Studi Tentang Peluang Dan Tantangan Layanan Kriptografi Berbasis Cloud (original) (raw)

Perbandingan Data Warehouse Cloud Computing Menggunakan Konvensional Berbasis Kriptografi


Penelitian ini melakukan analisa perbandingan data warehouse cloud computing dengan data warehouse konvensional yang pada umumnya semua data yang tersimpan pada data warehouse tersebut harus dilindungi dengan menggunakan protokol kriptografi dengan algoritma yang paling aman. Sehingga data yang tersimpan pada warehouse tersimpan dengan aman dan terkontrol. Selain itu, setiap jenis usaha perlu menjabarkan kebutuhannya dalam memilih penyimpanan data sentralisasi, desentralisasi, atau kedua cara penyimpanan serta pertimbangkan efektifitas dan efisiensi bagi perusahaan memilih cloud atau konvensional. Keterkaitan antara data warehouse dan kriptografi ini akan menunjukan kehandalan dari suatu sistem dalam menjaga kode rahasia antara pihak terkait. Kata Kunci : Data, Sistem Informasi, Teknologi Informasi, Data Warehouse, Cloud Computing, Kriptografi, Algoritma

Penerapan Kriptografi Pada Rest Api Web Service Studi Kasus Kafa Photography

Jurnal Komputasi

High business competition forces businesses to adapt to the needs of increasingly complex information systems. One of the market demands is the ease of conducting transactions that are mobile but still integrated with the company's overall information system. This challenge is also faced by a small business Kafa Photography engaged in the field of photography services for public. This business requires a data access system that is secure and supports multiple interfaces. Utilizing REST web service technology that can be used as a communication bridge between different access technologies can help the intended system integration. To improve the security of business process related information, it is necessary to add a cryptographic data mechanism. This research will develop a middleware utilizing the viginere cipher cryptographic method on REST-based web service services for the Kafa Photography business venture. The results of research in the form of web service architecture which are used as connectors between different applications, namely web and mobile that support business processes. To test the functionality and compatibility of the outcome, researcher use the Postman application tool and the prototype of mobile and web applications. The effectiveness and efficiency of derivative applications that use web services to improve services for Kafa Photography customers are not measured in this study.

Resiko Implementasi Cloud Computing Dan Penanganannya Dalam Mendukung Riset Kelautan Dan Perikanan

Jurnal Pari

Riset adalah proses mengumpulkan, menganalisis, dan menerjemahkan informasi atau data secara sistematis untuk menambah pemahaman kita terhadap suatu fenomena tertentu yangmenarik perhatian kita. FORMAL RESEARCH yaitu riset yang ditujukan untuk menambah pemahaman kita terhadap suatu fenomena dan untuk dikomunikasikan kepada komunitas (dipublikasikan) melalui media internet (online) dengan menggunakan teknologi cloud Computing.Menggunakan Cloud Computing harus diperhatikan keamanan data agar pengguna memiliki kepercayaan dalam menggunakannya. Pengembangan cloud computing akan mengarah padaberkembangnya suatu teknologi pengiring cloud computing yaitu suatu bentuk teknologi yang dapat menjamin keamanan data. Selain itu, perkembangan cloud computing ini selanjutnya akanmemasuki tahap integrasi antar berbagai provider dengan mengedepankan prinsip interoperabilitas.Research is the process of collecting, analyzing, and systematically translating information or data to increase our understan...

Analisis Keamanan Data Cloud Computing

Abstrak Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan sebagai media berbagi informasi tentang resiko keamanan data pada Teknologi Cloud Computing serta cara mengantisipasi keamanan data pada cloud computing. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan studi literatur yaitu dengan melakukan penelusuran data baik melalui buku, jurnal maupun media internet. Hadirnya cloud computing dianggap sebagai resolusi yang sangat menjanjikan di masa yang akan datang dalam teknologi media penyimpanan (secondary storage), sebab teknologi cloud computing memiliki banyak kelebihan dibanding media penyimpanan tradisional. Diantara kelebihan yang ditawarkan oleh cloud computing, terdapat beberapa kelemahan serta resiko yang harus diperhitungkan misalnya tentang keamanan dan privacy data yang rentan terhadap serangan oleh cracker serta hilangnya data user secara permanen. Tetapi ancaman tersebut dapat diminimalisir dengan melakukan antisipasi sedini mungkin contohnya dengan memilih provider cloud yang terpercaya, melakukan backup data secara secara berkala, serta menggunakan antivirus.

Implementasi Kriptografi Menggunakan Metode Blowfish Dan BASE64 Untuk Mengamankan Database Informasi Akademik Pada Kampus Akademi Telekomunikasi Bogor Berbasis Web-Based

Jurnal E-Komtek (Elektro-Komputer-Teknik)

Data is a very authentic evidence that need to be saved because the data are at risk of data changes by the party who wanted to misuse the data or no effect on the data. Therefore, so that no unauthorized person to change the existing data, stored or can take the data that is very important, we need a method to be able to secure and keep data. The database is used to keep data and information. The whole system stores the data in the database, so that the contents of stored data security and confidentiality must be maintained. To maintain the security of a security that is required cryptography. With the use of databases that are in can be connected to each other, Database is not just a place to store data,Computer security system is needed at this time in line with the increase use of computers in the world. So existing data security has become seriously threatened to be accessed by people who are not responsible. Computer security becomes very important at this time because it is r...

Pengembangan Sistem E-Learning Berbasis Layanan Cloud Computing

E-learning berarti pembelajaran yang menggunakan jasa bantuan elektronika, khususnya perangkat komputer. Sistem e-learning ini menawarkan kemudahan dalam proses belajar mengajar, terutama dalam memberikan materi-materi mata pelajaran di sekolah.Mungkin bagi berapa orang sudah mengetahui manfaat adanya elearning, mereka merasakan pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan efisien.Tapi masih ada yang belum merasakannya, karena beberapa masalah, diantaranya: (a) Minimnya sumber daya manusia terutama sekolah untuk membangun aplikasi elearning; (b) Minimnya dana bagi sekolah untuk membeli berbagai infrastruktur untuk mendukung aplikasi e-learning yang dibangun.Dengan melihat masalah tersebut maka terciptalah inovasi baru yaitu dengan menerapkan konsep cloud computing sebagai layanan software as a service (SaaS) yang menyediakan apilikasi yang sudah jadi dan pihak sekolah cukup memakainya saja. Dengan pemodelan perangkat lunak yang digunakan adalah model terstruktur penyimpanan infrastruktur cloud computing menggunakan Virtual Private Server (VPS). Dimana nantinya sekolah dapat memanfaatkan sumber daya perangkat lunak dengan system elearning yang disediakan.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dengan konsep cloud computing, sistem ini dinilai sudah cukup baik yaitu sudah dapat mengoptimalkan biaya operasional sekolah yang ingin memiliki website e-learning.

Analisis dan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Cloud Computing

Efisiensi dalam penggunaan cloud computing menjadi alasan mendasar pengguna memanfaatkan teknologi cloud computing. Penelitian ini melakukan analisis dan membangun infrastruktur cloud computing pada studi kasus di sektor pendidikan. Infrastruktur yang dibangun adalah layanan Server as a Service yang ditujukan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan kegiatan praktikum siswa.

Teknik Elektro ( Asik-Jpte ) Berbasis Cloud Computing


The Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Makassar State University (JPTE FT UNM) is one of the majors with the largest number of students. However, it is not directly proportional to the number of education personnel involved, the number of teaching staff which reaches 50 people is only managed by one to two contract staff. The impact of this makes student data management not handled properly. The factor of negligence is the main cause of student data not being recorded properly, and student data not being traceable, making it difficult to measure the success of the vision and mission of Study Programs and Faculties. An integrated student and correspondence management solution is needed so that it can be effective in academic services and help policymakers obtain accurate and precise information in reflecting on work programs, namely by building SIJUPE (JPTE Integrated Academic Information System). This study aims to produce an integrated JPTE acad...

Systematic Literature Review: Permasalahan Ransomware pada Aplikasi Berbasis Cloud


Ransomware has created questions on the security aspects of a cloud architcture, especially with cloud services being adopted by more enterprises. Ransomware encrypts data and makes it inaccessible. Victims are given instructions to pay the attacker a fee in exchange for having their data accessible again. Ransomware has organizations and is increasingly targeting applications running on databases. To prevent this problem, this study uses the Systematic Literature Review method to provide information about ransomware problems in cloud-based applications, as well as ransomware prevention in cloud-based applications and its challenges including the differences in effectiveness for each type of ransomware and the strategies that do not apply to server-side attacks. The research review shows that backup and recovery is a key defense strategy against ransomware. Ransomware protection, applications, and databases require the right strategy, including reliable recovery. This research is us...

Simulasi Analisis Bukti Digital Pada Layanan Cloud Computing Menggunakan Metode NIST 800-86


Ease and support for cloud-based data storage It has supported an increase in the number of cloud services. The increasing number of uses for cloud services also increases the number of digital-based criminal actions related to the addition of facilities to cloud services. The cloud service feature designed to store data to support the smooth running of business processes can be misused by criminal assistance to store crime data. Accurate digital evidence is one way to prove a digital crime, which can then be used as supporting evidence in the trial. This study discusses the analysis of digital evidence from a cloud service. The analysis process using the NIST 800-86 method is carried out on digital evidence from 5 previously prepared scenarios related to the use of cloud service features that use being misused. Data acquisition techniques use the method of direct acquisition and physical imaging to obtain digital evidence. The experimental results showed that after scenario 1 and s...