ANALYSIS OF NEWS ITEM TEXT FOUND IN “THE JAKARTA POST” ENTITLED; “Boat People May Be Allowed to Pass RI Waters” (original) (raw)

Types of Modality in News Item is Used in the Texts News in the Jakarta Post Newspaper


This research aimed to find out types of modality and to explain how the most dominant types of modality in news item is used in the texts news in The Jakarta Post newspaper. This research was conducted by using corpus analysis as the appropriate tool to analyze the online written text. The data were taken from the source of Jakarta Post newspaper which published online from the 1st August until 31th December 2019. The sources varied in four themes i.e. politic, education, sports and economic news. As a result, the researcher found 2 types of modality there are modalization and modulation. These types have 2 types of intermediacy on each, probability and usuality for modalization and obligation and inclination for modulation.

Textual analysis of The Jakarta PostNewspaper on sensitive issues in Indonesia


ENGLISH: Nowadays, the discussion about textual analysis especially social representation in the media either printed or online media is apparently moved to the surface as a priority subject for investigating linguistic inquiry. It is caused by textual analysis is not only represented upon the text it self, but also the context such as social representation. The chosen texts or clauses are able to portray the journalist characteristic as a results. The text which is displayed will be the mirror of the readers construction. This study aims at describing how social representaion are used in The Jakarta Post online newspaper using textual analysis to construct readers opinion. The readers, therefore, are able to distinguish and analysis the media by text using Theo van Leeuwen theory on textual analysis. Furthermore, the focus of this study is to serve that constructing people’s opinion as well ways of life is not only through speaking, but also through the ways of writing some news re...

Kinds of Projection in Indonesian News Story and Editorial Texts


Projection is the logico-semantics of quoting and reporting speech or thoughts. The objectives of this research are to investigate the kinds or categories of projection and to derive the dominant kind of projection used in Indonesian news story and editorial texts. This research is conducted by using descriptive qualitative design. The data of this research are clause complexes containing projection in news story and editorial texts of Indonesian-language newspapers. The sources of data are taken from news story and editorial texts of four Indonesian newspaper publications, namely the daily Kompas, Republika, Waspada and Sinar Indonesia Baru (SIB). Each of the newspapers is represented by seven headlines for news story texts and seven leading articles for editorial texts. The data are analyzed by using content analysis technique in which the clause complexes are analyzed and categorized with reference to systemic functional linguistic (SFL) theory about projection. The findings indi...

Textual Function in the Jakarta Post Editorials


This research deals with Theme and Rheme in Editorials texts of The Jakarta Post newspaper. The aims are to find out the optional element dominates the structure of theme in the editorials of The Jakarta Post newspaper and to describe where the optional dominant element occurs. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from three different editions of The Jakarta Post editorials which is publish on January 2014. The findings indicate that conjunction was an element dominantly used in textual theme because there were so many compound clauses and there were two or more clauses in coordination relation or dependency on another. In interpersonal theme, adjunct was an element dominantly used that is means that a prepositional phrase has its own internal structure containing complement within it and preposition is put at first position of a clause which is called Theme. Conjunction and adjunct were dominantly used when the editors tells th...

The Analysis of Interpersonal Meaning (MOOD), Ideational Meaning (TRANSITIVITY) and Textual Meaning (THEME) of News Item Text Entitled “Nikita Mirzani: I`m Not a Prostitute”

Wiralodra English Journal

Today, media has become primary needs as food and clothing. It has played significant role in strengthening the society that is as a "mirror" of the modern society. It’s used not only to inform people about current, new affairs and what is happening around them and the world but also to form opinions and make judgments regarding various issues. Cohen, (1963); McCombs & Shaw, (1972) stated that when mass media emphasize a topic, the audience/public receiving the message will consider this topic to be important. However, systemic functional grammar is concerned primarily with the grammar choices makes available to speakers and writers. These choices relate speakers' and writers' intentions to the concrete forms of a language. This study is attempt to investigate the interpersonal meaning (mood), ideational meaning (transitivity) and textual meaning (theme) of news item text entitled “Nikita Mirzani: I`m Not a Prostitute”.The news becomes very interesting for some peo...

A Stylistic Analysis of Figures of Speech in the Jakarta Post Headlines Under the Issue of KPK vs. Polri


This research is aimed at identifying the types and functions of figures of speech in The Jakarta Post selected headlines under the issue of KPK vs. Polri . The study of stylistics is employed since this research investigates language and style which can be seen in figurative language through figures of speech in the objects of study. This research applied descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research were taken from The Jakarta Post official website. The forms of the data are the sentences in The Jakarta Post selected headlines under the issue of KPK vs. Polri which contain figures of speech. In the research, inductive analysis method was used in the analysis of data. Triangulation was used to establish the reliability of the data and to ensure the findings, so that it can enhance trustworthiness. The results of this research are as follows. (1) There are only six of twelve types of figures of speech found based on Perrine’s theory, i.e. metaphor, simile, apostrophe, sy...

Ideational Grammatical Metaphors in Editorials Texts of the Jakarta Post Newspaper


This study was investigated the realization of ideational grammatical metaphors in editorials of The Jakarta Post Newspaper. The objectives of this study were to identify the types of ideational grammatical metaphor are found in editorials texts of, to describe how the ideational grammatical metaphor lingustically realized in the editorials text, and to explain the reasons for the used of ideational grammatical metaphors. This study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative research. The sourceof data were editorials of The Jakarta Post newspaper, published on, which containing of six editorials written in January 2015 episode. The data were the texts containing of ideational grammatical metaphors. The data were analyzed based on the Sistemic Functional Language approach. The result showed that there were four types of ideational grammatical metaphor, namely adjective =>noun, verb =>noun, verb =>adjective, adverb =>adj...


Naisyah, Atiqah. Registration Number: 082222810003. The Process in Editorial of The Jakarta Post. A Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan. 2012. This research was conducted to discover the types of the Process, the most dominant types of Process, and the implication of the dominant process in editorial of The Jakarta Post on the political topics. It was a descriptive qualitative design. The analysis was based on ten editions of The Jakarta Post during January 2012 till March 2012 and there were 402 processes in 402 clauses. The findings show that only five types of Process occurred, namely Material Process (62.18%) from 250 clauses, Relational Process (26.86%) from 108 clauses, Verbal Process (5.72%) from 23 clauses, Mental Process (3.23%) from 13 clauses, and Existential Process (1.99%) from 8 clauses. Material Process was the dominant one because it indicated activities or events that happen in the outside world of human being. Furthermore, for the editorial of The Jakarta Post presented a report of an action, so the physical or action verbs are mostly used as the representation of the physical experience of human being.

An Analysis of Speech Acts on Headlines Medan Newspaper


This research entitled "An Analysis of Speech Acts on Headlines Medan Newspaper”. The object of this research focused on sentences containing speech acts on the headlines of Waspada Newspaper edited from May-July 2020. The purposes of this study were to determine the speech acts types and the pragmatic function of speech acts found on the headlines of the newspaper. The research model used was qualitative research. The results showed that the locution speech acts was found more than 1,520 (53%) on the headlines set on the Waspada newspaper edited from May-July 2020. The locution speech acts were mostly located because the speech acts stated something without having any purpose. The most common pragmatic function of the speech acts was a function representative with a total of 1,030 (36.4%). The function was broadly applied because newspapers were printed messages in order to convey information about the truth, therefore on the headline Waspada newspaper edited on May-July 2020,...

Theme-Rheme Analysis on the Jakarta Post Newspaper: Interpolations, Preposed Attributive, and Reported Clause


This research focused on Theme and Rheme analysis, interpolations in Theme, preposed attributive, and Theme in reported clause. Theme and Rheme are concerned with organization within the clauses in a text. Theme is the beginning point of message and the Rheme explains more about the message from the Theme of the clauses. The aim of this research was to determine the type of Theme and Rheme. This research used qualitative method. The unit of the analysis of this research will be focused on every clause in the editorial on The Jakarta Post newspaper May 12nd 2019 edition entitled “ Handmade Boyolali sarong an Idul Fitri Tradition ” . The steps in analyzing the data were; segmenting the sentences into clauses, identifying the Theme and Rheme for each clause, determining the type of Theme and Rheme for each clause, and drawing conclusion. The result analysis found that there were three types of theme that were used namely Ideational/Topical, Textual and Interpersonal. The most dominant ...