Pola Komunikasi Majelis Mujahidin Sumatera Utara dalam Mensyiarkan Syariat Islam di Kota Medan (original) (raw)
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Muhammadiyah adalah salah satu oganisasi masyarakat (ormas) yang bergerak dalam bidang keagamaan dan sosial. Proses komunikasi di dalam organisasi Muhammadiyah juga merupakan bagian terpenting dalam kegiatan komunikasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Melalui proses komunikasi itulah maka diperlukan sebuah pola komunikasi yang dapat menyampaikan pesan dengan tepat sasaran dan dapat berjalan efektif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana
Strategi Komunikasi Politik Muhammad DI Madinah
Avant Garde, 2017
The influence of the Prophet Muhammad as the bearer of the Islamic message is known plural. It is also about his prophetic and apostolic. The thing that is rarely discussed is Muhammad's position as a political communicator. In this case Muhammad is certainly an actor in the process of political communication in Medina. History calls the long journey of forming the Medina State under the reign of Muhammad starting from zero to become an area that was calculated at that time. It is not excessive for Muhammad to be called as a political actor in the establishment of Medina as well as political communicator in the government of Medina. In political communication, it is mentioned that political actors can form a public opinion, which then becomes consensus and mutually agreed. Thus, Muhammad has fulfilled that element in his leadership over Medina. In the process of political communication, there are important elements such as political communicators, messages delivered, and targets to the political communication effect that made Muhammad in Medina. The interesting thing for studied is Muhammad's political communication strategy. Where is as a political communicator, Muhammad was able to unite the heterogeneity and pluralism of the community who then agreed and want to be under his leadership in Medina. This paper is a literature study with an analytical descriptive approach as a way of describing and explaining historical facts relating to the role of Muhammad as a political communicator. From the results of the research, it was found that Muhammad had a brilliant political communication strategy. These strategies are: 1) The credibility of political communicators; 2) Create culture together and the elimination of racism as a political message; 3) Medina Charter as a target of political communication; 4) The practice of negotiation in political communication; 5) Selection of appropriate media in political communication. The entire political communication strategy of Muhammad can be seen from the elements of political communication. The author mentions that the Prophet Muhammad as the leader of Medina at that time has a communication strategy that goes far beyond the existing contemporary theory.
This study aims to analyze the communication strategy of Islamic religious educators in disseminating the application of the Covid-19 health protocol in Medan City, along with its effectiveness and communication barriers. This descriptive research uses interviews, observations and documentation studies as data collection techniques. The analytical knife used is the Diffusion of Innovation Theory, Uses and Gratification, and the theory of symbolic interactionism, and the Principles of Communication. The data is processed by data analysis techniques, the collected data is heard again, arranged systematically, read, analyzed, then identified answers and documents with research objectives, in order to obtain valid conclusions. The results of the study concluded that the extension strategy was carried out directly or face to face. At the time of the spread of Covid-19 at the end of 2019 the activities of religious instructors were divided into 2 methods, namely the first to continue to d...
Pola Komunikasi Dakwah Pimpinan Daerah Muhamadiyah Ogan Ilir Dalam Berdakwah Tergadap Masyarakat
Jurnal Komunikasi Islam dan Kehumasan (JKPI)
In this research, it discusses how the communication patterns of the Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders in developing the da'wah activities carried out in Ogan Ilir Regency. In this research, it is hoped that it can provide benefits and a reference for the Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah Ogan Ilr in carrying out da'wah activities in the community. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, that is, the researcher takes the data by interviewing local leaders. branches, twigs and da'i in Muhammadiyah Ogan Ilir. Many patterns were developed in preaching. The preaching developed by the Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah Ogan Ilir shows that the dakwah patterns applied are oral and verbal dakwah, the two communication patterns of oral and verbal dakwah communication which are more effectively implemented by the Regional Leadership of Muhammadiyah Ogan Ilir.
Komunikasi Organisasi Kemasyarakatan Islam Dalam Mengatasi Konflik dan Pencitraan di Sumatera Utara
In general, this study aims to find organizational communication on Islamic organizations in overcoming conflict and imaging in North Sumatra. In particular to find out and analyze: the form of coordination of the tasks of Islamic mass organizations in resolving conflicts and imaging in North Sumatra; the flow of information sharing of Islamic mass organizations in resolving conflicts and imaging in North Sumatra; how to resolve conflicts, internal and external, between two or three Islamic mass organizations, and between Islam and Muslim communities in North Sumatra; the form of communication between Islamic relations in North Sumatra; and how to do the imaging in North Sumatra. The approach of research used is qualitative methode in order to get descriptive data in depth. Data were obtained through interviews, document studies, and observations. Interview with purposive to the board appointed by Head of PW of Islamic Organization in North Sumatera. Nonparticipation observation to obtain data from activities inside and outside the office as far as observed. While document studies are used to find the history, vision, mission, organizational structure, and the main work program of the three Islamic organizations studied. Analysis of this research data using James Spradley version with some modifications. Research begins from records of data until poured in the notes also through the steps: collects, rereads, constructs, organizes, until the process builds up to obtain logical relationships (logical relationships). The results showed that the three Islamic organizations-Muhammadiyah, NU and Al Washliyahcoordinated horizontally, vertically and diagonally to overcome conflict and imaging in North Sumatra. Al Washliyah is more structured, because it mentions the "Coordination Meeting" concretely in AD / ART, while Muhammadiyah and NU are not. Through correspondence and use of print, electronic, and online media / medsos-especially FB and WA-, information is disseminated, both internal and external, to resolve conflicts and imaging in North Sumatra. But Muhammadiyah and NU have their own units handled, while Al Washliyah does not. Efforts to resolve internal conflicts are conducted hierarchically, while efforts to resolve external conflicts, both between Islam and the community, emphasize joint activities and commitment of togetherness in the areas of religion, social, economic and political. Relations between organizations through togetherness in the field of religion, social, economic, and political. Organizational imaging is pursued through the implementation of the program as well as possible, in addition to utilizing mass media for the benefit of mass organizations and the interests of the media itself. Penggunaan huruf awal kapital untuk Allah hanya berlaku bila dalam tulisan Arabnya memang lengkap demikian dan kalau penulisan itu disatukan dengan kata lain sehingga ada huruf atau harkat yang dihilangkan, huruf kapital yang tidak dipergunakan. Contoh: Naṣrun minallāhi wa fatḥun qarīb Lillāhi al-amru jamī'an Wallāhu bikulli syai'in 'alīm j. Tajwid Bagi mereka yang menginginkan kefasihan dalam bacaan, pedoman transliterasi ini merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dengan ilmu tajwīd. Karena itu peresmian pedoman transliterasi ini perlu disertai ilmu tajwīd.
Model Komunikasi Dakwah Majelis Dakwah Islamiyah (MDI) Kota Pekanbaru
Kota Pekanbaru memasuki era perkembangan diberbagai bidang, baik teknologi, pendidikan dan kultur masyarakat yang berdampak pada perubahan. Salah satu perubahan yang terjadi yaitu pesatnya perkembangan dakwah di Kota Pekanbaru. Majelis Dakwah Islamiyah (MDI) Kota Pekanbaru sebagai lembaga dakwah harus mampu melahirkan model komunikasi yang efektif dalam proses penyampaian dakwah sesuai dengan kondisi masyarakat saat ini. Permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana model komunikasi dakwah Majelis Dakwah Islamiyah (MDI) Kota Pekanbaru. Tujuannya untuk mencari tahu model komunikasi dakwah yang digunakan oleh MDI kota Pekanbaru. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pengurus Majelis Dakwah Islamiyah (MDI) Kota Pekanbaru sedangkan objeknya adalah model komunikasi dakwahnya. Penelitian ini disusun dengan kerangka pikir yang sistematis menggunakan model deduktif. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan penelitian berjumlah 5(lima) orang. Pengumpu...
Pola Komunikasi Penyuluh Agama Islam Di Daerah 3T
Khazanah Sosial
Daerah Tertinggal, Terluar dan Terdepan (3T) adalah wilayah strategis negara yang mesti diperhatikan. Mengingat banyak sekali isu dan problematika yang terjadi di Daerah 3T, mulai dari krisis moral, akhlak, sampai pada krisis nasionalisme. Faktor utama penyebab problematika tersebut adalah dikarenakan oleh faktor geografis, sosiol dan budaya yang berkembang di Daerah 3T. Kondisi tersebut tentu berdampak pada aspek pengembangan masyarakat, termasuk diantaranya kegiatan penyuluhan sosial keagamaan. Bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara mendalam dan mendeksripsikan Pola Komunikasi Penyuluh Agama Islam di Daerah 3T Kecamatan Sajingan Besar Kabupaten Sambas sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsi pokok, yaitu fungsi Informatif, Edukatif, Konsultatif dan Advokatif. Adapun untuk menjawab kedua konsep tersebut teori yang digunakan adalah teori arah informasi dan teori atribusi (subjektivitas) dalam proses penyuluhan kepada masyarakat di Daerah 3T Kecamatan Sajingan Besar. Paradigma penelitian yang diguna...
Pola Komunikasi Dakwah Bil Hal Muhammadiyah pada Masyarakat Agraris
Not only oral (tabligh, oral, and written) da'wah that can be done to touch certain communities such as the farming community, but also the planned dakwah bil hal (da'wah with action). Dakwah bil hal requires a communication pattern so that various activities planned in the program can be carried out following the expectations of the parties involved. By using qualitative descriptive methods and interactive model data analysis techniques. It is known that there are four communication patterns implemented by Muhammadiyah administrators in Bandung Regency including interpersonal communication patterns, group communication, public communication, and mass communication. Interpersonal communication patterns and group communication patterns are the most effective communication used in the implementation of preaching when it comes to Muhammadiyah.
Pola Komunikasi Keagamaan Pada Komunitas Khilafatul Muslimin DI Indonesia
Ath Thariq Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya anggapan bahwa sistem pemerintahan Khilafah harus ditegakkan di Indonesia yang sudah sejak lama bermunculan dari beberapa elemen masyarakat di Indonesia. Lebih tepatnya awal mula upaya penegakan Khilafah ini dilakukan sejak pasca orde baru. Namun upaya – upaya tersebut hingga saat ini pun menjadi asumsi minoritas di negeri ini, sebab argumentasi tersebut sangat bertolak belakang dengan dasar ideologi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) yaitu Pancasila. Maka dari itu peneliti memilih kelompok Khilfatul Muslimin sebagai salah satu kelompok pembela asumsi Khilafah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan Etnografi Komunikasi. Teori yang digunakan adalah Speech Code Theory dan Teori Interaksi Simbolik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi partisipan, snow ball sampling, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini yakni analisis tentang peristiwa, situasi, dan tindakan komunikati...
Pola Komunikasi Anggota Komunitas Tionghoa Muslim Di Masjid Lautze 2 Bandung
Prosiding Manajemen Komunikasi, 2016
In doing Islamic activities, instilling the values of monotheism is indeed suitable to be performed to those who just convert to Islam. Using more method of dialogue is likely to be suitable in coaching worshipers. By implementing an interpersonal communication, we can see a direct feedback about a particular influence. Interaction in interpersonal communication aims to make changes to the opinions, attitudes and specific actions. This study aims to figure out the pattern of communication done by the members of Muslim Tionghoa community in the activities conducted at Lautze 2 Mosque, Bandung; starting from the communication activity, communication competence, and language varieties. The method of this study is qualitative using the communication ethnography approach. The data collection is done by interview, observation, and literature study. The interview is conducted to the Public Relation of Lautze 2 Mosque, Bandung and some of the mualaf from Tionghoa. The result shows that the communication pattern of Muslim Tionghoa community in Lautze 2 Mosque, Bandung, is the interactive pattern in form of interpersonal communication and and transactions in the form of intercultural communication. In addition, the pattern is performed based on ancestral culture, islamic culture, as well as the economic field.