at large and integrate the efforts towards overall achievement of goals and vision with a larger impact on business transformation.
Workplace Happiness: A Conceptual Framework
Have you ever heard the word ―Arbedjsglæde‖? What does it mean? In Denmark, Arbedjsglæde is the most common term which signifies happiness at work. Arbedjsglæde means the happiness that human beings derive on or after doing something. We can say it is a human emotion, a sense of well-being that turns on when one experiences positive about the work they perform and when they feel involved in the professional commitment. When all's said and done ̳Happiness‘ is a highly subjective experience. Happiness and satisfaction are subjective concepts and are not the same. While for some people monetary assistance can be equated with job satisfaction, on the other hand, some might strive for recognition of their hard-work and lose motivation on failing to achieve so. As well as for some people having a friendly work environment is an indispensable requisite for deriving pleasure. In this article, researchers will capture an in-depth glance into the components of happiness at work and tries ...
Workplace Happiness and Positivity: Measurement, Causes and Consequences
International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM), 2019
Happiness is an expression of pleasant forms of emotions, moods, optimistic attitude and wellbeing are growing importance at workplace. This paper is an attempt to explore literature to define happiness, identify current practices, causes, consequences of happiness. And also, to measure happiness at workplace to come up with suggestions to improve happiness at workplace. The literature reveals and provides with a scope of arguments and further search that happiness leads to success precisely through effects of positive outcomes. It was found that Happiness at work includes more than job satisfaction. Individual happiness can be measured through work engagement, organizational commitment. Happiness can be measured at multiple levels, including job experiences, attitude towards work. There is also an evidence that happiness has positive consequences. The companies can be supportive with employees, fairness, creating challenging work environment, promoting good health among employees, career growth opportunities, flexible work options, safe work environment, socialization practices and employee development can enhance happiness at work. There is literature to support correlation between employee happiness, workplace performance and work productivity. And happiness is not ultimate resource to achieve success in career, the other supporting resources are intelligence, perseverance, positive mindset and affluence. It was also found that measuring happiness is too subjective as it is difficult to measure the dynamic nature of emotions. This aspect can be explored through further research on this topic
Workplace Happiness and influencing factors-A review of literature
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2021
Research shows that people who are happy at work perform better and productive than those who are not. The concept of happiness is associated with individual's subjective well-being. Workplace happiness is decisive for improving productivity in any organization. Happy people are productive people while those who are not may not pay full attention to any assignment. It is allied with positive constructs such as pleasure, satisfaction and well-being. The present paper is about in-depth search for influencing factors on workplace happiness based on the review of literature. It is clearly evident that positive work engagement, work environment. Income, freedom and work-life balance plays a major role in workplace happiness.
Comprehensive Literature Review on Workplace Happiness linked to Employee Outcomes
Test Engineering & Management, 2020
Happiness is essentially a state of being happy. It means different things to different people. As a concept of subjective well-being of people, it continues to be one of the least understood phenomena in the organizational context. There have been numerous ill-informed or negative beliefs about happiness, both at individual and organizational level, due to which happiness has generally been getting devalued. This can be evidenced from many past research studies that focused primarily on extrinsic factors and job satisfaction to study the workplace. Attempt of this research paper is to do a comprehensive literature review for enhancing the understanding of the concept of workplace happiness and employee outcomes in the appropriate perspective, identifying the factors of workplace happiness, exploring the dimensions of employee outcomes linked to workplace happiness, and help in establishing that workplace happiness is not just a means to an end, but also an end in itself, which corporates need to realise sooner or later in order to manage talent effectively, especially relevant in this current VUCA environment.
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) , 2019
The present world is changing fast, what means that every day there are more and more factors that may affect the employee's happiness, not only at work, but also in their private life. The happiness is a personal matter, executives and employers too are directing their attention to happiness as a workplace issue. A comprehensive measure of individual-level happiness might include work engagement, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment. There is evidence that happiness has important consequences for both individuals and organizations. Many researchers believe that positive emotions and mood are the prime drivers that engender this success. In this way, the study "Happiness at Workplace" at Alagappa University explores and discovers what motivates the people to do their best for the effective functioning of the organization.
Happiness at Workplace: Building a Conceptual Framework
Many of the waking life of modern human beings nowadays are spent in some kind of work setting. So how happy we feel at work has a direct influence on the overall quality of life. Therefore, understanding what makes us happy or unhappy at work is very crucial. But, surprisingly; there is an absence of sound theoretical and conceptual framework for understanding such an important subject from the organizational perspective. For developing a conceptual framework for happiness at work, two components are relevant -the external work environment and the internal mental mapping .So to understand and formulate a theoretical framework for happiness at work, the phenomenon needs to be looked at from various dimensions. Such as, cognitive neuroscience, EP (Evolutionary Psychology) and an overall environmental influence in terms of work setting. Thus, in an attempt to foster happiness at a workplace, this paper reviews the causes of happiness and their consequences or effects at work from the ...
“Happiness Management»: Review of scientific literature in the framework of happiness at work
The changes in the world of work and organizations and their impact on people’s lives have raised a new way of approaching the relationship between work and happiness. A bibliometric study is carried out of the works on the economy of happiness that have been published in Spanish between 2000 and 2018. To do so, the EDS-Multidisciplinary search engine (EBSCO Discovery Service) is used, selecting 95 publications that deal with this subject. As a result of the study a greater production of theoretical approaches is found on the subject as opposed to empirical research. In the latter, the works are fundamentally analyzed from the economic and psychological perspective. The clearly growing trend of scientific production on happiness and work has two important aspects: On the one hand, the very time of great changes, which emerges continuously new explanatory and prescriptive paradigms; and, on the other hand, this increase agrees with the end of the economic crisis. Overcoming and leaving behind the preoccupations of this great imbalance of the world economic system has once again focused the interest on making companies more productive and humane, preserving occupational health and improving personal development. In this sense, the urgent need for a multidisciplinary approach to this area from empirical research that contributes to improving relations between the world of work and the subjective well-being of people is highlighted.