Bentuk Komunikasi Organisasi Perusahaan Pada Fitur Shopee Paylater Dalam Menetapkan Gaya Konsumtif Kaum Millenial Menurut Prespektif Islam (original) (raw)

Transaksi Kredit Digital (Shopee Paylater) dalam Perspektif Islam

Labatila, 2023

Various digital financial services are currently widely used by the public. Shopee PayLater is a loan service from Shopee for online shopping. This study aims to analyze transactions on Shopee PayLater from an Islamic perspective. This study uses a qualitative approach in describing how digital credit transactions, namely Shopee PayLater, are carried out in the perspective of the Alquran and Hadith. The practice of Shopee PayLater which provides services in the form of money loans using the application of a qardh contract or debt is not in accordance with the fatwa. This is because in practice there are several things that are not in accordance with Islamic law. Meanwhile in the fatwa it has been explained that the use of electronic money must be avoided from transactions that contain elements of ribawi and things that can be detrimental to both parties during a sale and purchase.

Perspektif Ekonomi Islam Terhadap Transaksi Shopee Paylater

Al-Azhar Journal of Islamic Economics

This study discusses an overview of Islamic economics on the use of Shopee Paylater transactions in the city of Makassar. The purpose of this study is to reveal an overview of Islamic economics on the practice of using Shopee Paylater transactions in the city of Makassar. This research is a field research with a qualitative approach method, sourced from primary data and secondary data. The results of the study reveal that Shopee Paylater provided by Shopee aims to benefit from user loans. Electronic loans provided by Shopee to users through the Shopee Paylater feature in terms of the Islamic economy are not justified because this feature draws profits from loan proceeds while Islam forbids taking advantage of loans. Loans provided by Shopee Paylater are usurious and contrary to Islamic economic principles.

Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan Dan Financial Experience Generasi Milenial Terhadap Penggunaan Paylater Pada E-Commerce

EKONOMIKA45 : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi Bisnis, Kewirausahaan

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh literasi keuangan dan Pengalaman Finansial Generasi Milenial terhadap penggunaan PayLater di E-Commerce. 2) Penelitian ini dilakukan pada mahasiswa KSPM (Kelompok Studi Pasar Modal) di 7 Perguruan Tinggi di Kota Palembang. 3) Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner penelitian melalui Google Form. Jumlah populasi 180 dengan sampel 150 responden. 4) Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji t menunjukkan bahwa literasi keuangan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penggunaan PayLater di E-Commerce. 5) Sedangkan Financial Experience tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penggunaan PayLater di E-Commerce. 6) Kemudian hasil analisis uji F (simultan) menunjukkan literasi keuangan dan pengalaman keuangan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap penggunaan PayLater pada E-Commerce di 7 perguruan tinggi Kota Palembang. 7) Bahwa perkembangan era digital memberikan pengalaman finansial bagi mahasiswa untuk mengenal ...

Tinjauan Hukum Islam tentang Transaksi E-Commerce Aplikasi Shopee dengan Metode Paylater

Jurnal Indragiri Penelitian Multidisiplin

Shopee is an application that is engaged in buying and selling online and can be accessed easily by using a smartphone. This application provides various types of payments, one of which is shopee paylater / pay later. Pay Later is a payment method that supports consumers to “buy now, pay later”. With this payment method, consumers are given the opportunity to buy something without having to pay for a certain period of time. In the Islamic view, this paylater transaction is usury.

Fenomena Belanja Online : Kasus Pengguna Fitur Shopee Paylater

Saskara, 2022

Online shopping is a process of buying goods or services from store who sell goods or services via the internet. In this procedure, the goods being traded are offered through displays with pictures on a website or virtual shop. Online shop is one of the impacts of technological developments. The skyrocketing use of online shops and their various features that pamper consumers has created a tendency for people get everything they want or need more practical. This study tries to explore consumption actions carried out by students who use one of the online shop features, namely the Shopee Paylater payment system. The act of consumption becomes a lifestyle and social construction that is packaged in an economic activity. The consumption action taken is also related to rationality which refers to the effectiveness of shopping. Abstrak Belanja online adalah suatu proses pembelian barang atau jasa dari mereka yang menjual barang atau jasa melalui internet. Pada prosedur ini barang yang diperjualbelikan ditawarkan melalui display dengan gambar yang ada di suatu website atau toko maya. Online shop merupakan salah satu dampak dari perkembangan teknologi. Meroketnya penggunaan online shop dan berbagai fiturnya yang memanjakan konsumen, menimbulkan kecenderungan masyarakat yang menginginkan dan mendapatkan segala hal menjadi lebih praktis. Tulisan ini mencoba untuk menggali tindakan konsumsi yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa pengguna salah satu fitur online shop, yaitu menggunakan sistem pembayaran Shopee PayLater. Tindakan konsumsi tersebut menjadi sebuah gaya hidup dan konstruksi sosial yang dikemas dalam sebuah aktivitas ekonomi. Tindakan konsumsi yang dilakukan tersebut juga berkaitan dengan rasionalitas yang merujuk pada efektivitas berbelanja.

Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif, Dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Penggunaan Shopee Paylater Gen Z

Jurnal akuntansi bisnis/Jurnal Akuntansi Bisnis, 2024

Several major online retailers in Indonesia have used financial services that offer online loan facilities as a form of payment. This online loan can change people's lifestyle especially in the Gen Z generation who was born in 1995-2010. The offerings of online loan facilities may attract Gen Z that required understanding in advance technology used. Meanwhile, the majority of Gen Z still do not have an income but they have high-enthusiasm for using paylater that causes them to have high debt to cover their bills. The gen z can use paylater wisely but many of them are overwhelmed in managing pay later payments. Previous studies have investigated the effects of financial literacy, impulsive behavior, and lifestyle on the use of paylater system in Indonesia but neglected the fenomena in the gen z generation. Thus, the purpose of this research is to reexamine the influence of financial literacy, impulsive behavior, and lifestyle on the use of paylater on Gen Z in Indonesia. Using 200 respondents of Gen Z born in Indonesia, the results show that financial literacy and impulsive buying behavior have effects on the use of Shopee Pay Later in Gen Z. Meanwhile, lifestyle has no effect on the use of Shopee Pay Later in Gen Z.

Penggunaan Paylater Pada Praktik Jual Beli Secara Digital Dalam Pandangan Agama Islam

Salah satu indikasi kemajuan teknologi adalah adopsi Paylater, sebuah sistem yang mempermudah pembelanjaan dengan konsep beli sekarang, bayar nanti. Namun, masih ada keraguan di kalangan masyarakat mengenai kepatuhan transaksi ini terhadap prinsip-prinsip Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis praktik penggunaan metode pembayaran tersebut, serta mengevaluasi kompatibilitasnya dengan hukum Islam dalam konteks pemanfaatan pinjaman uang elektronik pada platform belanja online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, di mana penulis menguraikan cara penggunaan uang elektronik Paylater dan kemudian menilainya dari perspektif hukum Islam. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa praktik penggunaan Paylater tidak sepenuhnya sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah, sehingga dianggap tidak diperbolehkan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya beberapa ketentuan yang melibatkan unsur riba, seperti penambahan biaya dan denda atas pembayaran yang tertunda, serta beberapa aspek yang bertentangan dengan Fatwa DSN-MUI No: 116/DSN-MUI/IX/2017. Salah satu aspek tersebut adalah penggunaan uang elektronik tanpa perlu melakukan setoran awal, melainkan dalam bentuk pinjaman dengan batasan tertentu yang tidak dapat ditarik dalam bentuk fisik, dan ada juga unsur riba yang terkandung dalamnya. Untuk menghindari biaya tambahan atau riba, salah satu alternatif yang dapat dipertimbangkan adalah menggunakan akad ijarah sebagai bentuk biaya sewa aplikasi tersebut.

Konsep Paylater Online Shopping dalam Pandangan Ekonomi Islam

Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2021

In today's digital era, the PayLater payment phenomenon has emerged. The main concept of PayLater's payment feature is "buy now, pay later". Buying and selling in this way where the consumer (buyer) buys / takes goods from the seller, then at the end of a certain period that is mutually agreed upon, the total will be paid. This is called buying and selling Istijrar. The scholars have a different opinion, if the price is not known by the buyer when buying / taking goods, and the buyer only knows the price after it has been totaled at the end when they want to make a payment, then buying and selling is prohibited. This is the opinion of jamahir ulama (almost all scholars) from 4 schools of thought. However, buying and selling will be valid and allowed as long as there is a market price (as-Si'rul Mitsl) which is generally accepted. This is one of the opinions of the syafiiyah scholars, one of the narrations in the Hambali school of thought, and the opinion chosen by Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibnul Qoyim. So that Istijar or PayLater is allowed where the price is determined after all buying and selling transactions are carried out relevant to the Islamic economy with certain conditions. The PayLater feature is rapidly gaining popularity due to advances in payment system technology in e-commerce (online shopping). We really need to consider us when we want to take advantage of the convenience of this feature. Besides being easy, PayLater does not require special guarantees, so the PayLater feature is in high demand. However, don't let us as humans become complacent and crazy in using it so that we become consumptive (wasteful) and even go into debt when shopping via online (online shopping). So, the positive side of PayLater also needs to be balanced with an understanding of the potential risks that it can cause. Therefore, before using the PayLater facility, consumers (buyers) must consider their needs and wants according to their abilities.

Bentuk Perseroan Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

Imanensi: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi Islam

This study aims to see the suitability of the form of cooperatives and limited liability companies with the forms of the Company in Islam. Data analysis was carried out by describing the two forms of the Company according to the applicable laws in Indonesia which were then analyzed in the form of the Company according to Islamic economics. The results showed that the two forms of conventional companies were not in accordance with any form of Islamic economic companies, because they did not meet the pillars and requirements of the Company in Islam in full. The results of the study are expected to be formed by the company according to Islam which has an impact on the Indonesian economy of Islamic value. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat kesesuaian bentuk perseroan koperasi dan perseroan terbatas dengan bentuk-bentuk perseroan dalam Islam. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menjabarkan kedua bentuk perseroan menurut undang-undang yang berlaku di Indonesia yang kemudian dianalisis de...

Pengaruh Brand Personality Shopee terhadap Minat Menggunakan Fitur Shopee Pay Later pada Generasi Milenial Surabaya

El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

Marketing communication is all forms of activity to disseminate information and persuade consumers or customers directly or indirectly about an item and brand. SHOPEE made an innovation by launching the latest feature, namely the online loan feature in its application. In this study, the author will continue to examine all millennial generations, both the early and late millennial generations. The type of research used is quantitative. The city of Surabaya was chosen as the research location because the city of Surabaya is the center of the capital and economy in East Java Province. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis techniques to determine the effect of brand personality on purchase intention. The sample in this study was 100 millennial generation respondents from 5 regions in Surabaya. The analysis used was SPSS. Based on the results of research and discussion that Brand Personality has a significant effect on intention to use.