Stellar evolution with rotation. VII (original) (raw)
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Models of Rotating Massive Stars: Impacts of Various Prescriptions
Lecture Notes in Physics, 2013
The rotation of stars has many interesting and important consequences for the photometric and chemical evolution of galaxies. Many of the predictions of models of stellar rotation are now compared with observations of surface abundances and velocities, with interferometric studies of fast rotating stars, with internal rotation profiles as they can be deduced by asteroseismology, to cite just a few observational constraints. In this paper, we investigate how the outputs of models depend on the prescriptions used for the diffusion coefficients included in the shellular rotating models. After recalling the various prescriptions found in the literature, we discuss their impacts on the evolutionary tracks and lifetimes of the Main-Sequence (MS) phase, the changes of the surface composition and velocities during the MS phase, the distribution of the core helium lifetime in the blue and the red part of the HR diagram, the extensions of the blue loops, the evolution of the angular momentum of the core, and the synthesis of primary nitrogen in fast-rotating metal-poor
The Impact of Rotation on the Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
High precision photometry and spectroscopy of low-mass stars reveal a variety of properties standard stellar evolution cannot predict. Rotation, an essential ingredient of stellar evolution, is a step towards resolving the discrepancy between model predictions and observations. The first rotating stellar model, continuously tracing a low-mass star from the pre-main sequence onto the horizontal branch, is presented. The predicted luminosity functions of globular clusters and surface rotation velocities on the horizontal branch are discussed.
Massive stellar models: rotational evolution, metallicity effects
The Be star phenomenon is related to fast rotation, although the cause of this fast rotation is not yet clearly established. The basic effects of fast rotation on the stellar structure are reviewed: oblateness, mixing, anisotropic winds. The processes governing the evolution of the equatorial velocity of a single star (transport mechanisms and mass loss) are presented, as well as their metallicity dependence. The theoretical results are compared to observations of B and Be stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. The critical velocity is reached when g eff vanishes because the centrifugal force at the equator counterbalances the gravity exactly (see Section 3.2).
Evolution of the First Stars: the major role of rotation for mixing and mass loss
We show that rotation plays a major role for very low metallicity stars, even if the distribution of angular velocities Ω with respect to critical values is the same as at solar Z.T h e internal gradients of Ω are much larger at lower metallicity Z, which enhance internal mixing and give rise to N-enrichments. Low Z stars easily reach break-up during MS evolution and lose mass. They also lose mass as red giants or supergiants due to their surface enrichments in heavy elements. The winds of low Z stars make peculiar contributions to the chemical yields. We suggest that the helium rich blue Main Sequence (bMS) of ω Centauri bears the signature of such enrichments by the stellar winds of rotating stars in the first stellar generations.
Models for Massive Stellar Populations with Rotation
The Astrophysical Journal, 2007
We present and discuss evolutionary synthesis models for massive stellar populations generated with the Starburst99 code in combination with a new set of stellar evolution models accounting for rotation. The new stellar evolution models were compiled from several data releases of the Geneva group and cover heavy-element abundances ranging from twice solar to one fifth solar. The evolution models were computed for rotation velocities on the zero-age main-sequence of 0 and 300 km s −1 and with the latest revision of stellar mass-loss rates. Since the mass coverage is incomplete, in particular at non-solar chemical composition, our parameter study is still preliminary and must be viewed as exploratory. Stellar population properties computed with Starburst99 and the new evolution models show some marked differences in comparison with models obtained using earlier tracks. Since individual stars now tend to be more luminous and bluer when on the blue side of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, the populations mirror this trend. For instance, increases by factors of two or more are found for the light-to-mass ratios at ultraviolet to near-infrared wavelengths, as well as for the output of hydrogen ionizing photons. If these results are confirmed once the evolution models have matured, recalibrations of certain star-formation and initial mass function indicators will be required.
Rotating massive main-sequence stars. I. Grids of evolutionary models and isochrones
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2011
We present a dense grid of evolutionary tracks and isochrones of rotating massive main-sequence stars. We provide three grids with different initial compositions tailored to compare with early OB stars in the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds and in the Galaxy. Each grid covers masses ranging from 5 to 60 Msun and initial rotation rates between 0 and about 600 km/s. To calibrate our models we used the results of the VLT-FLAMES Survey of Massive Stars. We determine the amount of convective overshooting by using the observed drop in rotation rates for stars with surface gravities log g < 3.2 to determine the width of the main sequence. We calibrate the efficiency of rotationally induced mixing using the nitrogen abundance determinations for B stars in the Large Magellanic cloud. We describe and provide evolutionary tracks and the evolution of the central and surface abundances. In particular, we discuss the occurrence of quasi-chemically homogeneous evolution, i.e. the severe effects of efficient mixing of the stellar interior found for the most massive fast rotators. We provide a detailed set of isochrones for rotating stars. Rotation as an initial parameter leads to a degeneracy between the age and the mass of massive main sequence stars if determined from its observed location in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We show that the consideration of surface abundances can resolve this degeneracy.
Massive star evolution: from the early to the present day Universe
Mass loss and axial rotation are playing key roles in shaping the evolution of massive stars. They affect the tracks in the HR diagram, the lifetimes, the surface abundances, the hardness of the radiation field, the chemical yields, the presupernova status, the nature of the remnant, the mechanical energy released in the interstellar medium, etc... In this paper, after recalling a few characteristics of mass loss and rotation, we review the effects of these two processes at different metallicities. Rotation probably has its most important effects at low metallicities, while mass loss and rotation deeply affect the evolution of massive stars at solar and higher than solar metallicities.
Rotational Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
Formation and Evolution of Low Mass Stars, 1988
We summarise recent progress in the understanding of the rotational evolution of low-mass stars (here defined as solar mass down to the hydrogen burning limit) both in terms of observations and modelling. Wide-field imaging surveys on moderate-size telescopes can now efficiently derive rotation periods for hundreds to thousands of open cluster members, providing unprecedented sample sizes which are ripe for exploration. We summarise the available measurements, and provide simple phenomenological and model-based interpretations of the presently-available data, while highlighting regions of parameter space where more observations are required, particularly at the lowest masses and ages ∼ > 500 Myr.
Astron Astrophys, 2003
In this paper we study the effects of rotation in low-mass, low-metallicity RGB stars. We present the first evolutionary models taking into account self-consistently the latest prescriptions for the transport of angular momentum by meridional circulation and shear turbulence in stellar interiors as well as the associated mixing processes for chemicals computed from the ZAMS to the upper RGB. We discuss in details the uncertainties associated with the physical description of the rotational mixing and study carefully their effects on the rotation profile, diffusion coefficients, structural evolution, lifetimes and chemical signatures at the stellar surface. We focus in particular on the various assumptions concerning the rotation law in the convective envelope, the initial rotation velocity distribution, the presence of µ-gradients and the treatment of the horizontal and vertical turbulence. This exploration leads to two main conclusions : (1) After the completion of the first dredge-up, the degree of differential rotation (and hence mixing) is maximised in the case of a differentially rotating convective envelope (i.e., j CE (r) = cst), as anticipated in previous studies. (2) Even with this assumption, and contrary to some previous claims, the present treatment for the evolution of the rotation profile and associated meridional circulation and shear turbulence does not lead to enough mixing of chemicals to explain the abundance anomalies in low-metallicity field and globular cluster RGB stars observed around the bump luminosity. This study raises questions that need to be addressed in a near future. These include for example the interaction between rotation and convection and the trigger of additional hydrodynamical instabilities.