Sistem Informasi Geografis Guna Pemetaan Data Kejadian Penyakit Untuk Keperluan Surveilans Dan Kewaspadaan Dini DI Wilayah Kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Semarang (original) (raw)
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One of surveillance quality is the data should be usefull for prevention and disease control as wellas detecting pattern or trend. This only can be done if the data have analyzed. Map is one of dataanalyzing which is important to draw disease distribution. In this training, Primarly health caresurveillance officer are expected to know and able to make simple map with GeospatialInformation System (GIS) software. This activity is software using training using free software epiinfo version 7.2 by CDC where previously the participants have given brief material about GIS inthe field of health. Observation was conduct to see if there are increasing of skill for makingdigital map. The participants also given a modul to help them re-learning after completion of theactivity. Based on the observation during training, participant looked enthusiastic and active inasking questions. For observation results, it showed increasing 100% of skill for creating mapswhereareas berfore workshop there are ...
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Sistem Informasi Geografis atau Geographic Information System (GIS) merupakan suatu teknologi mengenai geografis yang berkembang cepat. Saat ini telah dikenal istilah istilah Desktop GIS, WebGIS, dan Database Spatial yang merupakan wujud perkembangan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk memberikan solusi atas berbagai permasalahan yang hanya dapat dijawab dengan teknologi GIS ini. Sistem ini akan membahas tentang Informasi sebaran tenaga kesehatan yang ada di puskesmas untuk wilayah Kabupaten Probolinggo dengan mengambil data dari Kantor Dinas Kesehatan, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Aplikasi (GIS) ini nantinya dibuat dengan menggunakan aplikasi QuantumGIS, PostgreSQL/PostGIS dan MS4W. Sedangkan bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan adalah PHP, HTML, Javascript, dan CSS. Dengan adanya Aplikasi ini diharapkan pengguna menjadi lebih mudah dalam mendapatkan informasi mengenai sebaran tenaga kesehatan yang berada di Puskesmas wilayah Kabupaten Probolinggo.
System as an early awareness support of Extraordinary Occurrence (KLB) in Health Department of Semarang city. To able to conducting preventing action and disease eradication needed an activity representing fast action to extraordinary occurrence (KLB) that is through the activity of KLB awareness. One of data source on KLB early awareness is surveillance epidemiology. Surveillance epidemiology includes epidemiology data gathering, processing, analyzing and interpreting from the W2 Report of Hospital and Clinic. Surveillance Epidemiology activity need data and complete, accurate an updated epidemiology information dan accessibility to result an information of KLB disease. This information will be used to KLB early awareness and become a base to determining Local Regional Determination (PWS). The problem of epidemiology surveillance system in Health Department in Semarang city that is the information from W2 report is not complete, not accurate, not updated and there is no database, resulting difficulty in re-gathering the data and information of epidemiology surveillance. The aim of this research is conducting a Epidemiology Surveillance Information System for KLB disease that can give amenity and complete information to support early awareness of KLB disease. The research type is quantitative research with the quasi experiment research model. The subject of research is program manager in Sub-Department of Disease Prevention and Eradication in Health Department of Semarang City. Data gathered by observation and interview. The Development of Surveillance Epidemiology Information System conducted with FAST (Framework for The Application of System Technique) system obtained the result as follow the situation before surveillance information system developed, record-keeping conducted by semi-manual using excel program, not yet using special software, information presented not yet shows the disease distribution according to sub-district, according to patient occupation, not yet shown the KLB work criteria, not yet shown the mapping disease incident. After the development of information system conducted, the epidemiology informasi resulted more complete including epidemiology according to person, place and time also KLB criteria can be presented in detail and mapping of KLB also can be presented. Report resulted in form of map, graph, and histogram that able to support the activity of KLB awareness. The information evaluation result of Epidemiology Surveillance Information System resulting a value of p=0.028 that means there are a difference between quality before and after the developed system. In order to enhancing the optimal Epidemiology Surveillance Information System needs responsibility human resource support to manage the database and commitment from all of Surveillance Epidemiology manager party. The limitation that exists is mapping not yet shows the map of district and clinic.
Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Klinik Bersalin Berbasis Web Gis (Studi Kasus: Kab. Pesawaran)
Di Kabupaten Pesawaran pada saat ini belum menggunakan teknologi Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk pemetaan Klinik Bersalin yang ada di kabupaten pesawaran, sehingga itu menjadi salah satu kendala masyarakat untuk menemukan tempat bersalin yang baik. Adapun kondisi klinik bersalin yang ada di kabupaten Pesawaran saat ini sudah cukup baik, mulai dari bidan, perawat dan fasilitas lainnya. Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Klinik Bersalin di Kabupaten Pesawaran Berbasis Web GIS merupakan alat bantu untuk menyampaikan informasi penyebaran fasilitas kesehatan meliputi puskesmas, dan bidan praktek swasta (BPS) yang menyediakan layanan persalinan. Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan Google Map Api, PHP, dan MySQL sedangkan metode perencanaan sistem dengan pendekatan fungsional digambarkan dengan menggunakan UML (Unified Modelling Language). Dengan adanya Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Klinik Bersalin di Kabupaten Pesawaran Berbasis Web GIS masyarakat lebih mudah mencari inform...
The research was conducted to develop the information system model on nutrition status of child monitoring based on geographical information system (GIS) to support the plan of increasing the nutrition improvement at the District Health Office, Sukoharjo Regency. This descriptive research was carried out by implementing interview to subjects who were involved in the activity of the monitoring. Observation was also performed to two objects, namely the structure and the procedure of information.