Manajemen Inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah 01 dan 07 Kabupaten Cilacap Tahun 2017 (original) (raw)

Inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam

Jurnal Mu’allim

This research is motivated by the current condition of Islamic religious education in Indonesia, which is still experiencing problems in various aspects and efforts to improve it have not been carried out in a basic way, seeming improvised. The government's attention to Islamic education is very small, on the other hand the government expects the people to have a socialist and religious spirit. It can be said that Islamic education in Indonesia occupies a "second class" in a Muslim-majority society. Social change is essentially a part of cultural change. Aspects of culture are art, science, knowledge, technology, philosophy. Ibn Khaldun said in his muqodimah there is no human society that does not change, meaning that the work of stopping the course of change is an impossible job. In social change, an in-depth philosophical study is needed to produce values ​​that can bring more benefits to society, to realize the values ​​contained in philosophy can be pursued in vari...

Inovasi Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam DI Man 1 Mojokerto

Tarbiyah Islamiyah: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Agama Islam

Curriculum development is very important to make it easier to achieve learning objectives. The PAI curriculum in madrasas (MI, MTs, MA) is currently still separate between each PAI subject (Qur'an Hadith, Fiqh, Aqidah, SKI) yet there is no complete integration into the main themes. Innovation in curriculum development really needs to be held, so that it doesn't just revolve around the same method, media but has its own value. This study aims to determine the innovation of Islamic religious education curriculum development at MAN 1 Mojokerto. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this study are observation and documentation. To innovate the PAI curriculum in madrasas, there are three perspectives that can be used as references, namely subject matter design, disciplines design, and broad filed design. One component of curriculum development is a strategy that includes methods. There are several learning methods, namely discussion methods, case studies, demonstrations and experiments, role playing, question and answer. We have encountered innovations in the development of Islamic education curriculum in Madrasahs using Subject Centered Design but have weaknesses that make the curriculum not getting better but more and more problems. One solution that can be used is the construction of the Madrasah's Collaborative Curriculum curriculum used at MAN 1 Mojokerto.

Inovasi Pembelajaran Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah

Jurnal Basicedu, 2024

Mata pelajaran Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan merupakan penciri khas untuk membangun keunggulan sekolahsekolah Muhammadiyah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi inovasi pembelajaran Al Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di SD Muhammadiyah Suronatan Yogyakarta. Peneliti menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dengan mengumpulkan data penelitian melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan tahapan reduksi data, display data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa inovasi pembelajaran Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan di SD Muhammadiyah Suronatan meliputi enam jenis inovasi yaitu inovasi konten pembelajaran, inovasi metode pembelajaran, inovasi media pembelajaran, inovasi pengelolaan pembelajaran, inovasi peran guru, dan inovasi strategi pembelajaran. Inovasi konten pembelajaran meliputi mengemas materi melalui resume dan powerpoint. Inovasi metode pembelajaran meliputi metode berkelompok dan permainan. Inovasi media pembelajaran meliputi penggunaan video interaktif dan powerpoint. Inovasi pengelolaan pembelajaran meliputi pemanfaatan fasilitas sekolah dan penempatan tempat duduk. Inovasi strategi meliputi pemberian apresiasi dan sanksi. Inovasi peran guru meliputi peningkatan kualitas guru melalui pelatihan serta sharing dengan sesama guru. Temuan penelitian ini menekankan tentang pentingnya inovasi di berbagai komponen pembelajaran al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan agar pembelajaran dapat berjalan efektif.

Inovasi Pembaharuan Pendidikan Muhammadiyah

Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Muhammadiyah is the second largest organization in Indonesia, tajdid (modernization) is one of Muhammadiyah's identities. The fields handled by Muhammadiyah are very broad, one of which is education which is the most important program in this organization, so Muhammadiyah is known as a successful organization in developing education in Indonesia, especially development at the school to university level. Muhammadiyah has a special field in managing schools from the elementary to high school levels, managed by the Educational Education Council, and for higher education, it is managed by the Research and Development Higher Education Council. Efforts to understand the ideas and idea of the founders or early generations of this movement can be seen in Islamic thought which is summarized in Islamic philosophy. In pursuing this effort, there are at least three important ideas from the founding generation in compiling the Educational Philosophy of Muhammadiyah, First, Kiai Dahlan's speech at the 1922 Muhammadiyah Congress entitled the unity of human life. Second, Praedvies HB Muhammadiyah at the Great Islamic Congress of Cirebon 1921 which stated that Muslims have a learning character. Third, the 46th Muhammadiyah Congress in Yogyakarta on the Revitalization of Muhammadiyah Education, in chapter II related to the formulation of the educational philosophy of Muhammadiyah. Educational updates are continuously carried out, for example in improving the quality of institutions, human resources, and curriculum.

Karakteristik Inovasi Pendidikan DI Perguan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam

Al-Ulum Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian ke Islaman, 2016

Perkembangan pendidikan, seperti halnya didunia pendidikan Islam, maka tidak bisa terlepas dari yang namanya pembaharuan atau istilah lainnya Inovasi untuk mencapai kearah yang lebih baik, oleh sebab itu, kegiatan Inovasi pendidikan di dunia pendidikan Islam ini perlu dilakukan dan dikembangkan untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah yang ada dan berkembang di dunia kependidikan. Oleh sebab itu, keberadaan kegiatan inovasi pendidikan ini merupakan suatu ide baru, yang dirasakan sebagai hal yang baru bagi individu ataupun kelompok orang yang kompeten dalam bidang dan dunia pendidikan, inovasi pendidikan yang dilakukan tersebut baik berupa hasil inversi atau discoveri, yang dirancang dan digunakan untuk mencapai suatu tujuan pendidikan atau untuk memecahkan masalah dalam dunia pendidikan. Namun dalam konteks pendidikan, Inovasi dapat berjalan dengan baik dan akan menghasilkan suatu hal yang positif dan lebih baik, jika para praktisi pendidikan memahami beberapa karakteristik dari Inovasi pendidikan tersebut, karena hal itu merupakan sifat yang melekat pada diri Inovasi pendidikan itu sendiri. Berbagai model Inovasi Pendidikan dapat Invention, Development, Diffusion dan lain sebagainya.Sedangkan karakteristik inovasi pendidikan dapat berupa Relative advantage, Compatibility, Testability, Observability, Complexity, dan lain sebagainya.

Inovasi Kurikulum Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam

El Hikmah, 2013

The Minister of national education and The Minister of religious affair have decreed that the teacher must have a certain academic qualification and competencies, and teacher certification if he/she wants to become a professional teacher. Beside that, the academic competencies of teacher and its certification have to appropriate with the competencies standard of curriculum in the school. So, the institution of educational manpower education in the Islamic higher education (IHE) has to be able to realize the policies by conducting the curriculum innovation based on the policies of education and the needs of stake holders and the religious character of IHE. There are seven model of innovation can be used (i) incremental, (ii) radical, (iii) modular, (iv) architectural, (v) top-down model, (vi) bottom-up model, and (vii) model of N-3; niteni, niroake and nambahake. The process of innovation include; (i) recognizing a problem or need, (ii) research, (iii) development, (iv) commercialization, (v) deffusion and adoption, dan (vi) conceguences. The approaches of curriculum innovation are (i) produktive, (ii) humanistic, (iii) democration, (iv) clasic, (v) romantic, and (vi) modern. The strategies in curriculum innovation are the rational-Empirical Strategy, the normal-Reeducative Strategy, and the Power-Coercive Strategy.

Efektivitas Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Dan Budi Pekerti Dalam Memenuhi Ketercapaian Kurikulum Masa Pandemi Covid 19 DI SDN Pulojaya 1 Kecamatan Lemahabang Kabupaten Karawang


The research focused on the effectiveness of PAI learning and character in fulfilling the Covid 19 curriculum at SDN Pulojaya 1, Lemahabang District, Karawang Regency, West Java. The purpose of the research is to find out the Islamic Religious Education Curriculum and Character Education during the COVID-19 emergency, namely a curriculum that adapts to the emergency curriculum, compiled as a guideline for organizing learning activities during a pandemic emergency to achieve educational goals taking into account the existing situation and conditions Supporting factors and Inhibiting factors. The method used is the research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. through The research method used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. through interviews, observations and documentation studies. Data comes from interview scripts, field notes, photos, videos, tapes, personal documents, notes or memos, and other official documents through primary and secondary data. Th...

Transformasi dan Inovasi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

MANAGERIA: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2017

In this era of global reform, a renewal and improvement of the quality of society is necessary in order to ensure decent changes, both in terms of education, social and cultural rights. The changes as a result of the development of science and technology is rapidly increasing, which in turn forms the characteristic of competitive environment. So there is no place in society without competition. Competition is the principle of a new life, because it is the condition for the better world. Transformation and innovation is urgently needed nowadays. Hence, it will bring significant changes as well as reform in Islamic education management.

Implementasi Keterampilan Mengadakan Variasi Pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam DI Sma Pgri 04 Gandrungmangu Cilacap


Guru sebagai pengajar yang menyampaikan ilmu harus kreatif didalam menciptakan suasana belajar mengajar di dalam kelas. Ada beberapa keterampilan dasar mengajar yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang guru dalam upayanya untuk mengadakan suatu pembelajaran yang efektif, menyenangkan, dan lebih mampu mengelola kelasnya sehingga pembelajaran berada pada tingkat optimal. Diantara keterampilan dasar mengajar yang penting dimiliki oleh seorang guru salah satunya adalah keterampilan dalam mengadakan variasi, dimana variasi sendiri adalah perubahan dalam proses kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik, serta untuk mengurangi kejenuhan dan kebosanan. Dengan harapan bervariasinya proses pembelajaran yang diberikan akan membawa cakrawala kecerahan bagi peserta didik di lapangan. Pengadaan variasi pada pembelajaran PAI di SMA PGRI 04 Gandrungmangu Cilacap menunjukan bahwa siswa dapat menguasai materi pada mata pelajaran PAI sehingga hasil yang dicapai dapat maksimal. ...

Konsep Inovasi Menurut Pandangan Guru Inovatif Pendidikan Islam

ATTARBAWIY: Malaysian Online Journal of Education

An understanding of the concept of innovation can be a catalyst for innovation among teachers. The study of innovation’s understanding was conducted on two Innovative Teachers of Islamic Education (GIPI). Interviews are conducted thoroughly and semi-structured. The findings are divided into three themes, namely; concepts of innovation in Islam, elements of innovation and forms of innovation. From the point of view of innovation in Islam, GIPI acknowledges the perfection of Allah as an Innovator. In terms of innovation elements, there are two elements discussed, namely; adaptations and combinations. In terms of the forms of innovation, there are four sub-themes; teaching techniques, Teaching Aids (BBM), programs and not necessarily, ICT. This study has direct implications for Islamic Education Teachers (GPI) for them to understand the concept of innovation and to be involved in the production of Islamic Education innovation. Abstrak Pemahaman tentang konsep inovasi mampu menjadi pema...